General Discussion

General DiscussionPheonix's Supernova Q

Pheonix's Supernova Q in General Discussion

    If I take an allied hero in my supernova and my egg gets denied, do I (Pheonix) get the deny of my ally or the one who denied the egg?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      i dont think that you can deny the egg
      and even if you could, how does it matter who gets the deny


        The egg can be denied when under 50% .
        And, yes it doesn't matter but curiosity about Dota mechanics, man.

        < blank >

          Since when can Sky shit eggs?


            Bump bump


              It's v, not q.


                It may also be R but for me it's G.

                lm ao


                  its R


                    For everyone I managed to confuse,
                    Q = Question
                    And the key for all ultis are R.

                    < blank >

                      Mine is F, Quick Cast, so I can quickly F you

                      yung griphook

                        I personally dont know and this may not be the answer youre looking for,

                        but you can take this into the demo mode and find out in 2 minutes. super ez


                          It's not ez. I need to spawn in a match as Pheonix, level myself up to 16, get Scepter, spawn 2 allies, spawn enemy heroes, control them at the right time to leave exactly a teeny tiny bit left and then deny it using one of my allies. Too tough and the precise timing too.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Precise timing? Really? Just Troll can hit it enough times in the duration. Also I don't think you need level 16, 6 is enough.


                              Trying to prove Riki's footsteps don't appear and show diff between neutrals and enemies footsteps was enough for one day.


                                Aimstrong likes quickies...