General Discussion

General Discussion8 Day Miracle?

8 Day Miracle? in General Discussion

    Currently 4.4k fluxing between 4.3-4.5.
    I have 8 days to hit 5k for a personal goal. Looking to get goodd. Can anybody help? Not boosting but to learn more about the game. Discussions on itemizing etc..

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      i jsut opened ur last two games, looked through the builds and cried


        that zeus with shivas


          It's gonna be pretty hard Chobo, but if you think you can do it - go for it and try your best.

          A lot of people did this, i dont think a single person actually succeeded in such short amount of time.

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            U cant easy climb in 4k bracket, too many psych ruined people (intentional feeders, courier feeders, afk, abandons, solo plays, etc.)


              I Hanter I I saw your first game on magina, I'm noob and 3k but why did you get double upgrade travel boots and not a bkb to mitigate dmg (or something else maybe) since u had one free slot?


                win 20 games straight


                  BM, I didn't have free slot I had a gem there but died in the end and lost it, I needed the gem because invoker/clinkz/bounty hunter and slark could become invisible and I was pretty much the only one that could kill them if it wasn't for the gem I would've went for bkb/mkb/cuirass.

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    Thanks bro, that explains it :)


                      Welp, ima give it my best. Gl hf all thanks for the support!

                      lm ao

                        Hey reminds me of that Kumbo guy, is he 5.1k now