General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for noob invoker

Tips for noob invoker in General Discussion

    I consider myself a horrible invoker player, but not in the sense that i can't use the spells, I actually kinda getting the grip of it, using right invocations in right situations and that fast as well. But the one time I played him i just seemed to be useless mid against silencer cause I couldn't lasthit against him with QW, when he spammed his W and gets about same damage with an equally horrible attack animation. So I thought if QE Invoker is better for noobs cause you can go for necrobook with coldsnap and spirits for kills and the oneshot build, also lasthitting gets rly easy with 3 levels in exort. Your opinion on which build to go for on invoker?


      wanna pvp on invokers? 4Head


        You should spam him for many games and you will get a lot better with him. That's how you get better with any hero xd ofc go for QE build.

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          ^k thanks

          Mr. Furryhentai

            ye spam the OP heroes
            so original

            Pale Mannie

              Harass enemy and lasthit with triple exort
              free perma tango with triple quas
              for picking up rune do triple wex


                Sunstrike is the only good skill. Everything else is bad. Use Sunstrike to secure kills globally.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  Just play Riki and don't worry about invoking stuff when you can stealth assassinate))

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                    ^ This guy

                    Pale Mannie

                      ^^top kek