General Discussion

General Discussionstuck at 3.5k avg

stuck at 3.5k avg in General Discussion
Nikosh Adhar

    I'm stuck....
    I need help..
    How to get out of it.. What 3.5k avg people lacks from 4k people??
    Explain please.. I need to know the difference..

    plz do

      500 mmr
      ok this one gets old, but its still gold

      Nikosh Adhar



          They don't lack much. There's no real difference. Better question is: are you averaging 3.5k or you're averaging higher? Because if it's your peak, you probably lack a lot to get to 4k.

          Watch replays, spend time learning advanced stuff, watch pro players, find someone to help you learn things you can't learn alone, stick to Meta heroes.

          King of Low Prio

            Learn offlane and set the pace of the game. 3k player like to trilane alot(or have a useless jungle). If you can ruin their safe lane they tilt hard and feed

            Nikosh Adhar

              what offlane should I go... I usually go necro in offlane and there is no way they can comeback.. except.. if they pick a good silencor... T___T


                Saw your build on OD. I don't like it. Nither your items. Just practice man, there's no secret. Get better > go higher.

                ham strokers ejacula

                  ^ or get smurf go higher amright?

                  < blank >

                    Havoc Solo shot first, not Greedo


                      Havoc, not really. I mean, practicing on smurf is nice, but I don't see a point abandoning your main account forever. So much effort down the drain, if you decide to go that road man.

                      If you can't get your main on MMR you have on your smurf, what's the point. Coinsidering the fact almost everyone wants to go higher, ofc.

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                      < blank >

                        hi,try to play spectre safelane,it's really good for increasing mmr
                        i'm trying it in my old 2k acc,now in couple of matches i got 7 win streak,ez 200 mmr

                        MR PRESIDENT

                          I just got to 3.7k after being stuck at 3.5 this year ahahahahahahahahahahsaiuyFQ;VEBIPBEW.CN


                            Necro is shit on the offlane. Try something with more early game impact that can harrass the HC, steal farm or kill supports. Things like Bristleback, Broodmother, Undiying, Timbersaw can be great in the hands of good players. Usually if the enemy has a jungle you automatically win lane.

                            Also, don't pick broodmother into LC. You will only feed spiders.


                              just climbed from 3.5 to 4k last week. I spammed Lone Druid. I won the games because I offlaned, played it safe, and farmed. Seriously being able to reliably get a radiance at 17 min and set the pace of the game is an easy win strategy. Get good at getting gold no matter the situation. If you know how to do it well with 1 hero, spam him. Learn what you do wrong and always be doing something. Starcraft has a stat that shows how much time you wasted sitting on max resources. Dota needs something similar that shows players how much time they waste doing fuck all. Gl with your climb bud

                              Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                Most of the time I say it's the attitude. People are busy blaming their teammates, flaming and lost their focus - made more mistakes.
                                Secondly, 3k farms really really slow and made a lot bad decision. They don't usually take risk and it's easy to predict what they doing.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Try offlane doom it is really easy

                                  Nikosh Adhar

                                    I suck at LD... I can carry with spec... But the thing is.. a good jugger... can make ur spec cry.. or vice versa.. won lots of game against spec first pick opponent and also lost games with spec first pick team mates... people become so ruthless.. they will end it within 30mins when you have spec in team.. rofl.. I do the same when spec picked as opponent.. I like the bb sugg.. I did great with that hero today.. I like playing brood.. but the thing is too much ember es zeus and lc pickers in 3k bracket.. that makes life hard for the spiders T_T
                                    But the thing is.. I would love to spam ld offlane.. but I m so bad with that hero =(( LD seems pretty easy mmr coz too op when in the good hands..

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                                    [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                      Pick death prophet mid max the E and walk at people, run away when they look at you then press R and walk at people or inanimate objects


                                        To the guy that said there is almost no difference between a 3.5k and 4k, I highly disagree. I've played lots of ranked dota, you can really see the difference once you improve and get past that MMR.

                                        From experience 3.5k's have a lot to work on--farming, for example, I see 3.5k AM's get 7 - 9 cs a minute with free farm instead of 10 - 12+ that I would get in almost any am match.

                                        Also OP, you're picking shit like lifestealer (and spamming him) -- shit hero really, and luna, another shitty hero? Pick slark or something, something that isn't shit. You gotta solo 1v5 remember that. Heroes like lifestealer really isn't what you want to be picking to rise mmr.


                                          I am 4k, I was 3,3k, there is NO difference. Same capable teams, same trash teams, same troll, same tryhards, my skill feels the same, the other players skill seems the same. The only difference is luck. You get a non-retarded team, u grow, u get trash team, you cant win.
                                          I also had teammates with 4700mmr, some of the are braindead cancer, some of them teach me doto, its same crap. I maybe slightly better that 3500, but nothing noteworthy, 4500 maybe slightly better then me but nothing noteworthy. Jumping from 500 to 500 mmr categories, you wont feel any difference. 1000mmr difference, now there u see obvious skill difference.

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                                            4500 and 3500 is like miracle to 4ks


                                              3.5k is your ceiling. you're lucky u got there. time to go back to 2.5k

                                              < blank >

                                                I'm just reading bullshit from you and the sad thing is you are serious about your posts


                                                  maybe you are the bs Aimstrong? read and understand carefully.

