General Discussion

General DiscussionMid: Gank or Stay at Mid?

Mid: Gank or Stay at Mid? in General Discussion

    Ok I'll try to be straight here. I'm a mid player (yes I'm just an invoker spammer and normal skill, but please help me out), and I like to farm exps and gold as fast as possible at mid, so that I'll get my core item quickly. My top priority is to destroy the enemy mid tier 1 tower, and make sure the enemy mid player fails. But sometimes, my teammates (either it is bot or top) often ask me to gank or roam. Seriously, is that how mid hero should be doing? Shouldn't they (my teammates, support or stunner heroes, any hero but carry) the ones that gank enemy mid player? I know it's frustrating to lose at bottom or top lane, but they can just play safe. If I roam before destroying enemy mid tier 1 tower, it's just the same as giving space for enemy mid player, isn't it?

    Or maybe I was wrong, so I'd be glad if someone told me what I should do in the future games. Thank you!

    < blank >

      If you don't let the other mid player farm what do you think will this guy do instead?

      acc buyers in my team

        you have a core that needs farm, stay mid
        you have a hero that only needs exp, go gank.

        are we done yet?

        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

          as Invoker:
          - QE, stay mid and try to assist with sunstrikes (and hope you have good set-ups like duel, shackles, etc.).
          - QW, stay mid and get a TP scroll after your phase boots, use it to counter-gank when the enemies dive your team and you think you can swing it to your favor.


            @Aimstrong He'll gank my bottom/top teammates sir. That's the time when I'm often asked to also gank or roam. In this situation, should I gank or stay at mid sir?

            @Kathy @ Doto is stupid :( I see, that's quite simple thanks sir. But the problem is, this teammate core who needs farming sometimes can't play safe, dies a lot, then blame me for not ganking. What should I do in this situation, gank or stay at mid sir?

            < blank >

              Stay mid and buy a tp, so you can counter gank


                stay mid and ask for a gank. u can gank too if u can otherwise you'll waste time, farm and levels

                Chuyên Chém Lén

                  My advice is if you get an invisible or haste rune, you should help your teammates, if not, back to mid lane for exp and gold. Plus, after getting a bottle, next items you should have is boot and a town portal scroll, ALWAYS bring tp. Pay attention to minimap, if the enemies dive or fight near your tower, just tele to back up your mates; or after ganking with invi/haste rune, you can tele back to mid.


                    Ahh I get it now. Counter-gank is the solution. I should just stay at mid and only do counter-gank if I see it's necessary. I really shouldn't gank a lot, always bring TP scroll, and always pay attention to the map.

                    This really helps, thank you very much!

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Yeah, and it's not always the mids job to gank, many games in 2K have supports who just stay safe lane for the first 15 minutes of the game entirely saying " GG mid no gank! "


                        Jesus ^ those players...
                        peruvians i tell ya

                        when i play pudge i usually start ganking around level 7 or after i get some solo kills on mid.
                        get a little bit of a lead and then you can start ganking.
                        seems pretty easy to gain early kills solo with invoker (i dont play him)
                        with cold snap and his summoned units.. especially if they dive a little too close


                          No one in normal skill buys a TP. I feel like I'm the only one defending while my team is gonna walk back from bot rax taking an hour.

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                            I buy a TP scroll btw


                              Only gank if you are 100% sure you can get a kill.

                              Best times are when you get good rune / when enemy is pushing creep wave towards ur tower so they can't just hide under their tower when you gank.

                              If you gank then you help ur teammates win lane and shut down the enemy and give ur team gold so its def worth it.

                              The worse thing to do tho is walk to gank, then not even successfully kill enemy . So only leave mid if u tp to help in fights or u know u can get kill for sure with rune or skills.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                You're playing Invoker. If you gank you better make sure that it results in a kill. Invoker is very EXP hungry, so try not to make unnecessary rotations, supports have a duty to gank too.


                                  Mid player and normal skill YEAH RIGHT!

                                  Jamie Lorman

                                    Most of the above remarks are on point. To make it more theoretical rigorous, I would define the decision model as follows:
                                    Gank when the expected return from ganking exceeds that of farming by enough margin to adequately compensate for the increased payoff volatility.

                                    This requires some thought on your part about hypothesising the returns, so you can't just expect to know the decision model and be a great player, but it does provide a good foundation to examine the decision objectively.

                                    In a game with some many complexities you can't reasonably assign probabilities to any specific outcomes, but an experienced player can make a qualitative estimate of the overall outcome with enough accuracy for the model to be useful.

                                    As a rule of thumb that plugs perfectly into the model, reactive or opportunistic ganking is more common when you are already ahead middle.

                                    [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                      If your position one is having to wait for creeps to come under t1 before he can try to last hit gank


                                        thats why i hate 2 k mmr saying gg mid no gank but he himseldf not doing any gank... so stupid. the dota system is really simple. just do your best. communicating with ur team without pressure. and not blamming ur team.ask them nicely will make a good game, if he doesnt listen, play solo tryhards, and gg lose or gg win comeback


                                          It also depends on the enemy heroes in each lane. If their safelane has an Anti-mage for example and nether of your teammates in that lane has any sort of lockdown then don't bother with the gank. He will blink away, you wont get any exp and you've wasted your time.

                                          Try gank squshy heroes without escapes preferably.