General Discussion

General Discussionwhich is more respectable.

which is more respectable. in General Discussion

    having 56-57% win rate in hs and vhs or having 65% + win rate in normal
    because im considering going back to grinding my solo .
    edit : i mean having those percentages as all time and distributed over all of my matches

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Higher MMR with lower winrate is much more respectable.


        65% winrate in normal skill causes suspition and not respect. Due to how the MM system is designed, u r not likely to get such a winrate unless you abuse the system (mb unconciously by accidently fucking up the calibration games), or are literally a unique one-out-of-a-billion genius.


          with 65% in normal skill you will climb in high skill in no time so it doesnt make sense

          Dire Wolf

            win wate doesn't mean anything except that you are not properly ranked yet. So when you finally hit the right mmr at 50% then depending on that mmr is the respect I guess (though it's just a game so I use respect loosely lol, not like I respect someone 4500 more than 3k, both still scrubs compared to pros).

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              ^ as a HS player you should respect 4.5k player.

              Dire Wolf

                I admit they are better at dota than me and generally listen to their dota advice. I do not consider their dota opinions irrefutable or consider them god's gift to the gaming community which is what many of them think they are.

                Being pro is impressive, being 4500 mmr isn't that impressive.


                  pls tripoolsteal


                    whats up


                      do u want me to flame them both or smthng


                        Making fake account at 500 mmr and hey, u then grinding noobs with 999% winrate

                        I tell you what

                          I tell you what, I respect anyone who deserves it. Uh huh. I don't respect anyone who doesn't deserve it, I tell you what. Mmr and win rates are just numbers. It's the people and the way they conduct themselves that deserve respect or don't. I tell you what, uh huh.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            How about not playing Sniper?