General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does every stack i play with suck

why does every stack i play with suck in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    Seriously though.. 99.99% of the time when there are stacks in game. the stack on my team is so damn useless and then the other teams is actually good. like how is that even possible? for example my last game. had a decent team comp but lose because they are legit useless. like my jugg was building a fucking AC when I was like 200 gold away. like 28 minutes only fucking phase and battlefury...

    Valve really needs to make it that solo players get to play with solo players and stacks should play with stacks.


      as a stack player i have to say its quite annoying to get paired with shit smurfs.

      it just depends on the stack, just like it depends on the smurf.

      Granite Lee

        well i mean obviously a stack of 4 just shouldn't be allowed in my opinion. but if you stack with 3 you should be playing with a stack of 2 and vice versa. I feel like its just fair for the community.

        It would honestly be ok with me if my win rate with stacks was around 50% but its like 2% lmfao


          That's cos u stack with random shitheads. Get a bunch of legit players who actually have good knowledge about the game and all willing to help you improve as well. You could find such ppl here on dotabuff. Gl


            ^ Did you read what he wrote in his post or just the title?


              Yes but it solves his problem


                u need to sacrifice smthng - either make queues for duostacks 15-20 minutes long (and if they are high ranked, it might become over 40 minutes); or put them in solo queue.
                on average, a duostack on your side is just as good (or as bad) as the one in the enemy team. you might get unlucky sometimes, or maybe just pay attention only when your party of 2 fucks up, but on average in longrun its still pretty even.


                  I agree with the topic. Though i always find myself playing against a stack where they have 1k mmr solo more that their party. That means that on average they are 1k mmr better than me. Its really not fun, nor balanced to play against.

                  Matchmaking algorythm should also take solo mmr into consideration, cos there can be situations when someone played only solo and is 6k and his party is 2k.

                  < blank >

                    I came to a point in mmr where I rely on the carry way more than before