General Discussion

General DiscussionTrouble With Number Of Last Hits

Trouble With Number Of Last Hits in General Discussion

    Before I start, I wanna mention quickly about my trouble is the NUMBER of last hit. NOT last hittin in lane if you know what I mean.

    My average number of last hits are 80 or something. Once i got lvl 6 or 7 i wanna start fighting or ganking. If i got HP at 50% I am anxious to jungle. I don't usually play jungler. Bad at playing junglers. And when I jungle my hp quickly drops. Sure I have watched guides on which camp is easy or medium or switching treads. But you can't absorb it quickly don't you?

    I once played as PA and I was underfarmed and got flamed but it was because I wanna involve in teamfights and we are being wards at all and it was scary to jungle as PA and teamfights going on. This is one example tho...Overally I'm a player who play for the team and hates afk farming and personal glory don't mean a thing. Went 28 kills to 4 deaths or so leave a bitter taste in my mouth...the most important thing is WIN.

    I started playing just a few months, so please be kind ok?

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      So..... what was your problem in particular?

      If you play someone that can flash farm, of course you would want to play the hero with higher priority towards farming, be it in lane or jungle. However given your description that you look for teamfights after getting level 6, playing farming heroes might not suit you so well and you should instead choose something that farms heroes.


        I'm just wondering how those carries have lots of farm...I really don't know how they do that...I enjoy SB, Weaver, Nyx, and Necro is my best hero and playing at ganking and teamfight mode. Any suggestions for those kinds of hero? Medusa or anti mage might not suit me... well, having talked about this gives me insight..


          The problem is maybe I'm not good at playing carries. I wanna learn how to have lots of LH so I have bigger of pool of heroes to play

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            You need to know where to farm, for example, when u have completely free lane which u can farm, tp here, dont be a shit stain who refuses to free farm just because he wants to kill some neutrals.


              Imagine you're on the dire side. Farm in bottom lane for a minute. Go mid lane to farm for a minute. Go to the jungle for a minute or two. Go kill a creep wave at mid. Go bot again for 30 seconds. Enter enemy jungle and farm 2-3 camps quickly. Kill a creep wave at bottom. Creeps are now hitting tower. That means enemies will eventually come. TP top to farm. Repeat. You just have to farm free lanes and just transition in between jungles, lanes, and ancients to maximize you farming potential. Another thing you have to understand is that pro carries usually have camps with 3-5 stacks in them to kill. Sometimes they play a carry like Naga or Terrorblade that can use their illusions to farm. Sometimes they have a hero where Helm of the Dominator is necessary. They'll take over a creep and use that creep to stack ancients. Learning how to maximize your farming by transitioning from the jungle to the lanes fluently is key. Some heroes have flash farming abilities like Lina. If you're playing gyro and you are in the radiant jungle, you can pull the hard camp towards the small camp, turn on Flak Cannon and Rocket Barrage to kill all 3 camps. The Flak Cannon will hit everything in a 1000 radius. So if you manage to pull the hard camp creeps over to the small camp and all of them (hard camp, easy camp, and medium camp creeps) are in the 1000 radius , you are essentially farming all 3 camps at once with Flak Cannon. Just learn the tricks and get in the farming mood. If you're feeling mellow, farming is kind of relaxing.

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              Miku Plays

                Jungle faceless void is my new jungle lc


                  You should have 80 last hits on a safelane carry/mid around the 11 - 13 minute mark. You have to learn, with experience, when to farm and when to fight. You shouldn't just be fighting early, just because you want to. Analyze the game, think should I be fighting or farming?

                  Typically on a carry like PA I want to have 9 - 10 CS/minute. Here's an example of a PA game I played today:

                  I farmed a lot, but I also fought when it was the right time to. You're looking at it wrong, you don't "want to fight because we're getting crushed"--every situation is different. It's up to you to make the correct decision in any given situation..

                  You definitely don't farm enough, for example: -- I usually get 55 last hits in 8, 9 to 10 minutes. Your luna match you had 116 last hits, you should have this before around the 14 - 15 minute mark, considering she has an innate farming ability and can farm ancients ASAP.

                  You should practice last hitting, buy a quelling blade when you can.


                    I've just started playing Luna tho...why not you guys look at my most played hero?


                      If you play cores you will need to farm. You don't have to manfight all day.If you want to help your team just get a TP while you farm so that you can reach there when the teamfight starts. Back off if you think you don't have a chance to win the fight. Your farm will give you victory if you are competent and have good decision makings.
                      EDIT: That actually applies to most heroes. But then as cores you can farm more leisurely compared to say, a position 5 support since you don't have to play second fiddle in priority of farming. Learn how to outzone your lane oppositions before perfecting your last hits tho.

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