General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: Keep in mind that if you show people and their cultures respect,...

PSA: Keep in mind that if you show people and their cultures respect, others will show you respect in General Discussion

    And if you don't show respect, others won't show you respect either.

    Of course there are going to be a few assholes that no matter how much respect you show them, they won't show you any. But that's a very small proportion of the population, most people are respectful people.

    I've had so many people complain about Russians/Filipinos/Peruvians on their team not trying to communicate with them and not trying to win, but when I watch some of the complainers games, they are absolutely rude and even racist sometimes, and I don't get why they would expect to be given respect if they don't treat others with respect.

    If you're respectful to people, most people will be respectful to you (except the assholes, but as I said, they're rare and most people are respectful by default. If you feel like you get multiple assholes every single game, please check to see if you're being an asshole first. Now that may not be the case, maybe you're just unlucky, but at least try to evaluate your own behavior first).

    lm ao

      No you dont understand how emotionally exhausting it is to understand people because you know there are reasons beyond your grasp of knowledge. You might try yourself to understand people, maybe even say good things over in Steam, but miscommunication is rather common in this world.


        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          @brave potato warrior Yes, miscommunication is very common.

          But there's a difference between miscommunication and not even wanting to talk to you. If a lot of people don't even want to try to talk to you or include you in group strategies and just ignore you from the get go, and a lot of people from every game does that, it's probably because you were rude first.


            77℅ of DotA players have a report card like mine.


              I build rapiers because people still my last hits and thats why I have 2 last hits.

              I used to just build 2 relics, but I still get my last hits taken from me by the tank who also has 150 base damage. That's when I started buying rapiers so I could effing farm a bit.

              lm ao

                Just accept the reality bruh. I know the this community world can change into a better place but if it was up to one person he would be both very intelligent and opulent in resource and not some random Russian who doesnt even buy boots on his main hero.

                lm ao

                  Honestly are you not aware that youre embarrasing yourself big time


                    I build rapiers because people still my last hits and thats why I have 2 last hits.
                    I used to just build 2 relics, but I still get my last hits taken from me by the tank who also has 150 base damage. That's when I started buying rapiers so I could effing farm a bit.

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      @Pluto then I'm not talking to you.

                      I'm talking to the people who complain about other people not treating them with respect, but they are disrespectful to begin with. Like the people who see a cyrillic/Russian name and say "OMG its a Russian we lose GG" and then expect them to try to communicate with you and work with you as a team after you just insulted them for no reason.

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                        The chanc of losing increases with every russian person in your team. Unless this russian can speak a little bit english.


                          But in your case, people still lose because you KS them and because you are mentally not stable.

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                          lm ao

                            Why would you honestly invest your emotions in a video game that queues you with 9 anonymous people who you dont even know


                              Why would anyone invest anything into the game that has you in it

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                @brave I don't invest emotion.

                                I just tell truth, if you disrespect people they will disrespect you.

                                So if people disrespect others, why do they expect good teamwork and communication?

                                lm ao

                                  Just play the game omg you're Russian you always see something conventioally similar to these in the streets of your city every day

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    See, I had a bad game where I started off 1/5.

                                    If my teammates had raged at me and started cussing me out, I might have ended 1/10 or 1/15.

                                    But instead, my teammates are respectful and helpful and tried to help me out so I ended 18/6. Good teamwork)))

                                    lm ao

                                      good that you finally see my point

                                      after you play one game you move on to the next


                                        can we ban this guy please




                                            nah. he's just expressing his opinion. let him.

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                                                If you don't like how other players communicate, mute them, stfu, and play .


                                                Pale Mannie



                                                    Topic about respect. SeemsGood



                                                      @Фантом Рики
                                                      You don't have to say anything to insult your teammates. The way you play is an insult itself.


                                                        this guy...
                                                        just stahp pls..

                                                        (is this the same guy called X6 or something?)

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                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          @NoCeilings, nobody's forcing you to comment in my threads.

                                                          Don't like it, don't comment. Simple as that.

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            Just accept the reality bruh. I know the this community world can change into a better place but if it was up to one person

                                                            Its not up to 1 person, it's up to everyone. Hence the PSA. As in Public announcement, for everyone in the public to see.


                                                              In one of my recent games Slark insulted and reported my Shadow Shaman for this teamfight:

                                                              He said that my snakes interfered with his pounce.

                                                              I don't know what to say... Some kids in this world are just too... emotionally unstable. Just don't take anything they say too close.

                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                Just like I just had 4 assholes last game, but it doesn't mean I judge other people based on those 4 assholes.



                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    holy shit are the russian voiceovers shit

                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      just got cancer

                                                                      plz do

                                                                        ^ this

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          ^ is

                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                            ^ SPARTAAAAAA!!!!

                                                                            plz do

                                                                              im so bad at artifact

                                                                                Yeah no, it has nothing to do with culture per se, but rather the fact that dota players from certain countries tend to be younger thus generally more annoying.
                                                                                There's also the education factor. One of the big differences is that if someone is uneducated and/or poor in the US, video games tend to be pretty low on their priorities, whereas that's not nearly as true in other cultures.
                                                                                So yeah, such people aren't representative of such cultures, but they're still what most people see and have to interact with in dota.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  That's not true at all, the most uneducated and poorest people in the us play TONS of video games but they play call of duty, nba2k15 and shit on xbox, not pcs. They can't afford/don't want pcs and we don't have internet cafes.


                                                                                    Op is a russian


                                                                                      I had a game with 2 russians as a morph
                                                                                      We had a bad early game, so they cryed-> muted them->win game with a beyond godlike streak =>I auto mute after 1 russian word in next games ->dota makes much more fun


                                                                                        "You don't have to say anything to insult your teammates. The way you play is an insult itself."


                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          I don't agree with the title. Many times I have shown a plethera of kindness, friendship and the utmost respect, and did not receive it back (sometimes I do though) that's humans for you bro. With that being said, silence you Russian Riki reject. O_O

                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                            Yeah no, it has nothing to do with culture per se, but rather the fact that dota players from certain countries tend to be younger thus generally more annoying.
                                                                                            There's also the education factor. One of the big differences is that if someone is uneducated and/or poor in the US, video games tend to be pretty low on their priorities, whereas that's not nearly as true in other cultures.
                                                                                            So yeah, such people aren't representative of such cultures, but they're still what most people see and have to interact with in dota.

                                                                                            There's a difference between saying "the average age of a Russian dota player is younger than that of other European players, so on average there are probably more immature Russian Dota players" (I'm not sure if the statistics are actually true, but I'm gonna go with this example) and saying "OMG its a Russian/Filipino/Peruvian/etc., auto lose, gg".

                                                                                            The first one is a statement of a statistic, which is perfectly fine to state, the 2nd one is rude and offensive as you're judging someone just by their race (or what you perceive to be their race) and nothing else.

                                                                                            If someone said the first one, that's perfectly fine. It's stating a statistic.
                                                                                            If someone said the 2nd one to me, I would rush rapier and not communicate with that person, because the 2nd one is actually offensive.

                                                                                            I don't agree with the title. Many times I have shown a plethera of kindness, friendship and the utmost respect, and did not receive it back (sometimes I do though) that's humans for you bro. With that being said, silence you Russian Riki reject. O_O

                                                                                            I also said, there are gonna be assholes who just don't respect anyone no matter how respectful you are to them.

                                                                                            But being respectful to others is a part of self-respect, so if you respect yourself, and respect other people, chances are less that you meet these assholes. Just mute/report the assholes if they bother you)))

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