General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people insist on picking Puck in ranked, do they think they ar...

Why do people insist on picking Puck in ranked, do they think they are S4 or something? in General Discussion

    Our mid 2nd picks Puck, enemy mid last picks Zeus.

    Guess which team wins.

    Do yourselves a favour and stop picking this useless hero.

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      Nice you lost 1 game with a puck which automatically means everyone that picks puck is being stupid and is playing a useless hero.

      State of god damned 4ks.


        Funny it's almost as if PUCK HAS AN AVERAGE 43% WINRATE BECAUSE HE IS A BAD HERO.


          The problem with this hero is that it lacks damage for mid-late game if it does not do well in early game, therefore it relies on ganks. However for typical all-carry team this does not help Puck since everyone is busy farming if they are not the best fighters as well. Which makes Puck look useless throughout the whole game unless there are people helping Puck to get early kills, especially when the enemy team has good disables to stop Puck from freely moving around and dodging spells.


            Nice dude he has 43% win rate because hes being played by bad players, ever realised not everyone is a bad at a hero? I'm 500% sure they're very good puck players but hey dude, 1 guy plays horrific puck in 1 game or you're bad at puck which automatically means everyone is shit at the hero, that's 4k logic right there.


              puck is actually making a comeback to meta

              Синячий патруль

                The victory 100% depends of the solomid hero. WOW

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                < blank >

                  And I pick Storm 1st or 2nd so deal with it or pick before me ffs

                  the realm's delight

                    insist on picking puck



                      idk had 2 pucks in my games and they both raped


                        Hero is just trash generally, I rarely saw a game in the last year when puck made a difference. Usually just helps teams loose, ofc there are exceptions like with every hero/game. But just to be safe, don't pick it if its not your fav!

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                            puck dont need damage, he needs blink to blink > ult > silence > orb out. Rest of team then do their shit..Puck is no qop thats why he has bad winrate, he is more initiator than nuker. I dont play him but played alot of bubbles in hon and if i do play him here i play him exactly like that


                              If you have no follow up damage then what does Puck do? Nothing. His damage output in fights is like 500 burst damage maximum and then all he provides is a short silence and a pseudo static field and some weak right clicks which has no hope of actually going toe to toe with 50%+ of the hero pool. If his is in a team with no other major source of right click damage against a team which has a lot of heals/sustain he's actually so goddamn useless. Compare having a puck to a zeus, zeus outputs over 3000 damage in a single instant, then proceeds to put out another 130-1950 every two seconds and that's not even taking into account the 11% of current hp which heroes lose every two seconds on top of that.


                                What kind of team has no damage output...


                                  Hanter is always telling people their mmr is trash and that they are trash. Bro how about you learn to be more positive?

                                  Obviously op has had bad experiences with puck being on his team, obviously there are some good puck players, but obviously HE HAS NOT ENCOUNTERED MANY ON HIS TEAM....

                                  The truth is a lot of players pick puck in solo que which is bad because puck works best with a team who has a strategy, not in solo que when the enemy mid hero will out carry puck and people will get bkbs to make puck useless.

                                  My point is stop being so fuckin negative. You talk as if ur some dota god.

                                  "THERE R GOOD PUCK PLAYERS U HAVE 4k MENTALITY , 4K TRASH"

                                  You sound like u have some issues going on in ur life bro. Take it easy. People have reasons behind their beliefs. So stop insulting them jus because of their MMR

                                  lm ao

                                    I always own as Puck in Haunted Coliseum

                                    lm ao

                                      OP u ok bow$$

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                                        lm ao

                                          Dendi has 64% winrate on Puck
                                          S4 has about the same


                                          Puck is a beast in the right hands
                                          Also, being able to choose what kinds of heroes you want to play with in CM is also explaining it

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            puck is only good with a gank heavy lineup. Or you're already winning and staying ahead. She really doesn't have any HP to tank nor enought mana to kite til sheepstick or soulstone. Best case sceneario mid puck goes against a mid invoker both get euls/blink 20-30 minutes in.

                                            IMO the problem is people are overy aggressive with puck with no damage behind her. She needs a good 3-4 levels ahead of whomever she's ganking for that max damage waning rift. I myself seen so many puck with dagon/blink 20-30 minutes in. If the team does badly in a teamfight she pops in 2-3 seconds and offers almost nothing for the team at all.

                                            She is definitely a specialty hero like invoker, silencer etc... I've seen her win against me more than with me as teamm ate.

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                                              Or even better, mid puck, goes against a viper, and then abandons game before he even reaches level 6 :))


                                                Yes Dendi/S4 have high winrates on Puck. That's the point of the thread - people pick her thinking they are as good as S4 when they clearly are not.

                                                I have 43% winrate with Puck when she is on my team. I have 56% winrate when Puck is on the enemy team. This almost exactly fits in with the average overall winrate of the hero (43%) - ie the hero wins 43-44% of the time whenever I see her. Why would you ever pick such a hero.

                                                In comparison I have a 68% winrate with Zeus on my team (along with Spectre, Omniknight, Lich, Winter Wyvern - I know what I'm drafting everytime whenever I am in captains mode) and my winrate against Zeus is 48% (while it is 38% when the enemy have Spectre or Lich).

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                                                  I'm a normal skill scrub who plays puck and have 58% winrate

                                                  lm ao

                                                    nope you took my point wrong

                                                    Puck's skill ceiling is just so huge, its not just learning mechanical skills like Earth Spirit requires, it does not also requires you to have amazing situational awareness as well, but needs teammates that have good synergy with him. I was actually talking about Dendi's and s4's winrate on puck in their esports profile (sorry forgot to tell); its just so blatantly wrong to relate professional matches with public ranked matches. People will always pick by their tastes and whims and Puck definitely will have a hard time thriving in such an environment.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      RaggaMuffin U GOD BRO