General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Lancer

Phantom Lancer in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    How is he guys? He got some love during TI then he was hit with a -0.4 agi growth and a Doppel casting nerf to 0.1, and it seems nobody picks him anymore


      It's still a popular hero in lower tier pub games as no one cares about patch notes there but I have also seen some guys wreck enemy teams with it in the most recent patch.

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        the hero is still ok in some forms but the only reason he got some love during TI was because CDEC favored heroes that can fight early and without much farm, PL fits that perfectly the hero is way stronger than any other with just a few items. People call that power level there was also a dotabuff post about it a while ago and Pl's power level is way higher than most of the other heroes with just 2 items.


          also, it on pair with other carries 6 slotted


            ive seen like 1 pl in the last 50 games, and it was a huge fail.


              Good vs Wk, that would be it.

              Óðinn H

                He's okay at best. Not a whatever I can piick this hero every game like before.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  People just forgot about him because of how relevant push strats are right now. I think he is still very very good.

                  Синячий патруль

                    it is still a very reliable late game carry but he is now easier to be caught that makes him harder to splitpush. Agility nerf doesnt affect at all

                    saving private RTZ

                      @aluminium especially that Diffusal now gives more agi and no CD on the charges, which wasn't the case at TI5.

                      @Sam what do you think is the general build for him now? Still the same BoTs, aquila, wand, drums into Diffusal, Manta, Skadi? And do you still skip extra points in W and E for as long as possible or do you just max them out now

                      acc buyers in my team

                        Honestly, you should stay with AM, he is really good atm.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          You shuld definitely max W, not sure about E. Yeah that build is good I guess. You don't always need BoTs and you don't need Drums either if you aren't fighting. Also I like Yasha before Diffusal for farming.

                          Óðinn H

                            "Aluminium: Agility nerf doesnt affect at all"

                            wtf u mean agility nerf doesnt affect at all r u stupid? gt the fuck outa here

                            The problem with PL and all those shit heros Slark r if they at one point in the game get behiind those morphlings and spectres gonna tear ur ass apart

                            acc buyers in my team

                              E 1 point is enough. Stats > passive

                              Óðinn H

                                i used to not go too many points in stats, but now with the agi nerf i just go 4-1-1 and stats till lvl 25 ayy

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  It's 9.6 agility difference at level 25. Yeah it's important but not THAT much.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Yea i go plenty of stats aswell, sometimes until 16 i go only stats with one point in each and maxed Lance, then at 17-18-19 max Doppelganger and at 23-24-25 max Rush.

                                    @Blunt why is AM better now then it was before. I mean, his strongessr recent point was 6.84 and thats because he was counter to meta i guess

                                    Óðinn H

                                      agility difference makes more difference when it's related to pl cuz of ur 20 illusions

                                      and before u would kill creeps in 2sec, now they instead stay alive at 5 hp nd u need to do an extra hit cuz of agi nerf. I guess it's something to get used to. Can't care to play PL slowpoke hero, and I hate those fuckiing CHANGES to put artificial delay on spells

                                      I loved Naix, then Valve put delay on his ulti
                                      I loved PL, then Valve puts delay on Doppleganger

                                      like hoenstly go fukc usrelf

                                      acc buyers in my team

                                        Because am is good against invoker, spectre, morphling and sylla.


                                          He's a situational pick right now. With OD and invoker being popular, PL isn't picked so often anymore. The recommended build is treads, Aquila, wand, drums, diffusal if you're fighting otherwise get bots, wand, diffusal, manta for spilt pushing. A bottle works great on him too.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            How is AM good against Sylla though? Also OD shits on AM.

                                            Óðinn H

                                              AM is good against Sylla boys, you heard it here first!

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Isnt like Sylla a good pusher and it has root so AM cant blink so its basically good against AM?

                                                acc buyers in my team

                                                  AM is good against sylla because of manaburn. AM bassicially makes sylla pre 6.86, meaning no problemo with syllarino.

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Dear god blunt what is that smurf

                                                    Óðinn H

                                                      AM is good vs Lone Druid cause of manaburn

                                                      man go kil ruself

                                                      Óðinn H


                                                        IM FUCKING DONE FOR THE DAY

                                                        acc buyers in my team

                                                          Bye shitstain


                                                            not even sure if am is good against invoker tbh


                                                              this is a blunt impersonator for sure


                                                                what are the carries to go for in this patch then? (except ld)
                                                                jugg morph lycan spectre? am?

                                                                waku waku

                                                                  still very frustrating when nobody bothers to try to kill him and you're just a squishy support


                                                                    This patch the best carries are Troll Warlord, PA and Storm Spirit Kappa


                                                                      PL is quite good, the earlier you level up, the easier the game.
                                                                      I prefer Diffusal to Radiance on him and it works pretty well.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        He's one of those heroes I hate playing against but always seems to suck when he's on my team so idk. He seems shitty yet frustrates the hell out of me when fighting him. So I guess he's still strong?


                                                                          no,. you're just too noob to counter him


                                                                            Works as a last pick if enemy team has no counters, which that works for every hero...


                                                                              21 fucking days ago.

                                                                              waku waku

                                                                                he's like slark which can easily burst down supports except you can't juke pounce since he has diffusal blade