General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do so many people complain about Filipino and Russian players?

Why do so many people complain about Filipino and Russian players? in General Discussion

    Just played a game with 4 Filipino and 3 Russian players.

    They were all very nice people. Said "gj well played" after a play. Didn't pick on other peoples mistakes. Did not complain me and wraith about buying rapier))) We worked together and carried.

    I have also played with Russians and Filipino players in other games. 90% of them are decent players, and only 10% of them are the kind of players people complain about.

    It is the same percentage of toxic players as English speaking toxic players.

    It may seem like there are more toxic Russian/Filipino players by numbers, because there are more Russian/Filipino players in general in dota. But in percentage the amount of toxic players from each country is the same it seems.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Livin' Real Good

      It's definitely not the same in each counter, there is more variables to the equation than that. There also isn't more Filipino's playing that their are Americans, can promise you that.

      Of course you're gonna have games with the occasional respectful pinoy or Russian, it's not unheard of.


        ur build is actually slightly better now that u get a yasha and tranq boots :)

        getting there boys..

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          There also isn't more Filipino's playing that their are Americans, can promise you that.

          According to steam there is.

          7.7% of Dota players are from Phillipines vs 6.8% (US)

          Played 45 games. about 20 of them had Russians in it. Only 2 times I've seen disrespectful Russians who say cyka blyat.

          I haven't played with a single toxic Filipino player yet, though I have to admit I haven't met many filipino players but the ones I have met are very respectful.

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            all russians I met are really bad and write random text in russian all the time

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              сука блять?


                u r welcome

                Pale Mannie

                  Репорт пуджа плиз; ГГ ВП СНЕСИТЕ ТРОН УЖЕ; блядь у вас варды сука репорт (every invis hero ever); гг изи

                  There is no сука блядь for me to read

                  Pale Mannie

                    *Every game

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      блядь у вас варды сука репорт

                      Must remember to use the polite form of "you" while cussing someone out xD

                      Pale Mannie

                        Ain't nobody got time for that

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          ^ you just did, you said "вас"

                          Riguma Borusu

                            try "тебе"


                              I don't play much with Pinoy due to currently living in the USA (very bad lag on SEA servers).

                              The Peruvians and Russians really don't bother me that much. At worst, Peruvians and Russians swear every other sentence and blame teammates all the time for their mistakes, but it usually takes only one good fight to raise their morale. If anything, bad NA players are more likely to ragequit, AFK, troll teammates, and play passive / ignore teammates, even after glimmers of hope.

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                                Because pinoys write irritating things such as putang ina mo, xaxaxaxaxaxa, ward pls (when wards on cd), and die and blame supports


                                  Rustards make me lose my game pretty much everytime they're in my team.


                                    Man russian players are the worst i swear half of them don't even have a normally functioning brain. They queue on EU West and East and speak only russian even tho they have dedicated servers for russians. Aside from that, 80% of the russians i see presume that since everyone communicates in english = americans = obama cyka. гамбургер пизда etc


                                      US East peruvians are generally bad but I should probably give some of them a chance instead of 0 min mute


                                        What why the fuck would you have Pinoys in the US. You dont know anything about pinoys till you play in Australia

                                        This guy was in my weaver game. lost that one he has 14% winrate in Aus

                                        then this bitch tilts the entire bloody team. luckily i won the dam thing


                                          im pinoy and i find other pinoys annoying as well


                                            Games with pinoys are almost completely unwinnable. Like, your chances of success are entirely dependent on how many pinoys you have in your team.

                                   - this one the silencer and bounty hunter at least were pinoy, techies might have been too since he was level 4 30 minutes in, and literally stood at the entrance to our base putting down his level 2 land mines. Pudge gets absolutely nothing - nothing, out of the mid lane, but because he goes and ganks the side lanes and picks up 4 kills (because at 1.5k when they are up against pudge they just stand still the whole time so pudge hooks are so extremely easy). Silencer didn't use his force staff or orchid the whole game - built the items and didn't activate them once. (I fed 6 kills at the end trying to get them to just finish.)

                                            When games are unwinnable even when you are 2000 mmr points higher because you have 2-3 pinoys on your team you know pinoys are a whole different level of terrible.

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              блядь у вас варды сука репорт

                                              Every enemy invis hero ever when they found out that the other team has Wards/Sentries, Dust

                                              Pale Mannie

                                                And die to it once


                                                  look at peenoise 2k-3k player they are so annoying but at 4000+ penoise player is good


                                                    I dont know man, I had some really valid russian players in the team.
                                                    Playing basically near italy and speaking italian, I can almost guarantee you that the worse players are the italian one sadly, still its just a matter of feeling, generalizing is not ALWAYS accurate.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Generalizing is never accurate
                                                      Your opinions barely resemble actual demographic information


                                                        Because they are Ruskis and Pinoys.

