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General DiscussionNeed explanation on Leshrac mid.

Need explanation on Leshrac mid. in General Discussion

    Hey there dotabuff community. Can anyone list down the pros/cons of Leshrac going mid? Is he still viable after nerfs? What kind of line up will he suffer against?

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        This isn't 6.84 so I wouldn't take him mid personally.


          i rly miss leshrekt, might try this tonight or tomorrow and ill evaluate it from a normal skill perspective lol


            I know people will disagree with me but here is a theory.

            Lesh used to be op as fuck, they reduced his base damage and the range of the bounces on his lightning spell, and they lowered the damage by very little.

            If you put a few points into stats in your early levels, and get like a null talisman and gg branch or farie fire, u can compensate for SOME of that Nerf.

            If you get aether lens, you literally get more ranged on his lightning spell which had its range of bounces nerfed, not the same, BUT. Since you can cast further, you prob don't need range of bounce to be as long as before cuz enemies might be grouped up closer since they're further from you. It also adds 8% spell dmg which compensates for its 100 magic damage Nerf

            So with a few early points in stats, and an aether lens, you theoretically fix what got nerfed on lesh. Obviously its not the same exact lesh as 6.84, but he can still be very scary with euls , veil, and aether lens,

            Hell have 33% extra magic damage.

            Imagine a solo lesh finds u with those 3 pretty cheap items. He can hit u with veil, euls you, land his stun, hit with lightning, all while his ult is dealing damage to you from the moment u got out of euls.

            That's alot of damage, you fight back, ur most likely dead, u run, ur dead, he has a slow and tons of magic damage.

            Boots of travel, n now lesh has lots of hp regen from veil and aether lens, mana regen from euls, and lots of scary split push with euls.

            Its only a theory, it can work if you have good early game. Lesh doesn't need blood stone / octarine core early.

            He can get away with a build like aether lens / veil / euls / boots of travel.

            Then you follow up with octarine core / scythe / glimmer cape / bkb / what ever .

            Just a theory, it can work in certain line UPS, I think lesh is not very good vs heroes with high hp like axe, bristle back, life stealer

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              If you go Leshrac mid you have to use Pelmaleon's max edict/skip lightning build. Like literally skip lighting to level 22, stats are more useful than the spell. Skill build is q,w,w,q,w,r,w,q,q,stats,r,stats,stats,stats,stats,r. If you land the stun on them when you are level 6 then activate editct and ulti and run at them.

              He's weak to burst damage since he deals a lot of damage over time and wants to be fighting against other damage over time heroes.

                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                  Thanks I think I will take the advice of a Lesh spammer instead though.


                    who the fuk is Pelmaleon

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                        The best way to play leshrac is accidentally pick OD instead.


                          Early level stats for lesh good lord

                          Miku Plays

                            i rather skip ulti on lesh


                              Just what I would expect from a normal skill @noceilingNOSKILL


                                TLDR: pick stats until level 10 and he will have more stats than before the nerf at level 1 and pick aether lens so that his spells will have more range.
                                He is actually so op now!

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  260 damage -> OP SPELL ICEFRAUD WHAT ARE YOU THINKING HOLY SHIT
                                  200 damage -> lel this spell is the worst, just get stats instead
                                  This is why I fucking hate some Dota players. Yes with 4 seconds CD that missing 60 damage really stacks up, but the OP part of the spell is the utility part anyway.

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                                      Like I said its just a theory.


                                      I'd be mad too @benao if I looked like some emo dude who likes pen0rs u kno.

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                                        at mid u get fast levels and then they will eat u


                                          pros: ur playing dota
                                          cons: ur losing dota


                                            Thanks for the feedback guys.


                                              you're welcome

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                Sigh* Pikachu guy strikes again


                                                  get ash to catch him then! gotta catch em all!


                                                    Pelmaleon's build is slahser's build except mid:


                                                    I think he's set his profile to private atm but when it was public he was the number 1 leshrac player (excluding pros because of course playing 50 matches as a professional means that you are better than someone with close to 2000 games but not a pro).

                                                    As for 'knowing how to play the build better than op/u' I've played him 18 times, went 15-3 and none of those matches were played during 6.84 when he was even stronger. Only reason I didn't spam him then was because I was spamming bloodseeker instead. And I don't play him atm because Zeus fulfills the same magic damage purpose but is much stronger atm.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      slahsers voice really suck i barely understand a word of him from those philosophy vids he made

                                                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                        If you skip lightning then you're basically playing 6.84 Lesh since only Lightning was nerfed after that patch.

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                            lmfao skill stats yeah i hope i queue against u mid honestly


                                                              nvm u play in australia -_-


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                                                                  do whatever you want lol , but at least add a value point in lightning by 10. not entirely sure on this, but i tihnk if u cast lightning and immediately stun after(as long as u are still in range) u should be able to hit ur stun on most 350 ms heroes


                                                                    Honestly I think putting points into stats and putting points into lightning both have very good things that lesh needs, damage, and a set up for his stun , and a low cd nuke.

                                                                    I think Kitrak is right tho.

                                                                    Only thing that I am thinking is, with no points into stats, lesh easily loses mid cause his base damage is so terrible, a shadow fiend / ta / invoker / morphling kind of hero in mid will out CS you and deny a lot more than you can, and if u use lightning to last hit, ur using mana so u cant gank, and u push the lane. So Idk.

                                                                    touchy subject indeed.


                                                                      I love how kitrak has to insult and belittle me because my points are irrefutable. Feelsgoodman.


                                                                        some just dont know how to respect you. feelsbadman. ignore him instead