General Discussion

General Discussionmy unranked games are in high skill bracket but my ranked games are i...

my unranked games are in high skill bracket but my ranked games are in normal?? in General Discussion

    need help... can anyone explain to me?, i just got lvl 50 exp trophy but when i play in rank my skill bracket is normal?


      Normal and ranked matches do not share the same mmr.

      Just imagine that there is a hidden mmr for your normal matches, too!

      You get into the highskill bracket when you're around 3.200 mmr.

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        I really dont get it, so if we are on vhs bracket were not sure of <3600mmr right?


          your hidden mmr for normal matches is separate from your ranked mmr. you can have 1000 in one kind of MM and 7000 in the other.

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          Riguma Borusu

            I'm about 4k unranked and 3k ranked, so I have a 1k gap between them right now, but I used to have a 2k gap a little more than a month ago, so it definitely happens, after calibration, your hidden and ranked MMR are completely separate.

            Die Lie Sigh

              Why doesn't he hidden mmr affect ur ranked one while calibration??? This is utter bullshit!!


                ^it does. first calibration match is played exactly on the level of your hidden mmr.


                  This also happened to me for ffs! When I was playing unranked level 40-50 trophy I am playing with 4.5k - 5k mmr players after the match I'll see if they're party and the thing is that they're playing solo they're also high level like 60+ often. And after my trophy is level 50 and played my 1st game solo calibration the average mmr was 3.7k bullsh1t! RIP Smurf. I guess I'll just use my main account which is 4.1k. Can't make that mmr cause so many toxic players in SEA Server. :(

                  Pudge buff? pog?

                    me too I have the same question but me I didn't go rank yet but I played games and have a lot of idiots picking heores they cannot play with, I was supporting for at least 70% of my games. now I decided to take a stand and play carry. we mostly win when I take good carry like tiny and jugger but I am afraid to go rank and be disapointed. I played with 4k+ dudes most of the time but because sometimes you have some russian and chinese noob( no offense but sometimes we have this) and sometimes some guy who decide to go and die the whole game. Mostly I got some bad luck with some smurf. supposedly boss going for kills and at the end of the game we loose cause of this. even as a support I got mor kills than the carry, and i also die less. whatever, I also had bad games where I was dying as a support. so how to be sure I can have a good mmr?


                      its true, my ranked mmr is 2.95 but when i solo i get a mix of high or very high. i usually play with my friends who are in the low 2ks anyway so it doesnt really matter to me kappa


                        Easy as fuck. Getting HS/VHS in unranked is easier than in ranked. Unranked MMR inflation is bigger and MM points probably are calcuclated different.

                        Also keep in mind high skill is not years away from normal skill, because basically:

                        3.2k - 3.6k high skill, below 3.2 normal.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          "Easy as fuck. Getting HS/VHS in unranked is easier than in ranked."

                          It's pretty easy to get high hidden MMR and calibrate off of that, with similar ranked MMR. Also up to like 3k there's no actual difference in ranked vs unranked on most servers, and I can confirm this for EU West/East, dunno how it goes above 3k.

                          "Unranked MMR inflation is bigger and MM points probably are calcuclated different."

                          The only reason inflation is bigger is that non calibrated accounts contribute to it, without it, inflation is the same. And the points are not calculated differently, I've actually measured my transition from 3.2k to 3.6k and it matches up perfectly in terms of net wins (you actually get/lose 25 points even in unranked). This, however, only works if your uncertainty is low, if it's high, you lose/win way more than 25, but that can't happen past like 50 games, so you settle down on winning/losing 25 anyhow.

                          "Also keep in mind high skill is not years away from normal skill, because basically:
                          3.2k - 3.6k high skill, below 3.2 normal."

                          This is true, whether I've played ranked or unranked, there's no much difference between 3.2k and 3.6k, you probably only start noticing it as you approach 4k.

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                            "It's pretty easy to get high hidden MMR and calibrate off of that, with similar ranked MMR. Also up to like 3k there's no actual difference in ranked vs unranked on most servers, and I can confirm this for EU West/East, dunno how it goes above 3k."

