General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing this account

Smurfing this account in General Discussion
420 Booty Wizard
    My lil bro made this account showing avg party tbd mmr around 3k..
    What should I do push it in high or very high skill..
    My main role safelane carry but I can get maximum kda with any hero.. I am new at smurfing need help..
    Suggest me some heroes..
    I am thinking of arc warden or Zeus...
    PA mid :p

    < blank >

      WIN RATE



        this isn't your brothers, it's yours. LOL


          2800-3k max

          420 Booty Wizard

            This is me with 6 tbd solo games...
            I can't play on very low settings so kinda left tbd matches. Will open mmr later.
            I am 3k trash..
            Just wanna give a try to smurf and I can take winrate above 50 easily... I just wanted to know some good smurf heroes...


              LOL THIS ISN'T YOU HAHA

              420 Booty Wizard

                How to take it into very high skill??


                  be very high skill originally

                  420 Booty Wizard

                    Who cares about 2k trash??? 1k guys better than 2k guys :D

                    420 Booty Wizard

                      Triplesteal I got very high skill in my mentioned account by playing invoker and antimage... But still can I take it to the V high skill cuz my lil bro played 40 matches on it..?


                        no you're a normal skill player. that account is in eu servers. you will never even be a very high skill player unless you learn the game and stop smurfing into 2k.

                        420 Booty Wizard

                          174825943 add me 2k trash we will talk... I m here to ask if still they is a chance to take it into very high skill when my bro already played 40 matches??

                          420 Booty Wizard

                            Or account mentioned in main post will end up in 2k?no matter what I do??
                            Is it useful to play on this account or not????


                              i don't think playing dota is useful, more like detrimental to ur health and mental state


                                i even got 3.5k at my main account And i abandon it now. Now am playing this acc. got like 68% win rate 4.2k in party and open TBD 10 games at solo , just reach t50 and also got veryhighskill at ever nm i wanna calibrate at 4k i dont want to go again at 3k scrubs .