General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Phoenix

Tips for Phoenix in General Discussion

    Hey guys, Phoenix was the first hero I ever played in Dota 2 and I consider him to be one of my best heros. However I know theres always room for improvement and I'm hoping anyone who plays phoenix can give me some advice on how to improve with the hero. I prefer playing him as an offlaner but I usually end up supporting with him because we usually don't get any other supports in normal skill. So advice for either role is appreciated.


      Phoenix solo offlane is really good. I usually try to go URN,Tranquil Boots, Veil of Discord first.
      Then, depending on the situation I go straight for shivas/radiance or halberd.

      Skillbuildwise, I tend to max out Q and W first.
      I'd recommend you to pick Phoenix against right clickers..try to avoid Ursa tho.

      Rektdalf the White

        Solo offlane is best role for him, first point in Q for escape or dive for kill, max W first, if you get decent start try to aim at 13 min midas if you can get it after tranqs, then veil, shiva, octarine, agha you can opt for situational halberd, mek pipe. radiance is good when ur snowballing extremely hard and in that case u might have already won that game


          Phoenix is one of my main heroes since I play offlane 99% of the time.I really like to pick her against PL,spectre and basically almost any carry like RK and tiny(need to be careful not to be caught by them though).She helped me climbed a lot of MMR especially above 5k.

          Try not to pick phoenix against heroes that can kill your egg really easily like Jugg,ursa,AM and meepo.However,I did picked her against AM and meepo time to time during the patches where they are dominant,just that you have to play really carefully and have good decision making when it comes to using egg.The reason I picked her against these 2 is because of sun ray damage and also to stop their split push with it,though it is kinda risky to pick her against these 2 so try not to do that.

          As for itemization I often build mek/greaves + pipe + shivas in most games as I feel that in these games my team often needs more team fight potential,usually I opt for midas for faster level gains so I can keep up on levels.I know many people don't recommend building mek + pipe on her due to her low mana pool,but that's how I played her because I feel these items were the best for my games since I feel my team dies too quickly in many of my phoenix games.Also I don't really face much mana problems with my itemization as I always build a wand on her,charges + the extra stats does help a lot.

          IMO positioning and knowing when to use egg is very important when playing her of course,7/10 of my games were lost due to me getting caught out and using egg at the wrong time.There were games that were won even though I got caught due to enemy mistakes,but I was lucky on those games as my team was already stomping over the enemy's team anyway.

          You can check out how the other top phoenix players play and how they build her,I know a lot of them likes to build discord + shivas + rad and play her as a damage dealer,I just prefer to play her as a utility offlane with mek + pipe + shiva most of the time as I feel these items were the most appropriate ones to win the game for my team.

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            Octarine does a brilliant job on most intel heroes with spammable damage abilites. You should take that over Rad (obvio) and Shiva's. Shiva's is for the team, Core is for your survivability and that CD reduction helps too.

            Riguma Borusu

              did you just try to suggest that octarine core is better than radiance and shiva

              or that phoenix is an intel hero

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                Hahaha, no. Side note for intel heroes.



                  It's obvious that you don't know much about the hero considering that you suggested octarine over rad + shivas,and indicating phoenix is an int hero and her abilities are spammable.

                  Octarine core is a super luxury item and highly situational on phoenix,and no you should not take it over rad and shivas.Rad is arguably the agha's upgrade of phoenix,provides more damage and 17% chance to miss your egg,it works during supernova as well.Shiva's AS slow synergise with your skill set and egg.


                    I guess, no free opinion heh. And I started this game in October and I'm learning. My point was that most intel heroes are incredibly squishy, nothing but glass cannons. Think of Leshrac, DP, Jakiro, Lina constant damage dealers but mostly weak. They'd do way better with Octarine than Radiance. Shiva's gives you overall stat gain and aura which is also good.


                      Phoenix isn't an int hero,and why do you even mention int heroes anyway...This thread is about phoenix,not Leshrac not Lina or DP,Jakiro.
                      With 5900 gold you could already have a shivas or rad,which provides much more utility every time you use your egg.

