General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve DoTA

How to improve DoTA in General Discussion
Mid or Feed: your choice

    HI guys! I have some serious suggestions on the way to make the DoTA experience enjoyable always and not make people feel like frustrated and depressed which happens frequently.

    1. Surrender option, a button, which if all 5 players in a team accept should surrender the game after say 15 mins. The main reason for toxic flaming and reports is when we already know that we are losing a game but cannot escape but endure it for another 30 mins.

    lack of this leads to players reporting their teammates, abandoning, afk, intentional feeding etc.

    2. Fix the MMR: the mmr should be calculated for individual heroes as detailed in my original post, as the performance varies with hero, and we should be given 5 or 6 ratings based on the hero pool: our best 25 heores, next best and so on..

    the mmr should not be based on win or lose but contribution with the hero, which can calculated with the data generated.

    before the start of match search we should select the pool of heroes we are going to play from, thus we are matched with really similar skilled people.

    Or someone with our own mmr may be op with one hero or shitty with another one. This is the reason for someone rampaging the whole match or sucking badly even though they are at our own mmr.

    3. There are not game rooms in DoTA. There are no lists of lobbies being hosted on different servers. See

    due to lack of rooms and games not being displayed the community cannot evolve custom rules, like CWB in total war games. We can set custom rules like no riki or enchantress, no black king bar or aether lens and so on.

    they should also allow us to choose the kind of role we wish to play like say, tank, carry, support, mid, hardlane, the games being displayed in the rooms should also be narrowed down accordingly.
    We can also choose the roles that are to be filled when creating a game. So if no support player comes, then we can accept a player with semi-support and tank, requesting him 'before' admitting him that he should buy some wards.

    ps: i love dota, and these are constructive suggestions. Only comment if you read these and have something constructive to say instead of flaming. :steamhappy:

    I posted a long post: and many people assumed that I am attacking their game or couldn't read it.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Or just Git Gud?


        stop spamming or i report u


          quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks


            in other words, play league of legends


              ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit

              Pale Mannie

                DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again


                  for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    1. Simply no. Surrendering is for pus*ies, play until one Ancient falls.

                    2. No. MMR is about winning. It has nothing to do with GPM, TD, teammates, feeders and other factors such as specific heroes. Only constant is you, everything else is a variable.

                    3. Either play MM or leagues or scrims.

                    plz do

                      Austin 13 minutes ago
                      Or just Git Gud?
                      faw 10 minutes ago
                      stop spamming or i report u
                      arin 10 minutes ago
                      quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr 5 minutes ago
                      in other words, play league of legends
                      0.0 5 minutes ago
                      ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
                      Goethe 4 minutes ago
                      DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again
                      young moldovan goon
                      young moldovan goon 3 minutes ago
                      for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies
                      Austin 13 minutes ago
                      Or just Git Gud?
                      faw 10 minutes ago
                      stop spamming or i report u
                      arin 10 minutes ago
                      quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr 5 minutes ago
                      in other words, play league of legends
                      0.0 5 minutes ago
                      ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
                      Goethe 4 minutes ago
                      DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again
                      young moldovan goon
                      young moldovan goon 3 minutes ago
                      for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies
                      Austin 13 minutes ago
                      Or just Git Gud?
                      faw 10 minutes ago
                      stop spamming or i report u
                      arin 10 minutes ago
                      quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr 5 minutes ago
                      in other words, play league of legends
                      0.0 5 minutes ago
                      ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
                      Goethe 4 minutes ago
                      DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again
                      young moldovan goon
                      young moldovan goon 3 minutes ago
                      for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies
                      Austin 13 minutes ago
                      Or just Git Gud?
                      faw 10 minutes ago
                      stop spamming or i report u
                      arin 10 minutes ago
                      quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr 5 minutes ago
                      in other words, play league of legends
                      0.0 5 minutes ago
                      ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
                      Goethe 4 minutes ago
                      DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again
                      young moldovan goon
                      young moldovan goon 3 minutes ago
                      for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies
                      Austin 13 minutes ago
                      Or just Git Gud?
                      faw 10 minutes ago
                      stop spamming or i report u
                      arin 10 minutes ago
                      quit dota as you said in previous thread of yours, thanks
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr
                      (WDB) King of 1k mmr 5 minutes ago
                      in other words, play league of legends
                      0.0 5 minutes ago
                      ROFL👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
                      Goethe 4 minutes ago
                      DotA* or Dota* you made the same mistake again
                      young moldovan goon
                      young moldovan goon 3 minutes ago
                      for surrender u can do this > tp somewhere where its closest to enemy> drop all your items on the ground> destroy them> walk into enemies

                      Mid or Feed: your choice

                        someone comapliaining about my abandons: most of them are due to loss of power or dota's defects: like freezing forever (on both computers) and so on. in many of those matches i went back and contributed for the team, but still got abandon. so i guess all people in the third world countries must quit dota. great suggestion.

