General Discussion

General DiscussionAre Sniper/Drovka a noob hero?

Are Sniper/Drovka a noob hero? in General Discussion

    Are they?

    I know so many people call them noob heroes.

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        People tend to generally start off the game with those heroes so yes

        Pale Mannie

          I remember the days hen i was a noob and everyone considered Drow OP

          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            Sniper is quite Op though, look at his long ass range ult it's a free KS.

            < blank >

              this thread is noob


                Sniper's Ult is not for KS, its to finish off enemies who are out of attack range. It can also be used just to provide vision on Invisible heroes or heroes trying to escape into fog.

                Sniper can be played well by noobs and he can stomp even without much skill against weak opponents, that's why people call him a Noob hero. But good players can do far more with him and use his skills more effectively. Sniper definitely takes some skill to play properly. Positioning skills are the main thing you need to have to play him well.


                  Drow is one fuckinkg hsrd hero to play and master :D


                    No, at least to be played at high level, they are not.
                    However for 99% of the Dota populace and most of these forums...

                    U are all dogshit

                      Drow is ez win just make sure the rest of ur team is ranged. Drow needs 4 items to come online herself tho.


                        both heroes are hard to play guys at decent mmr at least...

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                          right click

                          right click

                          right click

                          right click

                          OMG so difficult to play!

                          I can't right click fast enough!



                              They might be your speed because riki is too fast for you apparently


                                I love you Zano :)))


                                  Doing my duty to let everyone know what they are dealing with whenever he creates a new thread :)


                                    i dont know how good you should actually be in positioning, decision-making and map awareness, in order to actually be able to play sniper or drow succesfully at 6k+ average

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      @zano im dying

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        The difference between a 300mmr Invoker and a 8k mmr invoker... the 300 invoker can't do any of the spells, probably doesn't know how to invoke, only can use 1 spell at a time, can't combo while the 8k pulls it off perfectly and makes it look easy.
                                        The difference between a 300mmr Sniper and 8k mmr sniper... One of them right clicks faster.

                                        And it might not even be the 8k mmr one.

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                                          I think I found my new quote right there. ^


                                            so you ask a question, and give yourself an answer. Why make the thread? or better yet, why spam threads like this?

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              I'm not spamming, Lk Zano is ))

                                              He's a thread usurper.

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                OH, THAT QUOTE YOU MAGNIFICENT RUSSIAN


                                                  Drovka veri gud geroi )))


                                                    this guys is perhaps the best thing that has happened to dotabuff, ever. He's better than the pa-headdress guy. OP, ur not spamming at all. We absolutely LOVE ur posts. Please, continue to make more of them


                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        @lambda who's the PA guy? Is he someone I should know? I've heard of him countless times.

                                                        Lets do Science

                                                          Snipers so easy to play that he manages to have a sub 50% winrate across all brackets while being picked less and less as the general skill of the player goes up.


                                                            OP, you still need more games on that smurf to prove that recent retardation is unintentional


                                                              was / is


                                                                He was a good guy, much like urself, very entertaining. Between the two of us tho, I think he was kinda gay. Named his juggernaut sword "puss*-shaver" or smthn lik dat. Other than that, great guy. Brilliant ideas

                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                  Snipers so easy to play that he manages to have a sub 50% winrate across all brackets while being picked less and less as the general skill of the player goes up.

                                                                  If you did a bracket just for 0-500 mmr i'm sure sniper dominates there.

                                                                  Lets do Science

                                                                    son are you serious right now?

                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                      I bet you Sniper would dominate in the 0-500 mmr bracket. I mean, a 300 mmr Sniper would definitly beat a 300 mmr who tries to play Invoker and can't combo any of his spells to invoke anything.


                                                                        Why do I feel like Фантом Рики is the new Relentless?

                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                          ^ Hell no! That guys gets 11 assists in a game. 11 assists! Hell no!

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            wow this guy is so fucking hilarous. Sniper's right click faster lol.

                                                                            Sad truth is sniper kind of sucks right now, too many counters and gap closers.

                                                                            But that said he's hard to play, you need great decision making and position cus he walks a thin line between killing and being killed cus no escapes and so squishy. At least drow has gust and frost arrows. She is hard to play well too though.

                                                                            [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                                                              Max range and stats if you wanna play him well, nothing else and the best way to use ult is on people right clicking you, they will run away from you

                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                Once i blademailed a 7 slotted Drow to death as Undying and won the gane that way

                                                                                Teamwork is the key

                                                                                  Idi nahui priviet


                                                                                    You really shouldnt be making threads like this with the amount of experience you have in this game. Basically everything your teammates say is either copied from pros or wrong.


                                                                                      oh boy...

                                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                                        Yes, Drow and Sniper tend to attract many noobs, especially Sniper cause of his range, and him once being a tutorial hero. Drow might attract people cause they tend to think of Ashe from League of Legends when transferring to Dota as well.

                                                                                        If you ever get higher in MMR, don't pick them, you'll just ruin peoples games with auto loss.


                                                                                          I'm sure this guy needs to get a 6 month dotabuff ban so when he comes back he'll have some game sense

                                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                            You really shouldnt be making threads like this with the amount of experience you have in this game. Basically everything your teammates say is either copied from pros or wrong.
                                                                                            My teammates don't say that. I say that.


                                                                                              Sniper isn't quite an auto-lose hero but he is close.


                                                                                              Picks it, loses mid easily to a Zeus. Was running around on something like 1000 hp for the first 20 minutes. Luckily the omniknight and I were able to create enough space winning the offlane that we forced rotations from their offlane and allowed our AM the space needed to come back and win. Game would have been easier with any other mid (other than Puck). Feels good to beat a silencer counterpick as phoenix.


                                                                                              Picks it and goes mid against a Tiny and dies 3 times. First time he died was actually attracting creep aggro when trying for a kill and dying to the catapult. He then complained for the rest of the game about 'someone stole crow' which had boots and parts of a wand as if that would have allowed him to live. I went back and watched the replay, the courier was walking on its way to him when he died. Nobody stole it. Easy abandon.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                Murranji that's just you though.

                                                                                                Sniper has a 75% winrate on my games. Sadly that's when the enemy team picks him. The other 25% is when my team picks him.

                                                                                                Lets do Science

                                                                                                  Thats because you lose practically 70% of the time even though you're spamming a hero thats basically auto win in under 2k bracket. Of course every hero you see on the enemy team often is going to look op to you when there's practically nothing you can do to stop losing games for your team.

                                                                                                  plz do