                      I'm also not shutting you down with your "opinions",I'm pointing out on things that you're wrong,no need to get defensive over that.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I guess, no free opinion heh.

                        No, there's opinion, and then there's just "being wrong". An opinion of someone who doesn't understand anything about a hero is completely worthless, and this is not meant to be offensive to you, it's just being honest, people who read posts on this site would do better without a ton of people sharing opinions that give really bad ideas to others.


                        So advice for either role is appreciated.

                        OP wanted some quality advice, and your opinion is, simply put, bad advice.

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                          What you consider as a bad idea, I don't. How does that sound? You want to keep hounding a newb, go ahead.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            What you consider as a bad idea, I don't. How does that sound?

                            Sounds like you have negative winrate in normal skill, pretty much. And this has nothing to do with hounding a newb, I could be considered a newb as well, it's just that I try not to disseminate really bad advice or opinions on things I know literally nothing about and I'm ready to change my opinion when confronted by new knowledge or opinions from players who are demonstrably way way better than me.

                            Also, if you continue to consider it a good idea, you'll remain exactly where you are, if you want to move up, you need to start learning. Getting Octarine Core over Phoenix's good items that synergize with his skillset is almost as dumb as rushing divine rapier on riki. The general playstyle for phoenix doesn't at all benefit from the octarine core because you want to dive in, throw spirits/shiva, and ult, that isn't in any way improved by Octarine Core, which also doesn't heal you while you're in the egg.

                            Also, OP asked for advice from people who play Phoenix, and you're trying to argue against a guy (Autumn) who has 54% winrate over 141 games in VHS, which means it's mostly against at least half decent people. I am pretty sure you can build ethereal blade into dagon every game in your bracket and win 100% of the time regardless, it's just a shit idea if you actually want to get better at the hero, which OP does.

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                            lm ao

                              this thread is KAPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


                                It's alright if you don't consider octarine is bad on phoenix that's fine,but it's still the fact that you're wrong.My advice is directed towards OP anyway,you can continue to build octarine on phoenix for all I care,since you're the one in the trench tier anyway not me.


                                  I strongly recommend you not to pick phoenix against silencer. He's gonna rape you so much with that Last Word.


                                    Yeah I hate playing against Silencer. In my last game the silencer picked a few seconds after the game had started so It caught me offguard. I built a Euls to try purge off silences but then he got an orchid just for me X|.

                                    On that topic, whats the best item for dealing with silences as Phoenix? GG boots are good but they're the most expensive. Manta and Diff blade don't synergise with Phoenix at all and buying BKB seems pointless when you're usually going to egg halfway through its duration, so it feels like euls is the only decent option.

                                    And yes I know I should really buy Veil more, I just always seem to forget that item exists XD

                                    Octarine core is nice for the Cooldown reduction but I would only ever get it after Shivas, Radiance and probably heart and BOTs too.


                                      Octarine core is bad huh...which must be why it's one of the most game winning items built on phoenix - as high a winrate as refresher orb. No doubt if the item were as bad as claimed it would have a lower winrate, yet it has as high a won as an item which lets you get off two supernovas in the same team fight.

                                      Octarine core reduces the abilty cooldowns to 27 seconds for Icarus Dive, 22.5 seconds for Fire Spirits (and given it has a duration of 16 seconds this means only 6.5 second downtime rather than 14 second down time), Sunray on 15 second cooldown and supernova on 82.5 second cooldown, which is low enough to be available pretty much every team fight. It also heals you based on the damage you are dealing to enemy heroes, and since all of phoenix's spells deal damage to him it's good to have another source of health regen.

                                      As for taking it over radiance I think he was assuming you would just have a Spectre with radiance on your team because of course someone will have picked spectre. And I think he meant 'you should take that instead of and (take) Shiva's' - ie you would be shiva's first because the cooldown reduction also applies on the Shivas active.


                                        NICE REASONING.


                                          There's no particular item you can buy in early game to oppose him, it's better just to avoid him. In middle game he's not much of a threat to phoenix, since he gets much tankier.


