General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Brackets

Skill Brackets in General Discussion
K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

    Hi guys plz help me
    why I stuck in normal skill brackets, I made this smurf acc, but even in my old acc I've reached high skills just few times and never very high skill my mmr was 2.8k , and I dont wanna play mmr in this smurf acc with normal skill, so anyone tells me pls how can I gt high or very high skills before joining ranked games
    btw now Im using Badman methode (spectre) , you can take a look at my few games,

    my win rate around 50% and 54 %

    if there is a sugguestion about heros or win rate tell me plz

    thank you

    < blank >

      Git gud


        u need to be a better player in order to get a higher skill bracket. l2p.

        Swap Commends

          omfg.Same as every day
          see here

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            your smurf can only take u as much as your max skill level. the only way you will get HS or VHS is to actually improve.

            Dive lord

              pick support and be the captain of the SS Dumbfuck

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                wow so harsh! gf/bf dumped you or momma told u that u were adopted?


                  improve you skills bro dont smurf please. just play hard every game.


                    58 minute urn FTW!


                      Once again, I beg the mods to create a sticky to explain MMR calibration and Skill Brackets - that also explains that if you get good your MMR and Skill Bracket will rise!
                      (BTW, I recently hit my second High Skill game in which i screwed around and picked NP, who i suck with anyways, so I lost, but I'm on my way up boyz! :D)