General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Many Games For Every Hero Before You Considered Playing Him/her r...

How Many Games For Every Hero Before You Considered Playing Him/her ranked? in General Discussion

    The title speaks for itself, Mention your number.

    This is considered you are new to the hero.

    1.You played the hero bot match?how many times?
    2. How many unranked games?

    I usually don't play bot, I jump to unranked and learn on the spot. But of course I demo hero fisrt before I play.


      It's about which hero.

      For Sniper: just jump right into ranked as long as your mouse can right click.

      For invoker: prolly at least 50.


        ^ typical Russian 1k cancer squad riki picker


          Amazing trolling 10/10

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            Riki is difficult, you need to know how to use his invis.


              ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  well someone who's new to dota can probably play sniper quite well

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    I do all my testing in ranked. This includes new heroes and new builds for heroes I already play. I feel that testing heroes in unranked or bot matches can give you only basic informations which I already know. This resulted in my shit Voker winrate which is slowly going up and having 35% WR with TA at one point.

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                      minimum of 5 games for me

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        Why are so many people named Phantom wtf.


                          0, i use solo ranked to learn heroes.


                            It depends on many things.

                            Maybe you've seen the hero played 100,000 times so you know its strengths / weaknesses.

                            Maybe you are good at dota so you can just pick the hero and know his role.

                            Maybe you suck ass and need lots of practice.

                            Maybe the hero is very weak in one regard and its better to learn how its weak in bots.

                            Like.. There is no real answer to your question..