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General DiscussionFAQ : Smurfing,Calibration,Skill brackets/tiers & ....

FAQ : Smurfing,Calibration,Skill brackets/tiers & .... in General Discussion
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    I made this thread cuz like EVEY FUCKING TIME I see tons of thread asking the same questions.My eyes hurt :( read this if u are among those.

    1:What is smurf?

    Creating a fresh account to reach higher MMR or in other terms,abuse the system while you have a main account and you stuck in it.

    2.How MMR calibration works?

    It starts calibrating from your very first games as your hidden unranked MMR.When you gain level 50 trophy (like after 140~150 games),you can play ranked games known as "calibration games".Hidden MMR becomes separate from "ranked" MMR once u start your first calibration game.The first calibration games is played exactly on the level of your hidden MMR.Note after that,your unranked and ranked MMR are still separate.So normal matches and ranked matches can be a lot different as you advance or fall in ranked.
    Also note that in the first games the unranked MMR will rise/fall in a drastic way.

    3.What are skill tiers/brackets?

    They indicate the AVERAGE MMR of the game for all 10 players.
    So far what we know , not 100% sure :
    Normal skill < 3200
    3200 < High skill < 3800
    very high skill > 3800

    Also,The border lines may change once a while.

    4.How do I reach very high skill ?

    No one knows for a fact.However,many smurfing experience proved you can gain it with :
    High hero damage
    Good KDA like 5+
    High tower damage
    High GPM/XPM
    Good last hits/denies

    But my simple answer is : PLAY like a very high skill player.

    5.What is the MMR cap ?
    Last we know its 4999.

    PS 1 : Don't smurf son,simply get good.
    PS 2 : If u found any bad info in the thread,let me know so I can edit.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      very high is 3650 or something like that actually


        ~3700 most likely


          some of the answers are wrong, starting with #1 one


            i mean, actually all of them are wrong except the calibration cap one


              smurf is just alt acc

              Swap Commends

                ^ feel free to post the good info ! you are worse than smurf spammers :D

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                  Yet they all seek the same goal : reach higher MMR fast.


                    illidan created 2nd acc to reach higher mmr? 4head

                    soem ppl use smurf 4 training

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                      My dear friend,open your eyes.Every people posting here the same questions are seeking only one thing.
                      People you trying to mention are just exceptions.

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                        Smurf is any secondary account regardless of the purpose of its creation, be it lpq on main, attempt to gain a higher mmr, learn new heroes without throwing games on your main, or getting a lower party mmr to be able to stack with friends.

                        Hidden mmr becomes separate from "real" mmr once u start your first calibration game, not after u finish ur last one. The first calibration games is played exactly on the level of your hidden mmr.

                        The borderline between VHS and HS is in between 3650 and 3700, usually 3680. It changes over time, though.

                        You reach very high skill by gaining ~3.7k of [hidden] mmr. Mmr, on the other hand, reflects how good you are in winning games. There is nothing misterious here, neither its correlated only with KDA/gpm/xpm. It's better to say that both mmr and these numbers are correlated with the same factor, that is your skill.


                          @easy i guess u know better then

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                            what the russian said

                            Swap Commends

                              I corrected as much as I could except the smurf purpose which I already answered to @antoha
                              tnx for the info


                                5.What is the MMR cap ?
                                Last we know its 4999.

                                How would you know this if unranked mmr is hidden?


                                  "(Internet slang) An alternate account used by a known or experienced user to appear to be someone else."

                                  Basically smurf is 6k mmr player playing in 4k.

                                  Swap Commends


                                    Swap Commends


                                      < blank >

                                        Bumping = ban

                                        Swap Commends

                                          ^ pin it then.
                                          Too many threads asking same questions.Its annoying :(


                                            be productive


                                              Okay guys, look at my account. With a lot of read, and experience at smurfing, this acc will be around 4,5k playing at my lvl. My first two games was normal.. and than, all VHS..

                                              So, other thing, when i play with a friend it go back for VH, thats why he isnt at my skill... hen i play solo it goes back to VHS

                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                Sorry, but you can get above 5000MMR after calibration, I know a guy which has gotten 5200 MMR after his first calibration, in that momment he had 65%winrate and 3500 games played around.

                                                self pip

                                                  @ 赤司征十郎 ®: I think its only a recent addition to slow down account sellers calibrating extremely high mmr for a quick sale. Capping mmr means that they have to grind after to get to desired mmr.

                                                  Swap Commends

                                                    ^ this


                                                      and this


                                                        is the "When you gain level 50 trophy (like after 140~150 games)" a very stricked rule? cuz i have played with players whose first dota matches were in 2016 (so after reborn) - so the lvl 50 rule should apply, but on their profile they werent lvl 50 but were still in a ranked game, so id like to know wats up with that


                                                          that's not possible lmao


                                                            Delete this thread. The spread of such false information is one of the reason so many threads are created to clear doubts.

                                                            Swap Commends

                                                              ^ Give productive info or dont spam shit talk man