                                            why would you get radiance over items like heaven's helberd or atos, both of which can be casted before egg to prevent the cores from hitting it (atos for melee). as well as provide useful stats and remain relevant even without your ulti
                                            just curious, dont play phoenix.

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              @Murranji: You can't analyze raw data like that, Octarine Core is going to have huge winrate on every hero because it's a 6k fucking item that you get either very late if you're getting farm or pretty early if it's core on your hero/you're stomping.

                                              @VoHiYo: Well placed spirits already effectively stop people from attacking you unless you're like ursa or LS (and even then you can remove HH with rage/enrage), and HH or Atos are both single target, Atos is probably situationally viable, and HH can be really good cause it give some utility outside of fights and tanks you up for some prolonged engagements.


                                                can u stop phoenix's dive? i never seem to can... this hero looks fun Xd

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Yes but the problem is that most stuns have a projectile/awful animation so it's kinda hard to do it, Rubick has an instant cast hard disable so he's good to catch Phoenix mid air. Basically anything with really short animation hard disable is good for that purpose, but it's not always helpful.


                                                    @VoHiYo: More things interfere with Halberd and Atos then Radiance. Linkens, Diffusal, GG Boots, Manta, BKB and Lotus Orb can all remove the debuffs whereas nothing other than being Spell immune or having an MKB will stop the radiance miss chance. Also I just like the idea of your flaming bird literally burning everything near it :P Praise Icefrog for making Radiance a viable item on Phoenix!

                                                    Halberd is still good against something like a troll or Alchemist where they will attack so fast it doesn't matter if they miss 17% of their attacks. Problem is they will both probably get bkb


                                                      ask babushka, he's the best pheonix the world has ever fucking seen.



                                                        It depends on the game,though so far in my games I haven't really feel that I need to get either of it.IMO they are both situational and you can get better items,but I feel that they can be gotten if you're facing sven and ursa and you lack disables/slows.As for rad,I've seen people rushing straight for rad and skip midas follow up with shivas when they can afford to,otherwise it's a luxury and you probably won't be getting it too often,especially when facing against heavy nukers.


                                                        Well I already explained why octarine isn't a good choice to get without your core items,I believe another guy has explained it as well.


                                                        Actually if you know what you're doing you CAN pick phoenix if the opponent has a silencer or skymage,it depends on the opponent team composition though,sometimes there are just better picks.If you pick phoenix against a line up with massive amount of disables and silences then you probably would want to go for bkb instead of euls.The reason you buy BKB is so that you can use your spells and not get disabled or silenced,particularly against heroes with very low cast point like skymage silence,and a team with heavy stuns/disables + a silencer in it.

                                                        Like all other heroes,just because the opponent has a counter pick doesn't mean the hero is not viable,game would definitely be harder and you need to play around their counter picks.

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                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          @Autumn: I am pretty sure that if you're more concerned with silences rather than hard disables (like instant counter initiation as I mentioned above in which case you need linkens or bkb if it's AoE) it's actually pretty good to get GG boots, it also buffs your team prior to the teamfight if timed well. It IS however a very expensive item to get rid of silence but it also gives your team better survivability, though you only do this if you're the mek carrier (which phoenix is a good candidate for, sometimes).

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            there's a build i do against low hp heroes that works almost all of the time

                                                            ROP tango start, buy ring of regen shortly after in the side shop then rush ur tranqs. after that i generally go veil into dagon up to 5

                                                            if youre quick enough, u can pull off a dive veil dagon spiritbird combo. this can easily kill anyone with 1000> hp during midgame even with just a dagon 3 assuming you have high xpm

                                                            this build almost always ensures a lead if played right

                                                            also, veil dive nova on it's own is pretty deadly and almost every hero in the game has at least 1 magical spell so your teamfight presence is real strong

                                                            altho this is from a normal skill guy so take that with a grain of salt. i used to do urn mek build but mek costs shitton of mana to use and when i use it i end up with no mana for egg


                                                              ^The problem I had that game is that Silencer got an Orchid and then literally focused me with last word, Orchid and Global. He only ever used Global when they were fighting or ganking me. Since Global Silence goes through BKB I didn't want to get that. Without several items or a Diff blade I don't think there's much Phoenix can do against 3 chain silences.


