General Discussion

General Discussionreminder that picking lion is ur fast ticket to a loss

reminder that picking lion is ur fast ticket to a loss in General Discussion

    contrary to popular belief this heroes actually not an easy to play support for braindeads

    if u have no clue how to support kindly pick spiritbreaker tusk bane dazzle or something that cant be punished for positioning

    half the people on this forum that make the "hey i dont know how to climb mmr" pick shit like lion or silencer or rubick when theyre forced to support and then die like 20 times or something dumb

    being a "core player" isnt an excuse for being a horrible support player if ur <6.5k

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      WTF ?! U did not just say spiritbreaker ?! He gets like twice the deaths of a lion if played by the same tard.... Same with tusk. Both are diving heroes, lion isnt

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        Omniknight picker is salty
        But hey I'm grinding my mmr and having fun

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            omniknight is best pub support of 2k16, cz u win games without doing anything that would require some sort of skill

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                But is the mmr so important that you are willing to play a 30-50 minute ResidentSleeper game for just +25 mmr, same with Lich who the fuck picks Lich beside Zebrog

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                  i pick lich when no one wants to support, ez win if the carreis aren't plain reatarded

                  Chuyên Chém Lén

                    with a noob, any heroes are the same, not only lion. Lion is a heavy-disabler, if played by a pro, he becomes your worst nightmare, heavy nuke in the early game with stun + finger of death, heavy disabler with 2 fast-cooldown & quick casting disable skills in mid & late game. He can even hex you before you can active your Bkb


                      turns out i have 100% winrate with lich lmao


                        win percentage with sb and lion may differ because sb pickers may have more of a clue than lion pickers. But if u give lion and sb to the same tard, I can bet money that he will feed more with sb than with lion.

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                          Livin' Real Good

                            Yeah, Spirit breakers charge is game impact in itself


                              Any chance omni could get nerf? hes unseen in tourneys but god damn im 13 games of omni from 5k. ME. like seriously, this will be the ultimate proof that no matter how bad you are, you can still pick your way to +25.


                                sbs tend to not feed cos theyre one of the tankiest heroes early game. probably only 2nd to ogre which makes it harder for your bad positioning to be punished (i.e. get killed for it)

                                if u give a retard lion and sb, he's not gonna feed on sb cos sb's got like 5 more armour and twice lion's hp. if he gets caught out he just walks away or charges, he's dead if he's lion.

                                saving private RTZ

                                  No the sb player wouldn't feed more, thats the point of the topic pick supports that don't get easily punished by bad positioning. SB is tanky esp in early game and midgame, no way he dies more than a Lion who does what? Blink in hex one person and immediately die?,

                                  D the Superior
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                                    D the Superior
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                                        finger it badly, finger it good, hex it like there's no tomorrow. ez gg wp


                                          Well, u gotta know when to or not to pick. I pick Lion to shut down a particular hero...mostly agi carry...and that works quite well...Like somebody pick weaver and then I picked lion instantly...bought sentry and kicked weaver's ass.


                                            I am noob, I cant make good decisions:
                                            - I am lion, I go with my carry and click stun and hex when he engages, I use ulty to secure kill
                                            - I am SB, I ping an enemy on the map, I charge, I find myself solo diving the enemy tower

                                            Which one of those 2 scenarios mean certain feed ? I would say the second one, cose the first one is too scared and too noob to make decision on his own.

                                            acc buyers in my team

                                              Try a bad void player. Then you will start to appreciate ur Lion pickers.

                                              waku waku

                                                i actually suck at playing omniknight don't even know how it's possible but i think it's because literally every single of his spells is a skillshot


                                                  lion is too weak for weak players and so-so for skillful ones

                                                  House Cat

                                                    As long as you give the kill to your carries, you can win. 2nd to the last hit finger is not that hard, and forever turning your core opponents to a chicken and stunning them for 3 seconds is enough to let your carries kill them while leaving the enemy squishier supports to die because their main damager is already dead :D.

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