General Discussion

General Discussionthis games actually the story of my life this week

this games actually the story of my life this week in General Discussion

    350 gpm safelane sven :crazy:

    Bad Intentions

      Yo Sano, sup man, does it include weekend doto? ya know man bout wat weekend doto is bout ryt :]]


        Instead of blaming teammates you should blame yourself, a fed death prophet is entirely capable of solo carrying a game to victory around the 30 minute mark


          im sure DP solo kills alchemist after all she does a lot of burst damage right guys eggs dee


            and people say "teammates hold me back" is bullshit.....................


              Seems you dont understand, let me explain.

              Alch is a melee hero with low armour, which means spirit syphon will heal you for full duration unless alch moves out of range (which means he stops hitting you). And because your ulti is physical damage, and alchemist has 0 base armour, your ulti does insane damage to an alchemist (especially since the only armour your alchemist had was from armlet/manta, I also assume the other big armour items on their team came after winning many teamfights, like dazzle aghs). Also, if you see that alch is channeling his stun, you can silence him and guarantee a self-stun, unless he has either BKB or manta off cooldown.

              I know you are frustrated with your team, and yes, they sucked. The thing is however you couldve won this game as well if you made the right calls in the teamfights.




                  See the problem is that the Sven was safelane. It's impossible to win from the safelane role any more because everything is stacked against you.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    When everything is stacked against you, buy HotD and stack for yourself :3


                      now my team abandoned me solo against LD as spectre
                      i had a fucking jungle alchemist and lich babysiting OD mid (who still died 4 times mid somehow)
                      yeah im fucking cursed

                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                        Sano add me


                          Maybe you shouldn't be a toxic fuck and you probably will have people help you.



                            im one of the least toxic players i know of
                            i dont give up easily, i dont flame unless the game is 100% over and i encourage the team to keep trying


                              or you think im toxic just because i said your videos are pointless? :)


                                I'm pretty sure it's the enforced 50% winrate matchmaking coming into play. You might be in for 4-5 more losses after this unfortunately.


                                  i honestly dont care too much about MMR as a number, i play mainly to get better. problem is when you lose mmr you get queued with worse players, i want to get 6k so i can get better matches. im not sure im good enough to get 6k yet but i think i have a good shot at it

                                  and overall it's just frustrating to repeatedly lose while playing well.

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                                    From your latest game:
                                    Morphling Morphling: i dont understand
                                    09:04Morphling Morphling: statistically the game ruiners should be
                                    09:07Morphling Morphling: on the enemy team
                                    09:10Morphling Morphling: half of the time
                                    09:13Morphling Morphling: on the long run
                                    09:31Nyx Assassin Nyx Assassin: :(
                                    09:35Lion Lion: :(
                                    09:36Lion Lion: <3
                                    10:09Mirana Mirana: maybe going morph mid and having a whiny personality makes people more likely to abandon your games
                                    10:13Morphling Morphling: ?
                                    10:14Mirana Mirana: so they're actually on your team like 75% of the time

                                    I don't know, just a feeling.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      @sano: I think what is more frustrating is losing from the minute zero. Sometimes your team gets outpicked so fucking hard or you have weak lanes because somebody insists on jungling and you're done for, then you just sit and watch the game be lost. It's even worse if you're the sole support on the team with weak lanes, you'll be blamed for virtually everything, you'll spend all your money on wards/detection/tps, you'll still be unable to accomplish anything and it's just over.

                                      Also, holy shit, if you think that's toxic, there's something ridiculously wrong with you, I mean, aside from the things we already know are wrong with you.

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                                        so please mr. Neko Gamer Soul please explain where's the toxicity in that chat


                                          I said that after furion and ES abandoned the game before 8 minutes, so ???

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^omfg m8 dats toxic as fuck, how dare you honestly ponder on the situation and express your thoughts?


                                              Probably a whinner in team chat. Most likely a person who goes around saying shit like, "omg" or keeps saying the word "please don't".

                                              Whinner's don't get reported often, and can pull off the "Hurr Durr, I'm not toxic" act rather really well.

                                              The fact that you posted a thread on dotabuff forum saying how losing like 3 in a row in rank match confirms whinny baby. I can lose 10 in a row and not come here to whine cause I know that it's probably me.

                                              @Sven guy
                                              Keep them coming, at half mass.


                                                your deductions skills are on point


                                                  So is my sadism streak. Made a little kid cry while working today.


                                                    the funny part is that i do the exact opposite of what you said
                                                    if people start flaming each other in allies chat i urge them to stop trashtalking and play the game

                                                    but sure say what u want

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                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        @Neko Gamer Retard:
                                                        If you actually had a tendency to play well, you'd have a chance to get frustrated as well.

                                                        Now, since you actually suck and are floating around the 50% winrate and not improving at all, you do not have the right to be frustrated. Sano has 60% winrate and I am pretty sure he's 5k+. If you think you can compare your situation to his, you're just fucking retarded. He'll also be matched with people 1k bellow his MMR pretty often, who have absolutely no idea what to do on that level, and there's only so much you can do. And mind you, all this considered, he still maintains 60% winrate in his bracket which is at least 1k above yours, compared to your 50% winrate.

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                                                          Sure, let's go on a word of something you say that we can't view.

                                                          Not really valid proof, but w/e.


                                                            ^ have you ever heard of burden of proof


                                                              LMFAO kitrak

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                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  ^What can't we view, RRR?

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                                                                    that wd in your last game is my university's team's captain

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      Sano, what's actually your MMR?


                                                                        Oh sweet a rant, I love a rant from baiting.

                                                                        "Now, since you actually suck and are floating around the 50% winrate and not improving at all, you do not have the right to be frustrated."