                                                  < blank >

                                                    What should I understand from a Normal Skill smurf that is below 50% winrate


                                                      that your momma hated u

                                                      acc buyers in my team

                                                        learn to farm, don't feed, win gaem.

                                                        Chuyên Chém Lén

                                                          couple weeks ago, I drop from 4k to 3k7, now comeback to 4k by spamming Zeus :v you should try picking him

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                                                          Nikosh Adhar

                                                            Yaa.. Prolly gonna try zeus and otw to learn LD... This patch is so much friendly for my heroes.. Gotta pick right heroes on right time...!!

                                                            Nikosh Adhar

                                                              @bukkake.. Lmao.. I was 1.5k.. With 60% winrate I came to 3.5k.. If you need help on normal skills... Ask me ok ;)


                                                                60% winrate means shit, you have to check your winrate in 3.2k+(hs) to see how are you doing atm.

                                                                You have 46% winrate with 300 games in high-skill, which shows you're there for a reason. Because sample size is not small at all, and your peak is somewhere around 3.4-3.6k.

                                                                Now I would sugest you to play OD, but if you don't understand the hero you have to spend time learning him, for example.

                                                                Knowning myself how 3.3k+ MMR can be toxic, you just have to pick 1v5 hero and hope your team will help you in the process.

                                                                So, going mid is best and easiest option.

                                                                Since I returned from my smurf I gainged 250+ MMR in just few days. I mostly spammed OD, and I'm sitting at 3.6k MMR atm.

                                                                So I'd strongly sugest you picking HIM and learning him, because hero is just too good atm.


                                                                  Watch rtz and miracle play


                                                                    or him

                                                                    Nikosh Adhar

                                                                      @Shred... hmm ok.. I was 3.5k on High skill ranked matches.. I also had 60% winrate.. but with new connection... I had worst performance than before... I'm lossing games because lots of disconnection right now.. Trying to get solution.. From next month going back to old connection. which doesn't have any problem... I understand OD is really a great pick... I have to make it count..


                                                                        Take a break from ranked and do something else


                                                                          it's all in the mind. meditate and focus. think that you are playing a LAN game


                                                                            ^ serious advice play some unranked, get very comfortable at a few strong heroes, even if they're supports. After whatever it takes, even 100 games, for me it was like 2000, come back to ranked.

                                                                            personally i love offlane since playing well there can make a huge impact early through late.

                                                                            also grab a tp, even if you're safe lane carry, cuz when they dive mid you just might grab 600 gold in kills and save mid.


                                                                              believe him, he has 4958 games.


                                                                                I play with many different friends that have MMR ranging from 2K to up to 5.5K.
                                                                                Since I don’t know you I will try to compare differences I experienced in games with them.
                                                                                At the 3.5K bracket the majority of players already know most of the game mechanics. Main differences imo comes down to Picks/Strategy, Efficiency, Positioning and Communication.

                                                                                Stay within your comfort zone. Avoid heroes/roles you are not experienced with.
                                                                                Many people at the 3.5 to 5K MMR range spam certain heroes. If you play a hero against them that might be a good pick, but you don’t know 100% how to play it you will be at a disadvantage.
                                                                                Know the current Meta and learn to play counter picks/strategies against popular heroes. Even if you don’t know a hero that strictly counters something like let’s say a Spectre for example, you still can adapt your strategy. Spectre is one of the strongest late game carries, but is a weak laner. Consider playing an aggressive tri lane or dual lane to shut her down early.
                                                                                I recommend you to learn at least 2 heroes for each role. Most of the times I play the support role, but every now and then there is a match where not 4 people fight for the mid or farming safe lane and I have to switch my role. Being able to adapt to your lineup by knowing some heroes for each role increases your chances of winning since you also enable your team mates to play roles/heroes that they are comfortable with. If your win rate is close to 50% this might already do the difference.

                                                                                Aside from that, time efficiency also separates the good from average players. In lower bracket games many people waste too much time on unimportant things. Keep asking yourself if there is something else to do that might be more rewarding than the thing you are doing right now. Try to maximize your CS. Carry a TP scroll at all times, regardless of your role to quickly switch lanes for Ganks/Counterganks, Push, Farming.
                                                                                Check opportunities for Rotations. Don’t leave your lane if you are not certain you can achieve something by doing so. E.g. don’t waste your time to gank lanes that are pushed out or have heroes you won’t be able to kill, like Puck for example. Immediately transition to a push after a successful team fight to claim Towers/Rax or get Roshan. Everything you do should be done for a reason.

                                                                                Finally, communication can also have a huge impact on your games. If you watch streamers playing in 6K+ average games you will notice that in most matches the majority of players use Voice-Chat. They constantly share information about their/enemy movements, item progression, and Cooldowns. Some of my lower MMR friends know all the essentials about the game but are sometimes bad a decision making. If they get a clear call on whether to fight or back off they usually will perform a lot better during the game. Split second decisions during team fights cannot be communicated by writing, which is another reason why I encourage you to use Voice-Chat.
                                                                                Additionally, people often tend to over interpret text messages and confuse critique/advice with flame. If you say the same thing with a calm voice instead of just writing it, your teammates should exactly know how you mean something.

                                                                                As a last general advice: Don’t try too hard to climb 500-1000 MMR within the next day’s/weeks. Think in small steps and focus on how to win you next match rather than focusing on gaining 1K MMR. Only play ranked if you have the right mindset and are in the mood for it. Take small breaks between matches to calm your emotions – especially after a crushing defeat.