                                                                @look I am a fucking retard

                                                                Well if they have a lot of silences and I feel that they particularly hate me and save their silences for me,then I would go for BKB.Otherwise yea I often go for GG if they have silences since I'm the mek carrier in 80% of my games,euls 1st if I don't think I can farm it fast enough and fights happen often in early - mid game,particularly against a pushing line up with silences.



                                                                  I will look at the replay tomorrow since it's pretty late at my side,but judging from the enemy's line up I wouldn't pick phoenix as they have an omni since his repel negates a large portion of your damage.

                                                                  IMO I feel that Undying is a pretty good pick for that game,his ultimate goes through repel and tombstone is pretty good against silencer and omni who have no escape mech and is squishy,so is against slardar since he won't be able to move as well under zombies.

                                                                  Undying is also pretty good against spectre,tombstone negates desolate and her AS isn't high compared to most carries so destroying a well placed tombstone won't be too easy for her,and zombies will incapacitate her MS.Undying's ultimate also softens spectre and their already squishy support.This is just my take on your game though,I might be wrong in a few areas but I believe I'm correct for the most part :DD

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                                                                      did anyone actually suggest going radiance as a serious build on phoenix?




                                                                          I've only had 6 Pheonix matches. 5/0/1 W/L/A I played with Octarine in 3 of them and the results were good. Again, this is my limited experience in 3/5 matches, so.


                                                                            @ Autumn: Yeah If global silence didn't go through bkb I probably would have got one. To be fair I think I started tilting later on in the game. Wasn't playing my best :P If I had seen that silencer I definitely wouldn't have picked Phoenix. Undying would probably have been a good pick.



                                                                              Octarine core reduces the cooldown of urn of shadows, veil, shiva's guard, all of which are core items, it also reduces the cooldown of other optional items for phoenix such as pipe, lotus orb, eul's sceptre etc. It's a very good late game item.


                                                                                vyse > octarine 90% of the time. you only need to handle with 1 or 2 over farmed core in the late game anyway; 1 good hex and he's dead. If you're talking about items CD to justify your octarine purchase, I suggest you to play OD, lina, or even invoker. They need the lifesteal too anyway.

                                                                                I do like the greaves / lotus orb solution for silence. sometimes eul is just too slow to purge the silence (you need 2.5s, and it may screwed your timing to do fire spirits - dive - eggs combo). lotus and greaves are instant and help team too (not only to purge silence; you can safe your carry from stuns, greave to heal, etc). I don't like BKB too much because it doesnt give much asides from being a big golden bird with uninterrupted laser beam (and global silence, but you got what I mean).

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                                                                                  ^ Zeus too, don't leave the gods out. And you missed out Death Prophet and Leshrac also.

                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert



                                                                                    Don't position like shit your ult in the middle of the Icarus Flight

                                                                                    Aim your balls

                                                                                    Dagger after icarus if you want to position your ult even better

                                                                                    Build aura items

                                                                                    What more is there


                                                                                      I watched the game you mentioned,not gonna go too deep into it,just gonna point out on small skirmishes and team fights.Sorry for the wall of text though.

                                                                                      @8.45: You took a nuke to the face that could have been prevented if you backed off when omni runs straight at you,you also dive in the wrong direction but you're dead anyway since spectre have ulti

                                                                                      @10.36: You stayed near the top rune spot with invoker and silencer nearby even though radiant have vision of you with invoker's spirits,and also slardar at top lane was missing as well.You missed spirits on invoker and didn't use it on slardar as well.Actually you're dead the moment invoker cast cold snap on you since silencer probably would have casted global,assuming if he did not you could have just used dive immediately after cold snap proc(it has a short CD intervals) and escape.

