General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Aquila OP?

Is Aquila OP? in General Discussion

    Do you think this item is too good for what it costs?


      Perhaps only for agility. Still, I see no reason to change this item or how to change it beside adding a recepie, which would then make it shit.

      Livin' Real Good

        This is one of my favorite items seeing as I love agility heroes, so fuck off, don't even start, then this will become a trendy placebo effect, then people will complain cause they see others complaining (little do they know that those complaining are complaining cause others are complaining) then nerf something that didn't need nerfing, item is fine.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          people bought it so much in previous patch but now it kinda vanished
          idk why


            coz vlads is better ^


              is OP aquila?



                Dire Wolf

                  No, not really. The only thing that sorta makes it op is it's a 1 slot item. Look at comparative items.

                  Bracer, a bit more expensive than wraith band for who knows what reasons, equally good for strength heroes. So it's a bit more value than a bracer. Take more equal value, two bracers on a str hero:

                  two bracers, 1050g, 18 dmg, .82 armor, 228 hp, 6 ias, 78 mana, .24 mana regen.
                  Aquila, 925g, 18 dmg, 4.26 armor, 57 hp, 9 ias, 39 mana, .77 mana regen. Really the armor is the huge difference, and mana regen, but bracers get you four times the hp. Is that worth the tradeoff? Probably. So if two bracers could combine into 1 slot I'd say it's pretty equal.

                  Wand, really cheap great stat item. Same stats as the bracer minus the dmg, but you get amazing returns on wand charges. If you do this + bassy it's probably better than aquila, but again, two slots.

                  Yasha, 2050g, 16 dmg, 2.26 armor, 31 ias, 8% move speed. Maybe it's a little silly to compare an item that always builds into something else, but a plain yasha is often used for farming on agi heroes and finished into manta at a later time like after bkb sometimes. For double the price you get a lot more IAS plus move speed. It's maybe not quite worth 216% an aquila, but again, having a big stat item in one slot costs more.

                  Medallion is pretty close in costs, similar regen, a ton more armor until you use it for debuff. The raw dmg ought to be a lot more, but it's on a cd, is an active etc. So there's tradeoffs.

                  So it's not really op, that's kinda how dota works, cheaper items are amazing value per point of stats, you pay a premium to get a ton of stats in one slot. Like branchers, 50g per stat, whereas an ult orb is 210g per stat. But you can't load up on 10 gg branchers, you have no inventory. Gloves of haste are 25g per 1 IAS, hyperstone is 36.36g per 1 IAS, but again, takes almost 3 gloves of haste to equal one hyperstone (plus hyperstone builds into stuff).

                  Let's just say you load up on cheap, cost effective early game items on like jug for example. You save a spot for tp and go treads, aquila, drums, wand, s&y. Suddenly your slots are filled and it's like minute 20-25. You can sell items off, like wand, easy to sell and get return on investment, but drums? Not worth selling til you use all the charges. Aquila? Easy to sell off, but again not worth it over just a bracer unless you did a lot of fighting and used mana. So that's the tradeoff, how quickly you fill slots and sell items back.

                  Really I think the issue is strength and int heroes have nothing close to as good for one slot. They should make strength and int equivalents where you combine bassy with bracer or null talisman. That might be op for strength though, as they have lower mana pools and costs so the static regen is stronger on them. So maybe give strength bracer + chain mail = new item.


                    Aquila might even be good on stuff like death prophet. If I buy null on an int hero I get three more damage than wraith band...but if I buy wb I can build into aquila. Hmmm


                      ^seems good honestly are u shitposting or srs?


                        I'm being serious. Especially if noone else is building one


                          if u actually want to buy it on a push hero, simply buy the basilus in the early game. you dont need more and the wb isnt giving you more either. just go null talisman + basi or basi only on mid heroes (f.e. invoker), though, you can build aquila on most agi heroes (and its quite good for early game)

                          U are all dogshit

                            Dp tends to blow all her mana basi isn't the kind of sustain you are looking for.

                            Dire Wolf

                              DP doesn't need it, doesn't need the right click with her phase boots, just bassy is enough if you really want it.


                                Its just good, not too good




                                    what is OP

                                    Die Lie Sigh

                                      Guys, Aquila is an item only for agi heroes. Get this thru alright. * sometimes not feels taking lessons to kindergarten kids* wew!


                                        no it's not.

                                        Ferdinand I

                                          True, buy aquila and insta win!


                                            I think it's OP on Riki. It gives what he needs except strength. Usually then I go into SnY or Manta on him and then if I need Vlad's I can break down the Aquilla. Same with PA but it's not really needed on her.