General Discussion

General DiscussionLast Hit

Last Hit in General Discussion

    What should be the aim for minute 10/20/30/40 and so on?


      20 Min Your Cs Must Be 100


        20 Min Your Cs Must Be 100


          4 cs/min


            depends on if you're supposed to farm, but generally you should aim to 80cs/10 min as carry


              60-100 in first 10 min.
              Afterwards it depends on ur hero

              Miku Plays

                dont just cs get some kills tooo but u should aim for 55cs/10mins


                  This is a dumb metric to look at. It's different on every hero and different depending on what you're laning against. If you go broodmother jungle maybe you should go for 100 lh in first ten minutes. If you go a squishy carry vs a dual offlane that's getting ganks then maybe just be happy with 20 lh in first 10 min.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    What do you mean "aim for X cs 10 min into the game"? 10 min into the game you only get as much cs as your supports and enemy offlaners let you. It may be true even later, e.g when your other core is super greedy and soaks up all farm.

                    Get as much as you are allowed to.


                      80-100 cs is when your opponents are retarded and you do not much more than farming lanes and stacks.

                      Pale Mannie

                        322 creeps per minute


                          Ill answer only for safe lane carry so:

                          -If given free farm (lets say you are a tri or dual lane vs and offlane solo), you should have at least 60.
                          -If they dual lane againts you and you lose the lane you should try to get as many as possible, probably 30 is fine.
                          -If they dual lane against you but you win the lane you should still try to get as many as posible, as long as you have been getting kills you can be perfectly fine with having 40 last hits.


                            I think the general rule for safe lane carry who has a good lane is: get at least 50cs in first 10 mins, then it depends.
                            When I play AM and have a good lane, i tend to go towards 70cs in first 10 mins and maybe 1-2 kills then I know i need to have 200 cs by 20 mins.


                              in easy lane with good supports you should have clsoe to max creeps at 10 (82-83 idk), if lanes not too good you should try at least 50


                                min 20/30/40 heavily depends on the hero (if it has high mobility/cleave/spamming nukes etc)


                                  50-80 10 minutes.
                                  100-150 20 minutes


                                    Feeding helps your last hits

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I did the calculation once and getting every last hit in lane minute 10 is like 84 cs. Wave at 0 has 4 creeps, then every 30 seconds is another 4, and catapults twice or something. It works out to 20 waves of 4 plus a couple catapults. So if you get higher than that u have to hit neutrals. Those saying at least 80 are nuts. You never have absolute free farm or ability to go jungle prior min 10 and not miss lane farm unless you're like am or brood or meepo or something. Just try to get every cs in lane.