General Discussion

General DiscussionRune control or creep block for mid heroes is better?

Rune control or creep block for mid heroes is better? in General Discussion

    I know in competitive games the supports will usually help with the mids creep block while the mid hero gets the rune ....but in uncompetitive games u rarely find the supp help with blocking ...just wanted to know in those uncompetitive games rune or creep block is more important or better.?


      Rune would be better, but if you know enemies gonna contest it its better to block creeps


        second question, how do i decide between taking creeps at x:45 and going straight for rune?
        and if i go for the creeps, do i push the lane under tower or keep the lane static and try to deny as much as possible?


          ^yeah I want to know the answer for that question too


            It you want to completely win the lane, then you want to block your own creeps as much as possible even to the point were the enemy creeps are already hitting your Tier 1 at very beginning.
            I only reason I'd go for rune is because you can get to level 2 much faster that way enabling you a level advantage in the lane. (Like pudge level 1 hook and rot, easy first blood).
            Also only go for the rune if you want to either gank or try to catch up on farm, the bounty is only a couple gold, and you can easily get more gold with 2 creep last hits, I'd say only go for it when you are losing your mid lane.


              Always push out the lane before gng for the rune. It put ur opponent in a bad position. He now hs to choose between the rune and lossing the last hits of an entire wave or getting last hits n taking the rune later. Whatever his choice u r at an advantage. If he chooses to go for the rune jst go for the other one


                normal skills pls go.


                  Get help from support when getting runes, dont continue pushing the lane if runes are missing and dont have any wards they might be planning to gank you


                    normal skills pls go.


                      i mean thanks for trying to give advices but they're meaningless, sorry


                        you say your high skill, I say you bad

                        lm ao

                          i want to nest arin's quote with another quote, how is this not possible scraps-God