General Discussion

General DiscussionSo what do you think of this Druid build?

So what do you think of this Druid build? in General Discussion
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    DPS hard basher/attacker druid instead of radi pusher bear.

    I did not do much damage to heroes in fights comparing to teammates but created a lot of space bashing/pausing enemies from moving and
    fighting back.

    The fact is,u should never underestimate both druid and bear with tank/damage abilities with right set of items.



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          Im not sure about that. It just limits the potential of the hero. Sure, LD is a tanky sob in higher levels and u can build literally every hero into rightclicks, but the thing that really stands out is the spirit bear and his power to dominate lanes and push towers.
          If you want to create space for teammates with bashing and pausing, well, go for a core shaker or such. Just my opinion

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            I have higher TD comparing to furion in the 2nd match.
            ofc I pushed lanes and took towers :)


              Hmm... doesn't look bad hypothetically, but look at how low your Hero Damage is both matches - you had very little impact in teamfights, and you hardly ever hit them with all those items. I would work on increasing my HD. Seriously, in both games, you had the lowest HD... did you simply AFK farm the whole game?

              At least your tower damage is respectable. But yeah - you're lucky your team was able to handle things 4 vs. 5 quite often without losing too much.


                Mb just repeat this build again and again...its the best way to see if the build is really viable in my opinion.
                Thinking outside the box is quite a good thing though, its just what pros do and in the end we all copy their builds

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                  @Milehighkingpin Did u ignore my kills and assists ? I was in fights ofc,creating space for teammates to kill cuz all of the enemies focused on me.

                  @Artec Sure for a thing.Did ppl mok waga for radi on void ? or drum+urn for spectre instead of going str8 for radi? NO

                  the realm's delight

                    u do u man ignore these haters

                    [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                      The thing is this is just a worse build, you are essentially destroying all the things LD is good at: farming, pushing and even his contribution to the fights are reduced, sure you may get a lucky bash and kill the carry but you do nothing with it besides, radiance just works really well with the hero it lets him push creeps faster, farm jungle faster and above all it capitalises on the fact that he has an insanely tanky unit running about in the middle of the fight applying that miss chance and -50 hp per second, going on from that building armour auras makes sure your entire team gets the buffs and your bear's one weakness is reduced all of which you cannot do if you go for basher, maelstrom, crits.
                      Side note if you build these items for your main hero and neglect the bear you need to forget lone Druid is a hero you can play and pick someone like pa or sniper. Never put these items on your main hero, no your main hero is your bear and lone Druid exists to enable the bear and for no other reason(probably being a bit harsh but yolo)

                      Also what is the damage type of radiance? Magic, pure, urn-type hp removal?


                        wagas a 7k ex pro player ur a random normal skill player


                          Why sny, last time i checked bear doesnt get stat bonuses


                            sny is on his hero, not bear
                            his bear actually has no items

                            tl;dr: its a stupid build


                              Oh my fuckign god, just put the AC basher Daedalus on the bear he uses it way better

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                                @average /r/dota2 user
                                That is exactly the point.being a random player.U judge with a subjective mind.Imagine if it was me first doing the same new builds like waga did.What would u say then?Same talks right now just cuz I am normal player.


                                  the build would only work on vhs matches. on scrub matches, try quelling blade, tangoes and wards. ez win fo sure