                            It's easy to get VHS hidden MMR. It's not easy to calibrate off of that, trust me. You have to play good on calibration matches. Like really good. You don't have to win, but stats-wise you have to be able to pull out GPM/XPM/TD/CS and so on.

                            Well if you don't, why don't you try to calibrate above flat 4K and let me know what happens. ^^ Calibrating around 3.5-3.9k is easier tho.

                            "The only reason inflation is bigger is that non calibrated accounts contribute to it, without it, inflation is the same. And the points are not calculated differently, I've actually measured my transition from 3.2k to 3.6k and it matches up perfectly in terms of net wins (you actually get/lose 25 points even in unranked). This, however, only works if your uncertainty is low, if it's high, you lose/win way more than 25, but that can't happen past like 50 games, so you settle down on winning/losing 25 anyhow."

                            You see, as you measured your progress and transition from 3.2 to 3.6k(I still don't understand how can you know where you are if unranked literally shows no signs of accurate unranked points, but w/e), difference in skill between 3.2 and 3.6k in ranked is there, and pretty much every 300-400 MMR in ranked means a lot more than in unranked.

                            Basically I can't belive you that it's the same since no-one knows that. Unless you're working with Valve or Steam or Dota 2 makes or whatever, I think you can't say anything for sure.

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                              When will i get into the highskill bracket for unranked! I mean i have 6.10kda ,58% winrate, 460 xmp 430 gpm. all my trends are still going up. Looking @ "Lich early bran damjd. He was basically in the same boat as me. Started with a horrible mmr now climbing into highkskill. His stats aren't as high as mine! even if my hidden mmr is increasing, my stats are still rising


                                Unranked is not that important. Skill bracket is not that important. Best and most acurate skill-measuring metod is your MMR.

                                Also, how many games you have at each MMR is important aswell.

                                You can play at @ 3.7-4k unranked, but it will not make you 4k player, so don't bother that much about it.

                                You literally can't compare 4k unranked and 4k ranked. Even tho we can't know if 4k unranked exists or not, but my point is, even if it does, unranked MMR is different compared to ranked in many ways.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  "Basically I can't belive you that it's the same since no-one knows that. Unless you're working with Valve or Steam or Dota 2 makes or whatever, I think you can't say anything for sure."

                                  Actually, this is fairly easy, when I got into VHS, I just sat down and calculated how many High Skill matches I have won over the ones I lost, then I had something like 65% winrate there, so that means I take the number of high skill matches, multiply it by 0.15 (15%) which is net difference, then multiply by 25, and surprise surprise I got 3.2k + 450 = 3.65k. So I can't say for SURE it's -+25, but PRETTY DAMN SURE it works the same. There's no reason not to. However, ever since I've got to VHS, I've had some HS loses, and some games are party (you should know haha) so they can be discarded, but when I just broke into VHS, and calculated this, it matched up perfectly, it doesn't do so anymore. Also some normal skill matches on the edge of 3.2k after losing a few high skill games also make up for it, or at least they did when I actually calculated, now I can't really go back to calculate it all over again because I've played a ton of games after that and that kinda skews results.

                                  "You literally can't compare 4k unranked and 4k ranked. Even tho we can't know if 4k unranked exists or not, but my point is, even if it does, unranked MMR is different compared to ranked in many ways."

                                  You can't compare any unranked to any ranked because of actual skill difference and consistency of play - when I play @ about 4k unranked I get anything from 3k to 6k and it's fucking hilarious, the thing is, a lot of people calibrate at 4k, grind up to 5k-6k and then come back to play casually in unranked, this takes them into my unranked territory and sometimes I get completely rekt by them, but, as you know, sometimes they accuse my team of tryharding Kappa. But yeah, I mostly play unranked for improvement and it's more fun and less tryhardy, so I can grind up ranked afterwards when I feel like dealing with ego trip 3ks.

                                  But the bottom line, I'm pretty sure after about 50 matches, Unranked and Ranked technically work the same, with the mainly -+25 points system in place.

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