General Discussion

General Discussionhotkey configs for meepo players?

hotkey configs for meepo players? in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    how do you set up your hotkeys for your best optimal play with meepo? do you go with the regular QWER? legacy? normal or quick cast? item hotkeys? group hotkeys? plus could someone go in-depth with their micromanagement process with the hero? say, how many meepos do you group to this key or how do you execute escapes with low hp clones while the rest of your llama team proceeds to pummel the enemy?

    also, I am always fascinated with how top meepo players micro the hero, most especially with n0tail, w33 and abed(most especially abed) but I just do sometimes wish we could see their hotkeys even in replays, or at the very least abed could record his game, full computer perspective video capture, just so we could study his micro process.


      If u want to know about their hotkeys, watch youtube. Howewer meepo is kinda out of the meta right now. Even w33 plays him rarely.

      1 - main meep
      2 - rest of meeps
      3 - all meeps

      I have some experience from w3 so i micro them manually, not using hotkeys for every single meepo. I find this way ezier for me.

      No quick cast.

      Blink poff:Select 2, press Tab+w+Click x4, Select Main meep + Blink in + Hex + net(or just net), Select 3 + Attack, Tab +net x 4
      Trust me its ezier than most Mortal Kombat combos.

      If there are more enemies u can chose 1 meep to start attacking another target to slow it so it doesnt escape. Manually select rest 4 meepos when u kill first target and poof to the chased second target.

      Eziest way to learn some micro is to play against WK or Huskarr. THey are so slow. U net WK/Husk, select focused meepo and send him back while other kills the target. U dont execute escape with low hp meep cos u;re pretty much dead already. U should back meep as soon as his hp drops below 1/2 hp.

      Remember that net cancels CM ult, bane ult, pudge ult, wd ult, etc chanelling spells.

      If u have early aghamin, like 11-12 min u can bind meepos into 2 groups for 2 meeps to farm more effectively. Or u can farm with 3 meeps and look for ganks with the main one if u have dagger. Higher lvl of this fun is to farm big camps with 2 meeps and 1 meep for small camps or lane separately, while looking for kills with main meep.

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        i dropped almost 500 solo mmr mastering this hero. it takes time dude. turn your quick cast 'on' and burn some mmr.


          Yeah Meep is pretty much about experience and muscle memory. I still suck at him, though i can win in 4-5k bracket with it ez.

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          < blank >

            Google "Dota 2 control group" and "Dota 2 smartcast unit console command"

            Concrete Angel

              for me i used unified unit orders in the option, just hold the ctrl and u can move all units, and space for select all other units.
              so here's how i do the blink poof:
              space->tab f 4 times (my quickcast for poof is f)-> blink in-> net (net is so much easier with quickcast) -> attack -> net again -> ez kill.
              note: i stack 2 camps at the same time, u should try to practice it with queued actions (using shift)
              meepo is my most successful hero, even tho i played it rarely, bcs i stiffed easily while playing it.
              u should give it a try and practice a lot, good luck :)

              pls be patient very noob ...

                my current style of playing meepo involves rushing treads, aghs and level 10 then roaming for kills hopefully farming aghs that way. sometimes it works, sometimes I just terribly fail. I want to shift to a "BoT+aghs rush" playstyle but somewhere along the way I just end up spending too much time farming for my aghs, or I get ganked till I just fall off recoverable tempo.

                Livin' Real Good

                  Hey, i'm learning this hero, if anyone wants to give me tips or talk, just add me on Steam, I also play on US west and East.

                  ` for all Meepos
                  1 all other Meepos
                  2 second Meepo
                  3 third Meepo
                  4 fourth Meepo
                  5 Fifth Meepo
                  6 Illusion Meepos

                  Space bar main Meepo/Hero

                  QWER for skills, W (net) on quick cast

                  I played a 3.9 K ranked match with him a few weeks ago, did decently, but team was garbage, and AFK life stealer, so sadly didn't win. :L