General Discussion

General DiscussionNew patch sucks.. rant + recommendations. Feel Free to add suggestion...

New patch sucks.. rant + recommendations. Feel Free to add suggestions no dis pls don krugers in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    New meta sucks. Lower skill players. People who have mics but don't communicate about strategy or what they are about to do, but using it to complain or put music WTF? Thanks Heroes of the storm & League of Legends for telling Dota to lower game time from 50+ minutes to 20-30.

    Geting ratted by NP+1 (CK/PL/Brood/TB) and almost no tower bd protection now since rax and tier 3 melts like butter. Feelsgoodman.

    Also promoting 4-5 gank train mentaility with no skills involved I feel like I'm in LoL sometimes. With just 1 kill netting like 600+ gold for 5 people wtf? Sure it's fun to see pro tournament with action every 2-3 minutes but nowaday it's constant gank train like dota 10v10. Rubberband is real!

    Let's face it Meepo exp shared bullcrap with a level 19 meepo vs. level 11 on other team is unreal. 15 minute radiance mid alch and 30 minute 6 slotted what?

    Also macro key invoker with tornado, emp+ blast with meteor dealing 3k damage to 5 players, using script is just not fun. Then there's the solo lane slark with 5 last hits going in around 20 minutes, then 15 minutes later going 15-1 getting over 600+ gpm late game wtf? Then there's the 38% winrate solo rank picking IO, who later sends ally to enemy fountain whomever didn't disable help from him, WTF? Or that 20 minute naix jungling, coming out with midas/treads and losing to support techies, WTF.

    Then there's people who get batrider and don't go blink, WTF? Or offlane Tide who gets mek over blink is this slasher's way tide? run in to mek and die? Then there's that trilane safelane morphling that the team ignores for 20 minutes and gets 600+ gpm and 2 shots everybody 20 minutes later.

    Lastly people who pick rhasta and don't push towers and tier 1 or tier 2 towers still up 40-50 minutes into the game.

    What I would like to see in dota 2:

    1) Another tier above Daedalus/desolator/Agh scepter to stop banking buyback money. That way carry vs. carry, the one that saves bb won't have the upgraded tier 2 elite weapon and most likely lose the fight. Harkens back to level 5 vs. 6 1v1 or sc2 marine upgrades.

    2) More INT item damage mitigation whether it's a new apothic shield like tango/mango item or a pipe like INT-based shield to have Int heroes be more viable late game. Dota 1 had viable carry lina/dazzle why can't dota 2?

    3) Longer Cooldown on TPs. 70 second cooldown for 5 people is way too little. It should be 140 seconds or more. Maybe even reduce it to 10 scrolls initially and 2 new ones every minute. Also the tp channel time 3/5/5.5/6/6.5 should be longer like 3/6/9/11. Having buyback and rejoin a fight 5v5 is really way too dumb. Having 6 seconds vs. 3 isn't a big deal considering most 5v5 last around 10-15 seconds. It would really stop people from rage buybacks and just coming back to last hit players who indeed deserve the battle victory.

    4) Just increase the damn hero levels to 50! 25 is not enough for Alchemist, you know you wanna see a level 50 TB and meepo!

    5) If we're gonna add LoL items like fairy fire and crap. Might as well add 2 extra slot only for consumables. That why there's no excuse for C9 no TP cuz I'm 6 slotted EE-chan derps.

    6) Stop copying Heroes of the storm that isn't even a real moba. Stop copying League of Legends that game is all about hero picks and 5 man steamroll. What made dota great was the 2v3, 3v3, lane fights and random jungle incursions, not constant smoke ganks or 5 man no skill gank train pubstomps. Stop promoting low skills, how about promoting good skill mechanics like last hitting, animation cancelling, juking etc... the old dota 1 stuff.

    Nuff said feel free to vent, commend and subscribe, lol. And stop commenting on my normal skill bracket you 500 win smurfs.

      Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock
        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
        acc buyers in my team

          stop posting,
          aint nobody got time for your bitching normal skill.

          < blank >


            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              wish DB had ignore so i can ignore all the smurf tryhards can't even contribute. I'm just a few steps from IP blocking dotabuff since it's full of dun kruegers

              acc buyers in my team

                said normal skill 5k games bitching warrior.


                  HotS is a real moba. quite fun too tbh. the only resource is XP, thats all.

                  Add Defianc3#1226 if anyone wants to do hots whenever

                  the realm's delight

                    holy shit

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      @Kathy no flames pls smurf you sock poopet.

                      Pale Mannie

                        The time is fine but not the perma 5 man strats

                        < blank >

                          Kotol gif mana


                            dotabuff forum is great because i can see that op is in normal skill and ignore his wall of text

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                              D the Superior
                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                D the Superior
                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                    Not being rude but how are you still normal skill after 5k games? I know people who have got to vhs in 2k games???

                                    < blank >

                                      Kitrak give me some 1v1 mid coaching

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt


                                          < blank >

                                            Well 7/10 of your top heroes are mid heroes wut


                                              who would u build silver edge for as enigma lmao

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                  the fuck how are you still normal skill after 4k games? andn with 2k games of ranked, i know thats not casual.


