General Discussion

General Discussion-25 forever

-25 forever in General Discussion

    wtf is this shit mmr bullshit.

    Calibration day is over, I get 3k mmr, ok, I get retards in my team no wards, no support no nothing, ok. I play support, I buy wards, I buy courier, I buy smoke and dust and try not to steal and try to be good to my team, guess what? No carry...

    Ok I play carry, I farm and I farm, I get good farm compared to their carry I get ganked I survived, i get more ganked I don't survive, my team afk and afk all the games...

    Now I am at 2.3k mmr I say, ok low mmr, and I pick snowball hero, I try jungle, I try top I try bottom, I always gets retards in my team and their team seems like the swat team... What do I mean by retards? I mean the SB that always charges and dives into their tower feeds early on then goes afk farm, silencers that uses ulti to try and save themselves carries that try and fight instead of farm... that is what I mean by retards...

    And now I sit at damn 2.3k mmr unable to win any games solo... I already have 3 other accounts at 3k and I can work on them but I just want to rise my main account now the damn other accounts....

    yes and you will say now: "you belong there"... but how come on my other accounts I am doing just fine there, winning and such and getting teammates that farm as carry, that ward as support... This is damn retarded, I just don't know how to play this game anymore...

    And now out of sheer frustration I just come here to post yet again that this mmr bullshit is broken... why am I forced to play with the morons and it feels like the oposite team gets a good stable team that can farm support, gank mid gank bottom gank arround plant wards, and deward... this is retarded...

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      Ok, 1st of all you will be mocked for sure for a post like this... but I am interested to see what you are doing differently.

      It's possible you are not playing the same on this account. Can you post the IDs of the smurfs to compare?


        I guess ur not 3k worthy


          Your account doesn't math your post. Your ranked win rate says you've lost 200mmr since calibrating.

          More importantly, stop playing io in normal skill.


            You're feeding in every game L0L you expect to win? You went 7-18 Pudge last game and posted this thread l0l

            plz do

              i know ur feeling, bro. this year started like hell for me. but at the same time, im pretty confident that im losing about 25% of my games, because im bad/tilting/salty. roughly 50% are unwinnable, 25% ez wins.

              Livin' Real Good

                If you fell from 3K to 2.3, chances are, you probably belong there, I know that's the LAST THING you want to hear, cause no one likes being told their not as good as they think, especially people will dunning kruger like yourself, but you should be able to get away with ANYTHING in that skill bracket, even jungle radiant Queen. (which is fun by the way)

                You have 4 accounts man, it's time to face the music.

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                Riguma Borusu

                  I was 1.6k last month, now I'm 2.8k, which is still shit tier, mind you.

                  Guess what, you belong there, and cannot see it. Yes we all get a batch of really bad/unwinnable games, but you have to understand that the skill that you need to understand what you're doing wrong is the same skill that'd make you a better player, so you cannot understand what you're doing wrong because you're not a better player.

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                    i went woods sf in this game


                      check out my skillbuild

                      Livin' Real Good

                        hey hush, since I have Dota buff + now thanks to my friend, I can see if I played with anyone on Dota buff unknowingly before, and apparently I played 2 matches with you during my 2K days. XD


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                          and bro watch a replay of a won game of any player of at least 1k mmr higher than u, and then watch your replay, you will see why you lose games.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I hear you dude, my last 4 games, fucking heaviest shit of my life. And I admit, I made a shitton of mistakes in them but really?

                   barely won this, I made so much space on Lycan. Was more like 6-2 but then I had to suicide raxes just to keep getting medusa farm space. I mean I'd boot tp to a lane, pop necrobook to push and the entire opposing team would come kill me. Arc did jack shit all game.

                   zero fucking space. Veno supports me top, keeps diving tiny and cent, which is a fucking horrid combo to lane vs btw cus toss, stomp, avalanche. Our mid got absolutely spanked. Thank god necro was effective, got just barely enough time to farm a diffusal and manta.

                   you try carrying a np who stays in jungle first 20 mins and a mid who 0-5 vs zeus. At one point it was like 6-0 and zeus was 5-0 vs our mid.

                   again mid gets screwed, axe goes vanguard and pipe before blink, dives every fight 1v5, gg is called. Too heavy.


                              Thanks for the good input and for the bad. I do not agree with the mindset that you belong there.

                              The sad part is that I get to feed late in the game when I just give up cause my team just yokos around the game. Getting queued with people that are generally awful is really depressing and when I mean awful I mean those people that really can't last hit kind of awful. Pushing the lanes all the time... And it feels I'm versus people that have a good idea how to punish these mistakes. I do make mistakes because I am a bad player after all. I am no 4k higher after all. But it's depressing to get queued with these people.

                              Mind you even when supporting and buying wards on cooldown you rarely see good farm from the carry because he gets last hit from the creeps... I even think at this stage buying wards is useless cause people can't watch the minimal...

                              plz do

                                @shadow of mordor
                                must have been when i was stacking w my friends. or was it very long ago? like 2 years? post match id pls :D

                                plz do

                                  stop blaming others and if u really want to win instead of being salty and a loser (like me), u have to play until the end. dont flame teammates and dont throw, play like a boss all the time. sometimes games are won, simply because the other team tilts - just hold the fortress long enough and wait for that moment.

