General Discussion

General DiscussionDP offlane new meta

DP offlane new meta in General Discussion

    ez Spam KappaPride


      DP mid desolates the potato bracket.

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          I love when the enemy support is bad when I play offlane, I just walk in and do whatever while they pull the creeps while the wave is at their tower


            50% winrate? smart spam tbh Kappa


              its 50.75% so hes making progress

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                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                    DP so broken that she has under 50% winrate in matchmaking and in competitive. Broken is stuff that actually wins games like Spectre/Chen


                      ^ wuaw, thats new for me. Even her 3rd skill is way too broken shes still under 50% winrate huh? 4headdddd

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                          How do you play this hero mid? Anyone to give me tips? Wanna try it out on smurf.

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                            saving private RTZ

                              Why vit booster instead of Point booster first? Isn't like a 100 gold ?differnc


                                shitty wizard

                                saving private RTZ

                                  bump,, i need kitrak to answer my question

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Bumped again


                                      So when does DP get nerfed into oblivion?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I don't get why if she's so good every match with her my team gets stomped middle. She's sub 50% in every bracket except 5k and there is barely 50%. People just ignorant on what her skills do?


                                          I think so. I have played against a few, and they sucked. I honestly am scared shitless when I see her picked on the opposing team cuz I am worried that they will actually know what to do with her. But then again I have seen a few pro's use her so I have an idea of what a DP in the right hands can do.
                                          That's why I am wondering when she will get nerf-nuked.

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                                            more health and can be built into atos instead if game isn't going well is my guess.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              yikes we just got our asses kicked but fighting pugna and lycan blows holy shit, cant even click lycan so many goddamn creeps around and he's so fucking fast. Mid was insanely easy though, they pretty much abandoned it and proceeded to kill our offlane a dozen times instead. That might be part of the issue with dp, you can't gank at all. Well you can but it's easy to sniff out. You can just run from her ult if your team has no disables.


                                                what? playin DP mid i just gank off-lane when the idiots over-extend, and with that slow on DP and her nukes, she rapes.
                                                but i max the e out first

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                                                  So DP doesn't go for Heart nowadays?

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    ok ganked a little more still lost. wtf am i doing wrong? my team is always so bad, won middle, lc destroyed everyone had like 160 duel dmg min 20, even though I hadn't lost a duel to him.


                                                    also I'm having mana issues even with bottle and euls. Should I pick up a bassy or soul ring?

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                                                      Well one thing is the bloodstone... i dont really like that, i usually go for octarine core instead.
                                                      also, Euls is #1 important early game ganking item. used similar to lina, with the silence, or used on yourself if you need to survive

                                                      against an LC all you can do alot. silence, euls his duels. i get scythe as my 4th or 5th item depending on how well game is going. (if team needs help knowing when to push and engage, ill also get drums).

                                                      ik im a normal skill player, but this kind of build has already boosted my MMR 200 in only 8 or 9 games, and I have steamrolled every match .

                                                      also, any decent team will know to focus you, so BKB is a good item to lean into...

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                                                        Im in game now.
                                                        As DP, went 7-0 by 10 minutes with ganks. Took on Dire team, and killed 3 of them solo while team pushed.
                                                        That is what a good DP can do.
                                                        End game result:

                                                        Short version:
                                                        31k hero damage in 27 minutes.

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                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Guess ill have to figure it out. This last game SUCKED. Morph middle he survived fb with 5 hp. Literally 5 hp. PEople always underestimate that first lvl 2 cryp + lvl 1 or 2 sphion combo. But they don't after. So he is losing mid badly, what do they do? Send shadow shaman to top rune every goddamn time. Then they ganked mid multiple times, I survived but had like 30 cs minute 10, it was awful. So that may be a good way to shut dp down, camp her runes cus she goes through mana like crazy.


                                                          So idk, guess I need to gank more and get my carries going.


                                                            You don't want to waste your mana mate. Usually, just sit tight in lane and harass the mid. DP has crazy range and right clicks for early game. After they are around mid health, just block your waves and maneuver the oposing hero to where you want him.
                                                            Makes for casual lane domination. Maxing your 3rd is best for the charges and the slows.
                                                            I was ganking the lanes at lvl 4 and doing fine. Also, it helps to have decent warding and supports. Haven't watched your games so I couldn't tell you what to do better other than itemizing and leveling and harassing.

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                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                  i know i am in normal skill bracket, but i could build a guide for this hero, simply because i love her so much.
                                                                  even as being one of the only good players on your team, you can potentially take on their whole team.
                                                                  if you can watch a replay watch this match:

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    yeah that kinda is what happened, no lockdown on heroes that need to be locked down, they can kite your ult then kill you when it's down. Also had a game with a tiny who got 80 cs in 32 mins. Any time we started winning a team fight sk would ult in and wipe us. Gets impossible if your team is fucking retarded, but very easy if they just don't lose their lanes.