General Discussion

General DiscussionObs Destroyer's

Obs Destroyer's in General Discussion

    can any 1 tell me Od items and skill build step wise pls i am going to spam him hehe :D


      Skill build: Usually get W level 1 because the other spells are useless level 1, because Q just wastes your mana, then skill the other 2, then on level 4 depending on the lane max E with a second level in Q or the other way around! Max Q for killing your enemy mid and E if you just want to harrass a bit, because maxing E lets you sustain yourself without having plus 20 Int permamently because of hitting some1, both work.
      Item build: Bottle for rune control, treads, shadow blade(blink if you already got a invis hero, or a support who will buy glimmer), then hex or bkb or shiva's or linken's, depending on your game situation, you can think about it yourself when to be which items


        Nowadays i am thinking about new build on od. For example , u can try to copy sf's early buıild which makes sf more tanky. Ring of aquilia , mekanism than midas than dmg items . What do you thınk about this item build ?


          Mek on OD purty good due to he dont give a fuck about mana really heres how you should level him 1 3 1, after you max prison max passive then orb he can right click pretty good even without orb near top of list of highest starting attack.


            Ring of Aquila OD LmFAO


              ring of aquila wont work on OD. might as well get drums