General Discussion

General DiscussionSo... why am I discouraged from buying rapiers

So... why am I discouraged from buying rapiers in General Discussion

    But this guy can buy them all he likes


      Because he needed farm

      I build rapiers because people still my last hits and thats why I have 2 last hits.
      I used to just build 2 relics, but I still get my last hits taken from me by the tank who also has 150 base damage. That's when I started buying rapiers so I could effing farm a bit.

      Pale Mannie

        BrokeBack 1 LASTHIT IN 40 MINUTES BrokeBack

        Farming Simulator

          Can you not see that he was obviously perma ganking/roaming????! He was involved in 2 kills during those 40minutes!


            because he bought:
            - aquila at 7:04
            - diff blade at 11:34
            - crystalys at 17:14
            - daedalus at 19:18
            - treads at 20:38
            - yasha at 22:49
            - s&y at 23:30
            - reaver at 25:18
            - heart at 27:45
            - upgraded diff blade at 28:31
            - relic at 32:45
            - radiance at 33:51

            he basically won the whole game without rapiers. Then he just roflstomped everyone and bought four rapiers at 35:35, 37:44, 39:26, and 40:42 for the lulz.

            when you play, you buy:

            - relic at somewhere between 15:00 and 20:00
            - rapier at somehwere between 20:00 and 30:00

            the problem isn't building rapier, the problem is going afk for 20 minutes while your team plays a 4v5 game the whole time, and then showing up with nothing but a rapier. If you have nothing but a rapier, guess what, you're probably gonna die and drop the rapier. If you have a heart, an s&y, a daedalus, treads, and a lvl 2 diff blade ... you're probably not going to die and drop the rapier.

            This should have been a 30 minute game.

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              this guy is such an entertainment which makes DB forums alive



                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  @goethe you realize the game was safe to leave right.

                  A. Snatcher

                    Good summation Scraps. That should lay it out for even for the most hard/air headed person to grasp.

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                      Ah the classic 20 minute daedalus into 30 minute radiance. Good stuff.

                      Also, TIL dotabuff stuff can have truesight analyse a match if they want.

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                        two answer your question though,

                        two words.

                        "normal skill"

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                            @ Mushi

                            Yea this guy will go down in the dotabuff history books along with headress PA guy, Bogi, Johno etc


                              guys pls stop bashing him rapira really worked i confirmed this he is right riki rapira should be the next meta

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Someday Rapira will replace TP scroll as my most buy item