                                                    N O R M A L S K I L L B O Y S


                                                      N E W M E T A S U C K S I H A V E 5 0 0 0 G A M E S S T I L L N O R M A L S K I L L
                                                      N E W M E T A S U C K S I H A V E 5 0 0 0 G A M E S S T I L L N O R M A L S K I L L
                                                      N E W M E T A S U C K S I H A V E 5 0 0 0 G A M E S S T I L L N O R M A L S K I L L
                                                      N E W M E T A S U C K S I H A V E 5 0 0 0 G A M E S S T I L L N O R M A L S K I L L
                                                      N E W M E T A S U C K S I H A V E 5 0 0 0 G A M E S S T I L L N O R M A L S K I L L


                                                        I love how people are bringing up his skill level as if what he says isn't true. In the few games which I have been able to bring myself to play recently I have had to go either offlane or mid every single time because those are the only lanes you can win from. Safelane carry is impossible to play because you get aggressive dual laned every single time and the only thing which decides who wins is which offlaners fuck over which safelaners more and since you can't count on your own team to shut down the enemy carry you have to be the one to do it.

                                                        Or you can't rely on your mid hero to at least break even with the enemy mid hero so you need to take that lane in order to do alright - and I'm talking about people who normally play safelane carry being forced to go mid btw, not you 'mid only' players. You're the ones who we have to replace because you are always worse than what you think.


                                                          Such long meaningless posts
                                                          Relentless alt?


                                                            ^ayy lmay

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              more smurfs? how many smurfs do u have?

                                                              acc buyers in my team

                                                                What difference does that make if i post from my smurf etc.?

                                                                Are u fokken dense?

                                                                If it makes you happy:
                                                       5.4k (old acc)
                                                       4.7k (troll acc)
                                                       only psychic people can predict the solo mmr since it's not calibrated. (playing with lowskill people acc)

                                                                u want to suck my deek now?

                                                                N O R M A L S K I L L B O Y S

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  smurf account I heard u people make new ones every 2 months. SMURFS are CANCER TO DOTA. First I didn't mind the drow pickers back in 6.83ish. Then it was troll, then it was smurf slark. Meepo smurf, troll smurf lol ur gud.

                                                                  Maybe u smurfs don[t know but there's people who played thousand of hours in dota 1, hon and dota 2. You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                                    How the fuck are smurfs cancer to dotes? The cancer of dotes are account buyers, boosters (ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i know, HATE ME FUCKERS), intentional game ruiners and lastly, people with 5k games and still stuck in N O R M A L S K I L L because of Dunning Kruger


                                                                      dude ur not improving in this game better play some other game

                                                                      Mr. Furryhentai
                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                        D the Superior
                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                          acc buyers in my team

                                                                            ban incoming.

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              Meepo and alch are not even in the meta. Techies is dogshit.

                                                                              People who go blink on tide are morons. GG are usually better. You don't need to initiate if you just push towers as a team. Enemy either initiate on you and you have one of the best counter initiation spells or they let you get their towers. What's blink gonna do when ravage is on CD.

                                                                              Desolator and aghs are not even high tier items you don't know what you are talking about.

                                                                              Core lina is just as viable. Dazzle carry is shit, and it was never possible, its just that people on Garena or whatever platform you played on were utterly shit and every hero was played as a carry

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                              acc buyers in my team

                                                                                u heff better winrate on AM than me

                                                                                Paid actor


                                                                                  "People who go blink on tide are morons. GG are usually better. You don't need to initiate if you just push towers as a team. Enemy either initiate on you and you have one of the best counter initiation spells or they let you get their towers. What's blink gonna do when ravage is on CD."

                                                                                  yea why do u need dagger on tide when u r against disruptor/naix/omni/voker and everyother hero who has bought a bkb....they will just walk on u and pop the bkb/magic immunites and they gonna dare u to use ur ravage, good fckin luck on ur counter-initiation...Im surprised how some1 in High skill can make a generalization about a hero that a huge number of rly high mmr players and proffesional players play exactly on the countrary of the way u described. It is true that dagger aint always necessary, but more often than not u need that item.

                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                    OP wont ever post again. good job everyone


                                                                                      BRO YOU HAVE 5,000 GAMES LMFAO




                                                                                          OP: You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.You dn't get better after a certain amount of games.

                                                                                          HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET BETTER THEN LMFAO

                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                          THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                            "Stop copying League of Legends"

                                                                                            Farming Simulator

                                                                                              Wannabe japanese name ? check.
                                                                                              Anime picture ? check.
                                                                                              5k games and still normal skill ? check.

                                                                                              Considering the facts, your opinion is worthless, now fall back in line.


                                                                                                Wow Himouto! Umaru-chan great suggestions, keep it up, proud of you.

                                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                                  @dav i didn't say you dont get it at all.

                                                                                                  And this meta is more about fighting around your Invoker/OD/DP so u just stick to them, push towers etc. I'm not saying its not better in defensive situations but if you are the one pushing GG is generally better.

                                                                                                  @Blunt ya idk, it went down a lot this patch. Used to have like 64% winrate on him, i guess it maybe was like that just because it was 6.84 full of leshrac and storms


                                                                                                    yea relentless is never this butthurt it cant be him


                                                                                                      by the way OP do u just build shadow blade on every hero?

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        hmmm ye m8 interesting points but have you considered euthanasia