General Discussion

General Discussion80 min losses are so depressing

80 min losses are so depressing in General Discussion

    Hey if u guys need to expand ur mute list just add this dagon rush pheonix to it


      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle
      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle
      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle
      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle
      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle
      KappaPride 4Head Keepo EleGiggle

      btw nobody cares

      < blank >

        A clear case of EE-syndrome


          Ah Spectre+Zeus do it again.

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            looks like a fun game. Sad part is you guys lost to a non-radiance/diffusal spectre. I suppose your OD just sat mid and never gank. Looks like one of those winning first 30 minutes of the game. Then LC starts ganking and u guys lose. WD might of carried you guys jugding from his kills and your clinkz and phoenix fed.