                                                                                      @14.15 : You missed spirits again,and actually that egg could have resulted in your death if omni just turned around and hit you 5 times since he won't die from that level 1 super nova damage.You continued the chase and immediately used 3 of your spirits at once on spectre,which you could have killed omni after repel wore off if you used one spirit at a time.

                                                                                      @16.40: You were caught out of position,also you have enough HP to take a hit from last word to use supernova,and you could have immediately used spirits (last world don't trigger when you use spirits that are already casted) on omni and silencer follow up with nova for that fight.You probably may die from spectre but that fight could have resulted in a 1 for 3 trade off since your teammates are there.

                                                                                      @18.00: That's a rather late midas pick up for an offlaner phoenix,also another egg that would have yourself killed,if invoker cast alacrity you would have died since you did not apply spirits on him.

                                                                                      @19.40: You could have dive in and slow the silencer who was out of position and could have killed silencer with your ally WR.

                                                                                      @21.30: Yet another bad egg,you didn't cast spirits on invoker and omni,if invoker again used alacrity you would have died.Also it's a bad spot to egg,you're quite a distance away from your team and spectre could have reality in since her illusions are still present which would have killed you as well.

                                                                                      @26.20: You missed spirits on spectre which could have prevent your disruptor from dying,but let's assume omni did not DCed and casted repel on spectre,you should have dive towards disruptor and used sun ray to heal him.Returning to the game,you took last word damage that could have been prevented,even if you took it you could have euls spectre and run towards your teammate.

                                                                                      @28.20: You could have killed spectre here,but your sun ray only hit spectre for 2 seconds and then you immediately ended it with supernova.What you could have done is hit spectre with sun ray for the full duration while also using fire spirit( yes you can use your skills during sun ray) on spectre which would have resulted in a kill.

                                                                                      @30.28: Ahh a 3 man gank from your team against an invoker,but your team doesn't have dust and you commit a supernova even though the enemy's team isn't present.Also a pretty vulnerable spot for supernova,you placed it right at the river,luckily the enemy team isn't around else you might have died there.

                                                                                      @32.00: You walked into 3 enemies used euls on yourself right in front of 3 enemies :(((,4 with silencer behind.You shouldn't have done that since you placed yourself in a very vulnerable position.After that you did not back off immediately and panicked sun ray which you then die.

                                                                                      Also you probably would have turned that fight around if you did not waste your ultimate in the previous 3 man gank on invoker,since you could have used euls and dispel the silence at a position out of reach from last word,and activate fire spirits,dive in place spirits and nova which would have effectively turn the teamfight into your favour.

                                                                                      @33.47: You got out of position and walked right into slardar's stun,the ultimate was actually a good one since you forced your enemy to back off.You chased after silencer after the egg and tried to use spirits to kill silencer who has 241 hp,which you should have used sun ray instead since it has longer range and much more damage at this point than spirits.Also the enemy slardar and spectre was near and you put yourself in a vulnerable position by getting close to use spirits.

                                                                                      If you did not get out of position and get stunned by slardar you could have stand behind and used sun ray to kill off the omni,while also having egg for counter initiation.

                                                                                      @39.55: You shouldn't have used euls at that point and just backed off after silencer casted last word on you,since you do not need to use your spells yet for a teamfight.Also you have ward vision with the enemy team coming towards you yet you stand and waited till they were right in your face and you dived towards the rosh pit,which you shouldn't do that in the 1st place.Right when global silence wore off you placed spirits but did not immediately follow up with nova which could have turned the fight around since your ally sven managed to land a 3 man stun with his ulti activated.

                                                                                      You also actually have a few seconds of opening to land spirits and nova.If you have just backed off earlier and didn't use euls and instead waited for last word to wear off,you would be ready to dispel global and use egg for that fight which probably would have happened.Then you would be in a much better position.

                                                                                      @41.44: This is when silencer got his orchid,last 4 minutes before the game ends.

                                                                                      Enemy spectre got caught out,if you used spirits and dive while using sun ray at your original position that spectre would have died.before you used egg,again you did not use your remaining 2 spirits on the enemy,and invoker yet again could have alacrity to kill your egg if wr didn't not shackled him,actually he would have also kill you along with silencer with alacrity.

