General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to nerf Ursa for pubs

How to nerf Ursa for pubs in General Discussion

    Seriously, all you'd have to do is change Empower from being an 80% reduction in damage to being a 500% HP buff. If people could actually see how many thousands of effective HP he has and stopped wasting time tickling him he'd lose 5% of his win rate overnight :D

    thanks for reading!


      Ursa +alchemist scepter more Enrage


        Ursa is fine. He has high burst DMG and a self-purge/damage reduction, but is easily kited, crap mana, vulnerable to ganks etc.

        < blank >

          Don't touch this hero, he is fine
          I like to play with and against him


            You guys need to work on your English reading comprehension


              Pick Morphling, go mid, farm well, rape ursa = GG EZ.

              Ursa cannot handle a Morphling who has 3-4 core items.

              Even if Ursa has Life Steal/ BKB / Blink, He cannot do shit to a Morphling who's build looks like :Linkens > Manta> E blade > Skadi

              Morph will just kite him and right click him to death, the best part is waiting for ursa's bkb and ult to be down and 1 shotting him and laughing cuz he picked a noob hero and still lost.

              You're welcome.

              Ursa is like the huskar of before, you put him with a hero who is good at keeping heroes alive and he becomes annoying as fuck esp if they have a glass cannon nuking you all down while u have to worry about ursa.

              The best way to handle ursa is with a GOOD mid morph who plays well and farms well.

              OR pick viper and buy manta so when he blinks on you he has to figure out which one, and that 1400 gold item that makes i immune to physical dmg n shit. ull be fine


                if ppl dont understand how ursa's ult works, its their problem. same goes for important cds, spawn boxes etc. - it could be sinplified and added to the game in form of timers/tips/additional stats, but why the fuck would u need it? ppl who cant understand the game should lose.


                  Lol @vinyl what sort of argument is that? Give ursa vlads,bkb and blink and morph linkens, manta,eblade, skadi and what a fantastic surprise, morph owns ursa :-D

                  You've also given morph about 10k worth more items than ursa.


                    @triple you are right but this was just an eyes rolling thread at how if people overlook the importance of the mechanics of the game down here.

                    Whenever there's threads on how to get better it's always about learn to farm or counter pick whereas actually learning the basic details of the abilities and items is generally overlooked

                    play for fan

                      you know what i like about ursa ? you go jungle and get morbid mask in 4 min then u go kill roshan at 4:30 and you are lvl 8 in 5 min
                      noobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        Jungle ursa sucks


                          Safe lane ursa best ursa


                            pick ursa mid vs morph, rape him, end game minute 15


                              Oracle second skill, because that always keep his hands off from you. (Although it's mean giving him "black chocolate")


                                I am ursa player... picking heros with slow counter him so hard like viper, venomancer...