General Discussion


Meat Spinner

    When to do it ? When to not ? I love watching w33 and vurtunes invoker ! They always go for hand of midas ! Even if they have no items upto 13-14 mins ! plz any hand of midas regular farmer or having knwldg abt it can tell me ?


      Because levels are important for QE or E Invokers.

      Uhm, I recommend against it unless for very specific heroes and it's situational even on those heroes. You have to remember, those vids you watched are high mmr games where people know the shit they're doing.

      Try rushing midas everygame in 2-4k, you'll realize teammates will flame you for getting it late or not ganking or your entire team gets shat on because you have no early influence.

      Etc, etc.

      Some people say get it when you have a good start. IMO, at lower mmr getting early items lets you punish the enemy more.


        Purchase Midas only if you 100% sure that you will not die with it. Otherwise you just help your enemies to farm faster.

        Visita Hari Danta

          Do it when: your hero is really lvl dependent(like invoker), your hero is really slow farming, and u can't get to many kills with him,you're with a support who really can't farm and is an item dependent(like AA who needs scepter and at the same time need to buy wards,sentrys smoke etc), and when you're really ez farming ,cuz bonus gold and XP is really helpfull.
          Don't do it when: you're HC free farming and get midas after 8~9 minutes, you need to core other item like magina who really need to rush bf do get a lot of farm,after 15 minutes if you're a support.
          I hope that help you :D

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          Mr. Furryhentai

            always go midas


              Its really good for exp tho...but if u can get in under 9 mins its fine :)
              If someone starts flaming simply mute that piece of shit.

              P.S Wheres my VHS account? :P

              Putins Price Hike

                its good when u are playing for late game as a bad farming hero. Like AA, Undying


                  you get it on heroes that don't farm fast and/or don't have much time to farm in between fights e.g. puck, chaos knight or heroes that benefit from accelerating their level gain e.g. invoker

                  you don't want to get it on hard carries that spend lots of time farming, because you'd get more farm from something like madness, yasha or maybe dominator because you don't have to go back to base with lifesteal and with yasha you move faster and attack quicker.


                    You buy it whenever you hate your team.

                    If you really hate them you should buy two


                      Can your hero not farm?
                      Do you need a early levels and stat gain?
                      If the answer to both questions are yes, buy Midas.

                      Meat Spinner

                        @pain dude i told u how to be vhs xD

                        [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                          Don't get it if either team can do an early push


                            Its not easy as u say hahahhaha
                            well can u make one? :/


                              Use Midas on big neutral creeps