General Discussion

General DiscussionWill badman ever stop gaining mmr (until spectre nerf)

Will badman ever stop gaining mmr (until spectre nerf) in General Discussion

    Once you get to the point where you are the highest, you aren't exactly playing anyone harder. He is just playing the same mmr

    I would believe his problem now is winning small amounts of mmr and losing a lot due to him raising his teams mmr so much


      he might, the games will get harder though because even though the enemies might stay the same, his teammates will get lower and lower mmr to balances out his. My friend recently got put on rtz's team in rmm even though hes 5.4k and rtz is 8.5, but that averages out to 7.


        makes sense

        Riguma Borusu

          The only way Badman outbalances the low MMR of his teammates is to play as even more of a beast and go 1v5 if he needs to, but it's a good question, how long he can keep on doing that it comes down to that.


            spectre can 1v5 easily as well though


              But can spectre 1v9? Because at a certain mmr it is closer to that.


                sure he can


                  Well, i think badman can up to 10k mmr, it's just a matter of time. if spectre'll got nerfed, than he'll find another hero to win games.


                    did this guy really went from 4k to 8k just playing spec ?


                      there's no way he hit 10k..
                      after some time he'll get overdosed of spe and start randoming and losing mmr, thats the cycle of life

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Well, it's definitely no coincidence that the highest MMR in the world is a Spectre spammer. The day is finally upon us, the cancer is so among the top that no one living will survive.


                          I wonder what will happen next patch to him xd #road to 7k?

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                          Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                            Why Spectre should receive a nerf if she is not OP? You can't compare her to Invoker or Outworld Devourer... IceFrog made that buffs so she can be be picked by the pro's and can enter the meta. This agility hero is a hard carry and is extremely squishy in the early stages of the game.


                              ...extremely squishy...

                              Livin' Real Good

                                to the X treme

                                A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                  Spectre is nothing compared to Invoker? At this point she's probably in the top 3 most cancerous hero ever in dota

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Yeah, it's pretty bad, you can't even play blink intiating heroes like Earth Shaker or Magnus anymore cause if she haunts first, it won't matter if the enemy team is bunched up for a tasty Echo Slam, you'll end up just echo slamming the floor cause you thought you blinked, by then realize a Spectre illusion is hitting you with radiance or diffusal, or BOTH. Kappa Just kidding, but that's happened to me twice already, never again, never again...

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                                    Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                      if you want to know how to beat badman spec then check out how badman beats spec himself

                                      ck or morph....full speed push game end 25 mins flat....every minute you waste is more exp for spec and the window when she's her weakest is a very small one maybe the smallest of all heroes

                                      oh and whatever you do do NOT feed her in early it's a 100% gg actually more of a tko

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