                        Regarding mmr: shouldn't it reflect the skill of a player? winnability is also nothing but skill. So no use for circumlocutory reasoning here. mmr should reflect skill. but it is different with different heroes and does not depend on the winning or losing of a match ( although to balance things out maybe half of the points should be determined by wins or lose?)

                        think about this calmly before rage trolling on me. ty.

                        and did you honestly never felt like you have already lost the match due to some mega noobs or when you are getting fountain farmed?

                        did you honestly never flame anyone for being a noob or ruining your game? like when some poster above is doing to me because i built armlet on bb?

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          It only depends on winning and losing on a large enough sample size and it reflects how much you as a player are a factor in winning or losing.

                          I've lost games do to teammates either playing bad, intentionally ruining, being acc buyers or smurfs who abused the system. But I also won versus people like that. So it balances itself out. As I wrote in first paragraph, on a large enough sample nothing matters exept how good you play and how much impact you make.

                          As for flaming, I do it fairly often but I try to avoid it.

                          Mid or Feed: your choice

                            hushhush: not so hush hush are you?

                            For people like you we have a saying in our langauge: you can find a horned rabbit but cannot reason with a fool.


                              ^thats why u managed to ignore all the constructive answers u got and respond only to trolling ones, even tho they were posted by the same people, huh?

                              Mid or Feed: your choice

                                ? smile man: let's say only "puss*es" i.e. women surrender. But even then can't the players be allowed to decide if they want to be puss*es?

                                because if someone becomes afk he is given abandon, the punishment is good, so sholdn't a way out be also there?

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  Because a game is not fucking over until the Ancient explodes.

                                  If you want to surrender, type gg and afk in fountain WITHOUT defending. Game should be over pretty soon if all 5 players do this.

                                  Mid or Feed: your choice

                                    and you get an abandon...

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      No you don't get an abandon. If the entire team does it, game will be over soon. If not, then you should play.

                                      the realm's delight


                                        Mid or Feed: your choice

                                          even if the entire team does it, it takes more than 5 minutes?

                                          the only thing i don't get is if the ENTIRE team wants to surrender, like in say any other game or say dota tournaments, why not ALLOW it?

                                          all the things you said apply even if the surrender button is there.


                                            ^for the same reasons that explain the need of government's intervention in pensions system - people discount the future and just cant organize this shit themselves.

                                            in short: whenever ur team is behind and has like 20% to win it, you will often surrender to save time for the next game, and hopefully rise some mmr there. However, it will make dota less enjoyable both for you and for your enemies, cz the mmr race will matter more, and the actual fun of playing the game - less. the games that bring most satisfaction are the ones which involve huge comebacks/throws and last long. sadly, you cant expect people to understand it when releasing a forfeit function.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              If the surrender button is there people will concede a game they could win. I won many games versus megas and games we were behind many kills.

                                              Perhaps in a 5 stack versus 5 stack surrender should be allowed, but in any other form of MM it would be a horrible idea.


                                                However pleasing the idea of people not picking heros they suck at is, I feel limiting the hero's that people can choose from while in game goes against the spirit of "All Pick".
                                                What if they added a version of least picked that instead was Most Picked. Players could only play their most played heroes. You could do this when you are tired of players picking heroes they aren't familiar with.


                                                  Yeah. You should stop responding to the trolls. Just think, "do I want them to make another post here?". Cause they will likely respond to you whether or not they are constructive :/

                                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                    How about we don't enter a game only wanting a specific role? Roles, after all are entirely made up by the community. There aren't any in game rules only allowing supports or whatever. That kind of singlemindedness is probably why you don't climb. Like, sure, I guess the Dazzle should be buying the wards, but if you keep dying and over again because you wouldn't spend the 75 gold to see when enemies try to gank you, it isn't the Dazzle's fault. I'm assuming you've played League of Legends, because it has all these features you mentioned and you're probably drawing your ideas from there. When I played LOL I barely had a single game over 20 mintes (the time limit for surrendering) even in games we could've won if my teammates weren't just a bunch of butthurts. You seem like the kind of person who only blames your teamates for losing so much and think you are much more impactful in the game than you actually are and can't accept it so you made this post. Valve is a very serious company and Dota a serious game a lot of the times. If any features from this or your previous post were applied, the game would get abused in an instant and millions of people would end up hating the game.
                                                    TL;DR GIT GUD OR PLAY LOL OR BOTH

                                                    plz do

                                                      hushhush: not so hush hush are you?
                                                      For people like you we have a saying in our langauge: you can find a horned rabbit but cannot reason with a fool.

                                                      4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head


                                                        ROFL good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightth ere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit

                                                        4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          Ure bad