                                                                        Now see I would be more offended if I didn't know that I already suck. Try a different angle against a person who know's he's not a winner, and you should see differently in your flawed logic.

                                                                        "Sano has 60% winrate and I am pretty sure he's 5k+."

                                                                        Nothing wrong here. Don't know why you need to ride his dick though.

                                                                        "If you think you can compare your situation to his, you're just fucking retarded."

                                                                        Not really saying that "If I was you, don't be a stupid yadayadayada" I'm just pointing out the obvious and saying what I can deduce. Not what I know, like I know that you keyboard warrior to death an obvious troll.

                                                                        "He'll also be matched with people 1k bellow his MMR pretty often, who have absolutely no idea what to do on that level, and there's only so much you can do."

                                                                        In 3k, people happen that to me all the time, so what's your point? You can't really fault someone for not knowing how to play the game if they don't know what they're doing. I can play a mean phoenix, but I know jackshit how to play lich. If he has a problem, then just party up with friends. After all, it's just a number to him.

                                                                        "And mind you, all this considered, he still maintains 60% winrate in his bracket which is at least 1k above yours, compared to your 50% winrate."

                                                                        Still doesn't make up for his attitude. He probably has more experiance than me, (This is the first MOBA game I ever played for a long time and is the only moba that got me into the genre) so him being better than me is a given. What lacks here is his attitude, which you did not address.

                                                                        Thesis: You're riding Sano's dick to puff up your chest against a person who's EGO eclipses a galaxy. There's one thing I mastered and that is debate. Clearly, you have some work to do before attacking giants.

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                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                      Actually I would've lead the speech in the debate team if I didn't turn it down for a job. I ran circles in debates against the actual speech teams to the point where the only way they won, was prevent me from talking. Litteraly having a posse of guys just surround me during English class and try to act big and bad to where they tried violence, (which they did, but ended up getting sent to a special "Non Violent" school). Gives me a hard on till this day.

                                                                                      Still one of the biggest mistakes I made to this day.


                                                                                      You miss my Sadism that much?

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                                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                                            A fucking riot is what I am.

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                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                "Now see I would be more offended if I didn't know that I already suck. Try a different angle against a person who know's he's not a winner, and you should see differently in your flawed logic."

                                                                                                No, the issue is that you are not actively improving and you aren't playing better, meaning you have no reason whatsoever to be frustrated with other people because it's obvious you've hit your ceiling and you're the problem. So if, and since you do know this, you have no reason to be frustrated with other people. If you, on the other hand, have almost 60% winrate in your bracket, are climbing and get people who literally go 0-10 in the first 10 minutes a few games in the row, you are going to be frustrated with your teamates, since you do not do that and you actually play well for your bracket. Do you have sufficient brain power to understand what I just told you? Also it's "knows", not "know's".

                                                                                                "Nothing wrong here. Don't know why you need to ride his dick though."

                                                                                                If there's one thing I loathe it's people who are obviously shitty both at the game and in life spewing shit on other people, who actually have all indications of being superior on both fields.

                                                                                                "Not really saying that "If I was you, don't be a stupid yadayadayada" I'm just pointing out the obvious and saying what I can deduce."

                                                                                                Your deduction skills are terrible, try to gather some data instead of trying to 'think' shit into existence.

                                                                                                "Not what I know, like I know that you keyboard warrior to death an obvious troll."

                                                                                                I don't think you know what knowledge really means, though, and for someone who appears to try to abuse philosophy to some extent, your usage and definition of it is extremely lackluster.

                                                                                                "In 3k, people happen that to me all the time, so what's your point?"

                                                                                                At 3k, there's enough of a big player pool that you barely ever get people 200-300 MMR bellow you. If you're 5k or close to 5k you can get matched with people who are literally 3.9k or 4.2k and compared to the skill level of a 4.8k or 5.5k player, those are terrible. You're never going to play at 3.8k and get 2.8 teammates, there are too many players in that range for that to happen. Let's not forget account buyers who run rampant in that MMR bracket.

                                                                                                "You can't really fault someone for not knowing how to play the game if they don't know what they're doing. I can play a mean phoenix, but I know jackshit how to play lich. If he has a problem, then just party up with friends. After all, it's just a number to him."

                                                                                                At 4k+ sure you can. If you pick something you can't play, your fault. If you play CM while you only play two heroes, your fault. If you can't play the game at all at 4k+, still your fault because you bought the account or paid somebody to boost you, etc.

                                                                                                "Still doesn't make up for his attitude."

                                                                                                Well, compared to you, he's Jesus.

                                                                                                "He probably has more experiance than me, (This is the first MOBA game I ever played for a long time and is the only moba that got me into the genre) so him being better than me is a given. What lacks here is his attitude, which you did not address."

                                                                                                I did, and he's not a 12 year old retard nor does he act like it. Unlike you.

                                                                                                "Thesis: You're riding Sano's dick to puff up your chest against a person who's EGO eclipses a galaxy. There's one thing I mastered and that is debate. Clearly, you have some work to do before attacking giants."

                                                                                                No, I am defending somebody against accusations that you can't make based on the available data, because you're too busy "deducing" (which, in your head, means simply making shit up). Nope, you mastered jack shit, somebody who's good at debate actually wins some and uses consistent logic, what you're doing would never pass in a real debate, since you believe that deduction means making shit up. And it's laughable that somebody who had to boast about his IQ now claims to be a giant, AND acuses others of having a huge ego. That's extremely ironic.

                                                                                                Also, mind that I don't consider this a debate, so I am neither formal or consistent enough on my own, because there's no debate with people who are as bad at it as you are. And for someone asking for a ton of proof on easily available data, you seem to make a ton of shit up/spread obvious lies/say a lot of unfalsifiable shit without any backing. Nice job.

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