General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get on the South East Asia server?

How to get on the South East Asia server? in General Discussion

    There's no "SEA" option in the servers list.


      need to hav decent ping to it (like <500) if not it wont show up on ur options.
      believe there is a console option to enable it though, not sure/


        Valve considers anything below 500 ping to be decent?

        That...actually explains a lot.


          I don't get China and Korea and stuff.


            And Dota warns you when you try to join a server with 100ms+ ping.


              And here I am not playing if my ping is over 150


                Why would you want to go there


                  it shows 150 for me on us east but i play there with like 80 ping

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    I have under 500 ping to India, Australia and Turkey servers, so I probably have under 500 ping to SEA, but it's still not showing. I really want to play there. Please help me.


                      move to singapore, should help


                        cant find your thread so i reply here: (did you delete it because you understood it was pointless?)
                        I've already wrote the comment but the thread vanished, I felt like I needed to share my opinion.

                        With all the goodwill I put into reading this, I cant seem to comprehend the reason behind this thread.
                        I understand you don't want to be called Russian when your nationality is different, still, you have to keep in mind that not every non-Cyrillic writer/speaker is able to identify where do you come from just from that. A simple yet valid solution for everyone would be for you to speak the selected language from your Dota 2 client when you are searching for a game, that way you will be able to successfully avoid at least the nationality / language flaming.

                        If you are in a mixed stack, lets say 2 friends + 2 randoms just let everyone know that when you use Russian/Cyrillic is to address your comrades who lack a bit of english grammar. If that it's not even the case, I don't see the problem in all this considering you seem to be fluent at least in english typing if not speaking.

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                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          I deleted the thread because people started trolling on it rather than talking about the actual issue. And it's getting sidetracked a lot.

                          Also, I never said I was not Russian, and never said I was either. My ethnicity does not matter at all in Dota 2 so I will not say it. I am just saying in general that people with cyrillic or even Russian names, please don't just immediately assume they are Russian as many countries speak Russian or speak a language that uses cyrillics.

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                            As mentioned above, in that case, I really don't see the problem.
                            Considering you are dealing with a community so vast and mixed (age and location) that not everyone is educated to distinguish where you are from that precisely but rather "guess" most of the times approximately, especially by your in game behavior.

                            Play normally, speak normally, and way fewer people will address to you as "Russian" if that bothers you that much.


                              i use a russian name and im not russian


                                and i dont give a shit, its funny to me

                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  I don't tell people my ethnicity/nationality because I don't think it matters in Dota 2. I don't want people to guess, since I believe that it doesn't matter in Dota. I also won't say whether I'm Russian or not because it doesn't matter in Dota 2.

                                  It personally doesn't bother me where people think I'm from, but it does matter to some other people. I just want to let people know that there are other languages that use cyrillic letters, just so the more you know)) Just some information)

                                  But anyways how do I get on the SEA server?

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                                    what do you want to hear?

                                    get a better internet or move to sea

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      If I have Turkey, India and Australia servers available why would I not have SEA servers available?


                                        does this forum look like a dev forum?


                                          Dude, do NOT play on SEA. I'm not saying it cuz you spam Riki, I'm saying this because SEA genuinely sucks. You have 0 hope of raising MMR or playing decent matches.

                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            All my friends play on there and I want to play with them.


                                              You have better chance at winning if you play with passive bots.

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                SEA server isn't that bad. All of my friends play on it.


                                                  Maybe they play as a party, because if you queue for solo there:
                                                  * 15% chance of getting bots on either team
                                                  * 75% chance of flamers
                                                  * 99% 1st Dota match players
                                                  * 30% Overconfident smurfs
                                                  * 10% smurfs
                                                  * 5% Our mothers
                                                  * 1% Good etiquette and good chemistry


                                                    ^ you misspelled 0% for good etiquette and good chemistry

                                                    THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                      Becaus 300mmr EU = 5k SEA

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        people say that EUW is toxic, but honestly US East has been more toxic than EUW ever has been for me. Maybe SEA server isn't as bad as people say it is either.


                                                          Before I answer your question, where exactly do you live and what is your mmr?


                                                            @ChaosHiype Please. It's like:
                                                            60% our mothers
                                                            -10% Good etiquette and good chemistry
                                                            99% flamers
                                                            100% trashtalkers and LC picks
                                                            0% decent cores


                                                              SEA really bad?

                                                              House Cat

                                                                You don't want to be here :3


                                                                  stick to eu op

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    LOL^ that actually is stupid if you wont tell me its some spicy meme your trying to post

                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                      @Nyan yes I do, that's why I'm asking.


                                                                        I am from sea server. Even I try my best to avoid sea server. I played on EU, Japan , Aussie and Sea. I can assure you SEA server is the most toxic of them all. If you think it is easy and want to easily raise your MMR, you can give it a try. If, you do I have 1 thing to say, Best of luck.

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                                                                          we need someone like u in SEA server Фантом Рики. move to any SEA country so u can join us. Blue Jeans is a traitor