General Discussion

General DiscussionNew META

New META in General Discussion

    Pick Zeus lol

    Sniper used to be fun, then volvo nerfed him
    Techies used to be fun, then volvo nerfed him

    Now it's time for zeus lol


      I don't think so.

      Pale Mannie
        < blank >

          Zeus won't be touched it's just the Spectre combo that is annoying

          Livin' Real Good

            I honestly loved the sniper meta, was so fun shitting on him, such a squishy hero, Zues on the other hand is sooooo annoying. I mean, I can't imagine being a support player who is solo supporting and just having him make you go poor cause of one skill. (W, second skill)


              Some people play Zeus cowardly by always staying at fountain and when someone's about to die he just grill their ass with his ultimate.


                Techies fun. wut.

                I disagree to the Dotabuff Code of Conduct.

                wtf is this, this site is so shiet.