General Discussion

General Discussionanyone can own if they have a good start

anyone can own if they have a good start in General Discussion

    seriously can some people get that into their fucking heads?

    if you have an exp lead and gold lead, then obviously its easy to shit on opponents.

    what separates a good player and a bad player isn't how much they 'owned' in some fucking small sample size, it's about how often they do it and whether or not they can turn a bad start into a good end

    SO MANY TIMES I SEE PEOPLE SHOWING ME GAMES THEY WENT 16-0 thats not how it fucking works!


      your mmr reflects you skill. if u r winning games, u r better than current mmr. if not, regardless of your thoughts about the reasons (hidden pool, teammates hold me back, etc.) - u r a bad player.


        lyk dat yis


          triplesteal idk where you're going with that

          the thread's purpose was basically to tell low mmr people they aren't as good as they think they are


            i agreed that the performance in a single game is not a good representation of skill under any assumptions and suggested longrun winrate given the mmr level as a good measure instead.


              oh then yes