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General DiscussionWhat to do...?

What to do...? in General Discussion
Sentaku (Washing Device)

    So being 1k I'm obviously a low ranked player but I was wondering what character would you recommend that can support or carry?

    I am currently trying to increase my solo mmr and I have difficult times trying to find matches where players pick good characters as the teams will go all carry. Sometimes I feel like hard supporting (as the only support) but a lot of times I don't enjoy it because my efforts don't pay off when people don't look at the minimap and the wards. I've tried captains draft and 2 out of the 3 matches I have had two captains that made the argument that you don't do ranked captains draft if you don't know how to play all the characters. I don't mind normally but as you can see........ , the death prophet was the team captain (who made the "you should know how to play all the characters argument) and if you look on his/her ingame profile I noticed he has been spamming DP. Being the butthead I was though there was a few times in the game where I could have saved dp but I let him die anyways because he disregarded others in the match and acted like we won because of him so I got my revenge.

    But yeah poor team compositions is the number one reason why I lose games and I would like a support who can act similar to a carry and change the game while buying wards.

    I'm thinking Enigma and Necrophos fit the description.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      spam oracle. ez win.

      Dive lord

        Watch this video dude.. I'm no pro but I think it will help.


          that's nsfw. is it allowed here in the forums???


            Supports would be...
            Dazzle, Shadow Shaman, Lion, Oracle, AA, Bane, CM, Lich, Omniknight and Witch Doctor. They are always good in low mmr matches.

            Low mmrs are too stupid to play hard carry heroes like alchemist, antimage, phantom lancer, spectre etc... Because your farm proficiency is highly needed. If you believe you can commit to farm for the first 30 minutes then keep yourself low, away from the other heroes especially your own team and focus on pushing the lane, (not too long or you'll be easy to be ganke) and jungling (make sure there's vision at the river area. If there's none try to ask your support nicely to ward for you. If he doesn't, don't get angry. Just buy one on your own.)
            If you still want to have a go with playing Hard Carries, then go it.
            Other Carries you can play are...
            Clinkz, Doom, Enchantress, Legion Commander, Nightstalker, Phantom Assassin, Riki, Spirit Breaker, Sven, Ursa, Windranger and Necrophos.
            I picked these because I've tried the 1k brackets... And they mostly don't know how to deal with these heroes sometimes.

            If you ask who's the most successful to myself, I recommend Legion Commander. She can literally play any lanes, even Mid if you're confident. I play her mostly in jungle and offlane. The usual build I go for her is silver edge and duel lonely idiots. It's pretty effective and an easy ult win if you know how it works.

            When you're invis with the silver edge item, make sure you right click the enemy first before using any of your abilities because your silver edge item breaks its bonus damage if you used abilities first. So.. Silver Edge/Shadow Blade > Right click > q/w then duel quickly, before enemies has the time to react.
            Would not recommend silver edge/ shadow blade when you have other invis allies with you.
            That would mean, blink dagger is your other option, following a blade mail.

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

              Lol, I think huskar or invoker can be good for u


                Quit the game tbh. You could spend that time to get better at other skills and there's no chance you could go pro ever.


                  Don't give up and follow ur dreams. People like Preteen are a dime a dozen. You can do anything I set ur mind too.


                    try and try until u die. reach out, dream big, fail hard.