General Discussion

General DiscussionINVOKER with Quas and Wex skill build-up

INVOKER with Quas and Wex skill build-up in General Discussion
Mid or tiny airlines?

    I've been playing Invoker recently in my main, it feels good that I am still around 3k MMR, but I've been raping 4k+ MMR on Normal matches.
    Just want to ask some couple of item build-ups on Q and W. I've been building Orchid, Mjolnir, Moon Shards on late game. Should I add Deso with it? Need some suggestions, please.


      If you go Deso, get it early. Doesn't scale that well into the game. Unless you have money flowing out of your ears. In which case it would be better for you to get A-Cuirass
      I think O-Core is good late game, if you are a caster.

      Btw - normal skill smurf?

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
      Mid or tiny airlines?

        I am actually a one hero down Invo user. Ghost Walk + Cold snap combo. But thank you for the good suggestions, I'll add desolator in my item build-up and Btw, this isn't a smurfed account. Borrowed account, indeed.


          If you are getting deso get it like this - phase - urn - orchid - deso, but get it between 21 ~ 23 mins then u will rape the game and enemy's will cry


            orchid+ assault makes u literaly hit like windrunner ulty while alacrity


              I always cry if I have to play against Invoker with or without Deso.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Get Orchid. After that, if you think the game will go on for a while, you can get a Midas. Maelstrom is cheap damage that also helps you farm. You can also get Aghs obviously, but without Midas you will be low-leveled and without level 4 Invoke, Aghs kinda sucks.