                                                                                      Now from the results,

                                                                                      Bad spirits usage,from how I see you spammed all your spirits immediately you might thought that they stack,which they do not and insteads refreshes the duration of the spirit.You got caught out a lot as well,bad egg usage which could have resulted in your death multiple times if the opponent was much better.

                                                                                      Also bad decision-making which could have turned around a few team fights,and you doesn't seem to know when to use euls on yourself to dispel the silences.You do that when you need your spells immediately for a team fight or a when it's right about to start,in this case you should stay out of range from silencer's last world and try use as much spells you can to set up your combo before he uses global silence,you might actually even manage to pull it off before he cast global silence!

                                                                                      If he does that when you're doing the spirits > dive > shivas > nova combo,you should use euls on yourself on a position that is not compromising,then used up whatever spells you need to execute the combo.

                                                                                      Also,silencer only manages to get his orchid 4 minutes before the game ends,and from what I saw that isn't even much of a problem at all.It's actually almost non-existent,since he only used orchid for the final team fight before the game ends and you still manage to pull off the combo.

                                                                                      Also many lost opportunities you've missed due to bad spell usage.You don't really use much of your sun ray in the game and seems that you don't really know how to.Spirits > dive > sun ray at a position where you're not vulnerable and also in range to scorch them if you're chasing.Or just use sun ray and keep on right clicking the enemy hero to lock on to them when you want to deal damage and moving forward if needed,while not committing supernova yet or when it's CD.

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                                                                                        Rapier and Moonshard have both over 80% winrate. I think it's obvious that you should try to rush these items every single game


                                                                                          btw do u favor max ray by 10 or max dive by 9/10?


                                                                                            Thanks for the Advice Autumn! I admit I am terrible at landing the spirits, that's why I send 2 or 3 out when I panic in the hope that one will hit. I know they don't stack :P
                                                                                            I should probably have gotten a lotus orb in hindsight, don't know why I didn't think of it then. Much better then Euls for Phoenix.
                                                                                            I know I was out of position way too much. Even in the game I knew I was being careless.
                                                                                            It was not one of my best games, I'm usually not so sloppy. But I do need to work on landing those Fire Spirits and using the sun ray more effectively.

                                                                                            Thanks again for taking the time to watch that mess :D I'll keep working on it!


                                                                                              Ive seenso many phoenix's get themselves killed because they cant manage their health. Make sure to keep track of it ALWAYS.


                                                                                                Ok, basic advice time.
                                                                                                Get level 11. The boost from 5 attacks to 8 makes all the difference in the world.
                                                                                                I know I am trench tier, but I love the hell out of the sun. Nothing like all-chatting "I'm a bird." after your ult murders their whole team.
                                                                                                As for items, just get tranquil boots. All she needs is the regen as she has decent int and all her spells use health. Urn and Tranquils and you are mostly good, and I just gank once I have both of those. The great thing about the bird in either support or offlane is that she can fight without a lot of items provided that you can hit your spirits.
                                                                                                oh yeah.
                                                                                                Hit your spirits.
                                                                                                Seriously, just get the timing down and you will be good. It has saved my ass, or my carry's ass, more than I can count. It's like giving your entire team untouchable for 4 seconds. Also, they give a bit of vision, so that's fun.
                                                                                                Late-game items, I usually go Shiva's. Dive + Shiva's into Ult makes life very hard for most people.
                                                                                                The real trick though is don't pick her into anyone that can increase attack speed (Troll Warlord, Beastmaster, Mirana, etc.) or Sniper, as most snipers will just snipe the egg and then go back to wiping your team, or be far enough away that they don't have to worry about getting caught in the blast. Antimage and QoP also wreck you because they can just blink out, or get really good at rightclicking. Also QoPs buy Orchid, so that sucks. Anyone with a point-and-click or long duration silence also deserves mention, as not being able to cast your spells turns you from a burning god of death into a drunk chickadee.
                                                                                                As for skilling her, unless there is a huskar on the other team (and why did you pick her into huskar) max W then Q, leaving E for last. Since the damage and heal are percent based, you just won't have the stats to make it really good until later levels where it can turn a teamfight.
                                                                                                That's the basic advice.
                                                                                                As for purging the silence, I like Euls, but that's also because if you Dive and Eules the right target before you Ult, you loose some damage, but can almost guarantee the stun, but GGboots are just better in most cases.
                                                                                                Also, Scythe of Nice is another way to ignore a carry for 2 seconds, so it's always worth it.
                                                                                                As for the whole OctCore debate, I don't buy it, but that's because I never farm after I hit my tranquils and urn, and I give my lane to my supports (unless I am already support, in which case I never farm anyway). Because Auras last through the egg, and so much of your play depends on egg usage, I don't like OC much as it doesn't offer a bonus inside egg. I can see why it would be good though.