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                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      ^Sven's actually kinda hard to play at 2k sometimes if you have too many carries or no suport in lane against any sorta decent lane though

                                      And by "hard to play" I mean "you should still win 80% games @ 2k, but at some points you'll lose your lane ridiculously hard, and then have no space to farm"

                                      I kinda gave up playing safelane @ 2k (now I'm 2.9) because you just cannot depend on the team not to pick retarded shit like alchemist naga ld np along with your pick.

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                                      Livin' Real Good


                                        It wasn't 2 years ago, cause I started ranked on Jan 2015, at 1.9K MMR, now i'm 4K, literally just got 4K, so it took a year.

                                        I downloaded the game in late 2013, but game was barely playable on my PC at the time, then after Xmas, got a rig upgrade, played other games, met some people online April 2014, started playing Dota, felt the magic that was Dota, played pubs all that year, started ranked in Jan 2015, now i'm here. :D


                                        This match says 8 months ago, so damn, It hasn't been very long since my 2K days. WOW. gnerbgjhbggjbgergljb O_O

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                                        plz do

                                          oh nvm, its u yorkey. i didnt recognize u. u finally reached 4k. grats to elo hell ;)

                                          Da Cosmonaut

                                            Bro if u need help you should try to pm me if interested. I am 5.7k solo and available amytime via


                                              Pick injoker, u will boost up fast lol
                                              Mine from 2800 party to 3450 now


                                                pick lc before your team does, so that moron wouldnt go jungle and KILL THE GOD DAMN SMALL CAMP FIRST INSTEAD OF USING IRON TALON ON THAT GOD DAMN LARGE CAMP

                                                i swear these people are the reasons why jungler lc has so shitty winrate

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  ^there's certainly a difference between "lemme get that 7 minute blink and get active" and "lets farm shadowblade and treads until 15 minutes because I am inefficient as fuck".


                                                    try playing ganking heros to create space for your carry. sometimes you dont even need to rely on a carry if you're ganking and killing enough

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                                                      especially at your lower bracket when people generally dont ward as often and as effectively


                                                        prob stop dying 10+ times every games is a good idea


                                                          Hey man, we've all been there..... (maybe not all of us.. but a lot) I know the grind as well as anyone.. My account started me at 800mmr, I am now 4k, and That was a Brutal climb. I had to wade through the worst players imaginable and influence the game enough to win... The good news is that it can be done. I know the feeling when you're honestly trying and taking the game very seriously, but you just keep losing. My personal advice is to look up the people who have the highest win rates with some of your favorite heroes(they are listed on dotabuff), download their replays and learn as much as you can about what they are doing different that you. This alone has helped me tremendously. Good luck.


                                                            Stop feeding


                                                              try to avoid dying a fuck ton. Also just follow the meta, I was stuck at 4k till I just started picking the heroes with 50% win rates and rose to 5k. You may not want to pick some of the heroes, but hey they win games.

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                                                              A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                SF woods but skilled raze first, what a joke

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  I mock thee OP

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                                                                    You can't expect that you will have a proper game in lower brackets because people want to carry, not support. That's the sad reality about lower brackets. I've been there before and it's really hard to play with toxic players. You must learn to adjust in picking in order to have a nice game. But the problem is some core players can't really play it well. Therefore, it's luck and skill to raise your mmr. If you really keep on losing, then you really need to improve. Maybe, you really belong in that bracket....

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      Just keep focusing on improving your gameplay and adjusting according to the circumstances of the game. A lot of my initial problems in supporting such as roaming patterns and ways of harassing the enemy offlaner were addressed due to watching guides from pros and learning how my team would adjust from the game.

                                                                      I went from 3.1k to 3.6k from support only. Hopefully I get to keep moving up

                                                                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                        1 game you can have it and say that your team was the reason

                                                                        2 games? fine I'll give it to you but more than that and the only problem is you

                                                                        there are certain games that cant be won from the start itself....mostly because the drafting got you f*cked or you're up against a party or you get a feeder mid

                                                                        but in a row? chances are pretty'll have to look at what you did really



                                                                            Queen of pain can solo 1 vs 5 and embeer too


                                                                              I have noticed a similar pattern lately... I believe Valve is fiddling with the match maker and thus you get huge winning streaks and then they change things up and you end up on the losing end of the said streak.

                                                                              You sometimes get a good team and you steamroll the other team... Other times you get a bunch of monkeys and cant win even if your pick is flawless...

                                                                              I would say that 60% of the games are decided in the hero pick. That is the single most important aspect of the game. You need to do combos on the lanes and counter the other team. This is not always easy to do, but it is the most important piece of the puzzle...

                                                                              In game... Pretty much all are the same shitty skill level and it comes down to how the picks matchup against each other.

                                                                              The one thing that really bothers me in the shitty 1k where I reside is that the people dont know how to farm... Ive seen 45 minute games with carries having 50 last hits etc.

                                                                              You cant win them all and you wont. The match maker is there to make it so.


                                                                                lol delete your shitpost. I'm most unlucky player, every game in MM i playing like 24/8 but still lose. I call my team to push, i call my team to fight etc but I still losing every fucking game... When i'm winning my score above 20/0/20 or 30/2/5. Yeah, sometimes I make mistakes,rages,missplays like a normal human. When i watch twitch in most occassions streamers get easy pts by doing nothing and rage when "4k" trash ruin their game, only know 2-3 streamers like me, who get worst team every fucking game. But your 3-8 PUDGE makes me laugh.
                                                                                P.S. sorry for bad england XD
                                                                                P.P.S. I turn off "public match data" because i'm clinkz abuser...

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                                                                                  I am visage abuser. There needs to be a group for hero pickers/abusers.