General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you think about this meta?

What do you think about this meta? in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    IMO It's kinda balanced, except for invoker (defending blast nerf it's nothing) . Thoughts?


      This week: 60% pick rate voker, 45% pick rate OD, 35% pick rate Spectre, 30% pick rate Omni, 25% pick rate Zeus.

      Wow, same heroes every game, such balance.

      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        That's what I said, Invoker is kinda imbalanced but it can be countered easily anyways. Spectre always was strong.


          According to trends page:

          Invoker -10%
          Pudge - 7%
          Outworld Devourer - 7%
          Legion Commander - 7%
          Zeus - 7%
          Furion - 7%
          Spectre - 7% (though this is with the three month average, as of today she actually reached 20% average pick rate so its more like 10%)
          Dragon Knight - 4%
          Morphling - 4%
          Ursa - 3.5%

          Have had the biggest increases in pickrate. I don't mind playing against Invoker though in 5k pubs him being picked 57% of the time is truly ridiculous. I can't remember ever seeing any other hero have that high a pick rate. Pudge is annoying to play against, thought I was done with having to deal with pudges when I left the 2k bracket.

          OD is mainly being spammed in 5k+ again so not such a problem for me. I'd honestly only played him 3 times (randomed each time I think) before and though I won all 3 he never seemed that good so imo it's actually okay to see him better.

          Legion commander is terrible, the hero is not fun to play against, you always need to be wary of being alone and a snowballing legion commander is only less scary than a snowballing slark.

          Zeus is my current free win hero so I'm happy he is good, though worried because it will mean he will be up for nerfs next patch. He hasn't had any changes for several patches and was always a pub stomper though hovering around 10% pickrate rather than the current 17-18%. IMO the only reason he is being picked up so much more is because of how good he comboes with spectre. Like late game Zeus+spectre ult deals at least 800 damage to each hero (even just considering the radiance burn alone never mind the auto attacks+desolate damage) and that's without aghs or refresher on zeus, with those items spectre+zeus do over 1600 damage just by pressing their r buttons - it blows supports completely out of the water and even carries lose half their hp.

          Furion I've no idea why he is being picked more again, got a couple of buffs recently I guess. I don't seem to him that much still, but if he keeps getting buffed again I'll be sad. He is legit one of the most annoying heroes to play against. He's one of those "do nothing but afk jungle while all your lanes are lost fighting 4v5" when on your team heroes while being one of those "do nothing but afk while all your lanes are lost and he gets all the space in the world and comes out with a midas/shadowblade/maelstrom at 20 minutes" when on the enemy team heroes.

          Spectre, yeah this hero is the most OP one of the patch. I've seen her shut down with like 17cs at 10 minutes, or killed 4 times in the first 10 minutes etc, and still just come back easily and win. The only time I've seen her not do well is when up against an antimage who gets free farm while spectre gets similarly pressured, because then the Antimage is able to farm fast enough and finish the game while spectre is still trying to build up critical mass.

          Dragon Knight - his rise is actually off a very low base so he still isn't picked or seen that much. Honestly wouldn't mind seeing more of him.

          Morphling - like Dragon Knight, on one of my first games though I played as venomancer against a shotgun morphling and it was not very fun, this hero has the potential to become very irritating if he is buffed too much more.

          Ursa - I used to have a really good winrate on this hero, something like 80% but now I've driven it down to 68% after a series of losses. Yeah he can be strong but he has still has a lot of weaknesses, can't outfarm heroes like Antimage, can't deal with illusion heroes etc. I guess it is worse in lower MMRs where people are idiots and don't know how to kite or itemise against him and where last hitting/farming is shit so they aren't able to just outfarm the ursa, but in higher MMRS it's fine. I think he is in a good place atm.

          For the heroes of yesterday, I'm super glad that SF had a 14% drop in pickrate. Didn't hate him as much as 6.84 storm but it was still ridiculous how strong and annoying to play against him it was. Hero could literally win games by himself if he had a decent early game. Windranger going down is also good, 3.5 second stun into a bajillion damage isn't fun. Tuskar I've always disliked, another one of those shit on your team, beyond godlike on the enemy team heroes.

          Riki and winter wyvern dropping I'm less happy about. I was always happy to see a wyvern on my team because of how good her kit was. Riki was just fun to bring out every once in a while. Now he's much more farm focused, you can't snowball on him as easily. Stronger in the late game but also much more dependent on having items. His ultimate is actually one of the most useless ultimates in the game if he doesn't have any farm.

          QOP, Doom, Alchemist, Earthshaker, Slardar, meh didn't really mind or have any trouble playing against them. Huskar being gone is good though, less Tiny as well since mid tiny+early blink dagger = unfun game. Axe falling further is the best thing in the world. Still picked around 10% of the time though which is 20% too much imo.

          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

            @Murranji That was I'm talking about, I think there are many ways to deal against Invoker, OD, Spectre than others OP heroes in latest patches.