General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvices vlads, vanguard,sangeandyasha

Advices vlads, vanguard,sangeandyasha in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    Advices vlads, vanguard,sangeandyasha when they are good ? also phase over PT on carries and why isnt viable a vlads on spectre ?

    Swap Commends

      Vanguard : when u are making walking tank,drawing enemies on yourself like axe,ud.
      S&Y : works for both most DPS agi & str carries,makes them more efficient only if u want to right click kill.
      Phase : its win win item


        vlads = lifesteal/sustain
        vanguard = armor / sustain
        s&y = hp, atk speed, dmg

        phase = higher dmg, lower hp/mp, movespeed boost
        pt = flexibility on hp, dmg and mp

        else = google

        Dire Wolf

          This is just my personal experience but I find phase a million times better on spectre cus when you ult into a fight it's usually quite crowded and you need the phase effect to move through enemies and stay on people. You don't really need the speed cus spectral dagger is enough speed, but when I go boots of travel late game sometimes you'll be in the midst of a team fight and not be able to hit anyone cus it's so congested. That's why you go phase.

          I know you weren't asking about spec specifically aside from vlads question, but phase on carries is same idea. That's why I prefer it on guys like jug and PA as well.

          Vlads on spec sucks cus aquila is a lot better and he needs stats over an aura. It's not the worst idea in the world but there are better choices.


            ^if one makes a man-fighting spectre then diffusal, manta, basher, life-steal is the way to go and for life-steal u make helm, not vlads, because u dream of making satanic one day. vlads never, not in a million years