take advantage of her blade skill and use the small camp when the lane is pushed, get supports to stack it rush a helm.
like with sven (although sven is not paper). Your goal is to get HotD and move to jungle asap. Also u need decent support on lane who can outzone enemy offlaner or help u get an early kill.
If lane is hard recommended is to camp the tower, get as many cs as u can and w8 for lvl 6, when enemies will not play that yolo against u, cos u can insta kill offlaner with ult + q.
start with lots of early game stats/regen so u dont get bullied and secure your early laning phase
To summarize - get good enough regeneration - 8 tangs and a salve maybe. Farm till ur pts, mask, go jungle - finish hotdogs, stack ancients, farm it after ur yasha get some kills, get around 300 Cs at 35 mins is 5 slotted. Win game. Type 'ez' in chat l8r
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I find she has the durability of rice paper and effectively melee range + crap animation/projectile. i just can't get early farm in the safe lane.
any tips apart from git gud?