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          I'm just saying

                                                          look at this reddit post saying where most dota players are from


                                                          It's just because there's more of people in that country playing Dota, so there are more noobs and trolls numberwise, of course. There are also more good players, but people just want to ignore that because it's always easier to notice the negative for everything.


                                                            It is because i like playing support but i can't when my whole team is speaking a language i don't comprehend as well as when I am playing with a friend and one half of the team doesn't know what the other half is saying/doing. On top of that i have taken three years of spanish and learned some from duolingo and been to panama for periods of time. I understand most of what people say and half of the time i am being called "basura", "puta", "estupido", and "egoista"... basically trash, a bitch, stupid, and selfish because i didn't 5 man gank safe lane or buy a smoke for everyone to use. On top off that, i only play on american servers, the language that i speak. If you are Filipino, use the Peruvian server. No one wants to play a game of uncoordinated Dota

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              A lot of them speak English bro, especially the ones who go to EU West server. They might speak in their native language to their parties, but if you're not in their party and you talk to them in English they will reply in English.


                                                                Since all the proffesional dotabuff flamers are either asleep or banned, I guess I'll have to stand up for them.

                                                                I don't like flaming though, so I'll just give visual data.

                                                                Obviously, a language barrier is the problem here.


                                                                  Zano, not to be stalkerish or anything, but your posts are gold.


                                                                    It's all for the purpose of a flame free forum :)

                                                                    And don't worry, being a peruvian living in Peru, I am in no danger of stalkers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                      Saying that games with Pinoys are completely unwinnable is totally uncalled for.
                                                                      Got a game with indo flamers in a 4-man party.
                                                                      They've gone flaming me from the start of the game because I am a Filipino and blames me for every deaths they got.
                                                                      The game ended up with me carrying them. But still they won't stop flaming.
                                                                      So stereotyping is never right and never will be.


                                                                        idk atleast you occasionally have a chance with Russians even if it is a blue moon.

                                                                        you want true cancer. try play with romanians, turks, greeks. pretty sure i have a 10% winrate anytime i have a team mate from one of those countries.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          Zano has a gem of truesight irl.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              @Yorkey there are much much more pinoys than americans

                                                                              Also we don't hate russians cuz they are dicks but because they can't speak english/refuse to even though they put it as primary language


                                                                                Everyone forgets the Arab

                                                                                Kilo 5ara
                                                                                Moss 2yoora
                                                                                7ej tintek

                                                                                Lots of nice numbers

                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                  By the way, a lot of the Russians say things like "cyka blyat" not to be rude but because they're usually just messing around with their friends.


                                                                                    Oh come on,I was speaking the truth,why is my comment deleted?It is well known that a lot pinoy kids skip school for dota and going to internet cafes to play.If you're playing on SEA servers,avoid playing on the afternoons.


                                                                                      I have no problem with any communities but I find people who can't speak in English, mostly unresponsive (for obvious reasons) and hence, uncooperative.
                                                                                      In my experience with Dota, no one plays on the servers they'd be expected to. Russians you find them everywhere, same with Pinoys and Indos.


                                                                                        they have 2 things in common, low mmr and age.
                                                                                        normal russians don't write shit in russian if there isn't another russian on the team


                                                                                          I'm against all foreigners playing in my server. Mostly because I play on South African server so if you're not South African you're guaranteed 300ms ping minimum. Hell even if you are playing in South Africa you're probably running around with 150+ ping because our servers are crap.

                                                                                          Also anyone who is playing in Europe, Asia or the Americas that thinks Queuing in SA servers of all places is a good idea is probably insane or incredibly stupid and I would not want a person like that on my team.

                                                                                          Fortunately most people don't even know that SA server exists so Foreigners aren't usually a problem. :P


                                                                                            the only reason some1 wud wanna play there is to abuse matchmaking dude)

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              if I speak Russian to you and I know you don't speak Russian it means I purposely don't want to communicate with you because you were an asshole.

                                                                                              This applies to any other language too. If I purposely speak a language I know you don't understand it's because i don't want to talk to you.


                                                                                                ^Abuse unranked matchmaking? Because ranked basically doesn't exist on SA sever. That's the only reason I haven't calibrated my MMR yet. You can literally search ranked for days and not find anything.

                                                                                                I'm sure there are servers with better pings they can abuse matchmaking on. We're basically in the middle of nowhere when it comes to the internet



                                                                                                  if you had put it like that, it wouldnt have been deleted.


                                                                                                    I think everyone should accept that not all ASEAN u mentioned above is all bad. The problem is so many abuser for their dota account like high mmr buyer(selling account for money), or win abuser. It's so bad they still playing it on the rank without caring about how they will play on that rank or even in pub also. I'm just 3k player but I think i should share about my expirience all of that problem I have found.