General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is dota a hard game

why is dota a hard game in General Discussion

    outside of the "rofl my team so bad this is why im normal skill" first world problems, most of my friends actually consider league of lols over this because dota is way too hard

    i know that dota is indeed a hard game, it takes you over 1k games to play decently if u didnt play wc3 dota (i didnt play it) but what exactly makes it a hard game?

    cuz if this game was bcoz of bad teammates then lol of legends would be way harder than this

      the depth created by possible permutations of heroes items and strategies

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      plz do

        1k games? rofl.


          200 games are enough to play decently

          plz do

            "decent" topkeklolrofl.


              ^nice BS-straight-into-bkb build, hush


                itt: 2ks thinking they're decent
                it's like saying you can play chess when all you know is how the pieces move.

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                  because DOTA map is bigger than LoL map which made more things to learn, and every champion skills cooldown is longer so you need to have plan when to use it. Punishment system is another thing LoL don't have, if you play DOTA for a long period, you will know that in-game objective is a bit different with LoL, it is not about the killing score, but is about how to weaken your opponent by 'map-space' .

                  In conclusion, I think that DOTA need more gaming-understanding to enjoy it but LoL doesn't. At top level contest, LoL are more mechanical skill-challenging, while DOTA are decision-challenging.

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                  Pale Mannie

                    Filthy casuals playing League of Lowpriority

                    Pale Mannie

                      Too easy lmaoo


                        dota originally is relatively hardcore, as well as wc3 was, but it still became very popular. as far as i understand, LoL is an attempt to make a more casual version of basically the same game, to attract more people; and it was (and still is) a success.


                          a lot of knowledge that is obtainable only in practice and experience (a lot of it), not that much in theory

                          < blank >

                            Do you guys think the Majors take away the TI hype?

                            Venus, MBA

                              League of legends is seen as easier because the map isn't as complex and large as Dota's, there's no stress of losing your own gold when you die, and many things you get in Lol like the ability to blink or teleport are free, whereas in dota you have to buy items like a blink dagger or TP Scroll.


                                I don't know why but I found Dota easier to understand than LoL. Not necessarily easier to play, but the mechanics in Dota seem more straightforward than in LoL. I suck at both games either way so who cares 4head

                                wut up

                                  They make some mechanics change that "make sense" in theory but remove depth from game like denying your creeps. Also changes that just make it easier like vision is simplified, bush vs trees. Skills are low impact and spammable. Every hero can get level 1 Antimage escape for if you make a mistake or try to get ganked. LOL

                                  Legume police

                                    Maaaaan , dying and giving away 1k gold to the enemy carry , basically Dota punishes you more than League , you have to be more careful and decision making is more important.

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      doto is scientifically proven that its harder than chess.

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        No shit

                                        plz do



                                            DotA is much harder because there is just much more. It's like asking why is astrophysics harder than high school chemistry.
                                            Some things that you need to take into consideration to be actually good at DotA:
                                            Turn rate, vision distances (night vs day), attack animation, animation cancelling, mana management (item dropping for efficiency), tread switching, knowledge of map paths with and without cutting trees, creep/hero blocking, etcetcetc.

                                            IIRC, the only thing LoL has is skillshots.


                                              It requires using the brain, a feat that seems too much for some people around...