                                                                                                  For all who builds radiance on phoenix: WHY??
                                                                                                  Please, if you really want this, make sure 3/4 of your teammates approve this.
                                                                                                  I'm not saying that radiance is a very bad item at all, but ... pls stop

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                                                                                                  milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                                                    for solo offlane
                                                                                                    buy items quick, dive out of fountain and get your ward down before they see you
                                                                                                    if you think you can contest rune, try dive steal it, otherwise block and let range creep go first
                                                                                                    i deal with silencer dual lane by going aggressive rather than passive, buy more regen than normal and skill spirits level 1 to trade with him
                                                                                                    use spirits in lane when they are about to go for a last hit (esp melee), so that they either get hit or back off and miss the last hit
                                                                                                    in lane, i only use dive for an escape or kill, unless i know i won't need it till next cd

                                                                                                    good items are urn, veil, atos, shiva, refresher, radiance, blink
                                                                                                    any utility item, mek, greaves, pipe, solar, lotus, eul, hex etc.

                                                                                                    i usually go 4-4-0-1 into veil
                                                                                                    i will go 1-4-4-1 into atos if i'm very behind/playing support, or there is enemy huskar, lc on either team

                                                                                                    late game don't be too hasty to egg - sun ray is insanely strong, couple it with an atos on a high priority target (wait for their bkb to run out if they have one)
                                                                                                    all your first 3 skills can be used in conjunction with each other. when you dive over enemies make sure to drop a spirit on them as you pass. if you have good veil/atos timings, you can solo kill many heroes with sun ray -> atos -> fire spirits -> dive -> fire spirits. disable blinks with sun ray since it's instant and long range. if you didn't know, fire spirits do not stack, they only refresh the duration (4 seconds).
                                                                                                    if you're getting absolutely destroyed in lane, you can stack the offlane camp and clear it once you hit lvl 5 (you can at lvl 3 but it's less efficient). even with the stacking magic resist aura you can still clear 3-4 stacks with one set of spirits.

                                                                                                    phoenix is actually strong against huskar and meepo if you know what you're doing. i also use it to counter spec as it's usually an easy lane and you can deal with her late with atos sunray since she doesn't usually build bkb.

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                                                                                                      Actually wanna post a comment but not sure why dotabuff doesn't allow me to.I always max dive over sun ray,I only max ray when i'm facing huskar so I can do something about him ASAP due to his high magic resistance.


                                                                                                      Actually euls was fine that game,just that you didn't use it right,you seem to always euls yourself in a weird position or you use it when you don't need to.btw not sure if you already knew,but silencer last word can now be dispel without having to wait till it procs.


                                                                                                        @ Autumn
                                                                                                        I was actually wondering if the debuff could be dispelled in that game. I wasn't sure so I stuck with removing the silence which I was sure it got rid of. I remember at one point you couldn't get rid of it but I see they fixed that back in 6.85.
                                                                                                        I've gotten Euls a grand total of 24 times which is probably why I used it so badly. I just panicked every time I got silenced, need to think before I act more.

                                                                                                        By the way, if you're going for GG boots would you still get tranquils first and sell them later? Or maybe keep both sets of boots? I feel you cant really get away without that regen in lane.