General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf account

Smurf account in General Discussion

    What's the difference in matchmaking if u choose never played dota vs played dota .Is it possible account is "cursed" 80% of time matched with total fresh men who doesn't know basic like sniper lvl 8 brown boots and gloves.viper mask brown boots and stick lvl 9 in one line one account I played have under 40% win rate mostly freaks 1-15 in games whatever u try to do u can not win alone. when other one70%+mostly play mid and wins .


      Alters your starting MMR. If you want a low skill smurf you have to say you've never played dota before, then in the first few games you have to play terribly so you don't trigger smurf detection. If you trigger smurf detection by stomping the new people they'll bump you up to playing against 2ker, and then again to 3k etc. Most of the SEA smurfs on these forums are from 2k players who play like 2k players and then complain they aren't being put in 'high skill' ie 3.2k+ matches. I say, why bother with that, the funniest matches are the games against new players. Eg you don't get to make clips like this from games against highly skilled players:


        why create a new account just to mess up the games of new players?