General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get a girl?

How to get a girl? in General Discussion
Milei Presidente

    That's , I feel like I need a girl but I don't know how to get one so I wonder what things makes them go wet


      M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S


        M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S


          These guys don't know what they're talking about. It's all about commendations.

          Livin' Real Good

            Depends, is your MMR high enough?

            Bad Intentions

              Its highly believed that sexy pretty girls likes dem bad boyz :]]


                confidence, which no nerd has. rip.. but you're from Brazil I assume? so lucky you, all the women there have huge butts xD

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                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                  Mind you though confidence=/=arrogance :D :D


                    make 6-7 k solo GL from PIS.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Honestly, all you need is confidence, gotta make her feel like she's lucky to be with you, or she'll wander off, but i'm not saying go around playing mind manipulation games on a girl though, even though they're pretty easy to manipulate. XD

                      Try running, working out, and eating healthier, then tack on some confidence, even that's enough to get most girls. But honestly, all you really need to do is be yourself, you hear that shit in Disney movies all the time, and think you know it, but you don't, especially if you're asking this question. BE YOURSELF, learn to love yourself, how can girls love you, if you don't even love yourself? I've talked to some of the sexist girls you have ever seen, make THEM CHASE YOU, not the other way around, give them a reason.

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                        The aegis of the immortal


                          You need to have at least 6k MMR


                            Show them your feed list


                              go to the gym, rep our ur 120kg bench press x5, flex in the gym mirror for 15-20 mins to boost ur confidence after this. go out to ur car and fix urself a protein shake. make sure u lean up against the side of ur car and drink ur protein shake like a man in the busy parking lot. go home, log on to doto. insta-pick mid (SF or pudge or something). stomp game. tell ur teammates they have to commend u for carrying them 1v9 and hurl some classic doto trashtalk at the enemy team. if u have followed these instructions carefully u will have confidence levels of like 8.3k mmr and u will be ready to get it on with any basic bitch u desire.

                              Miku Plays

                                Girls loves guys who play LC in dota2. Master legion and youre ready to take that girl on your eyes.

                                Farming Simulator

                                  Idiots, the lot of them. Everyone knows girls only care about winrate and kda.

                                  play for fan

                                    you are all just a bunch of virgin fools i guess you never met a girl ever in your life the only thing they care about you is your gold per minute (gpm)
                                    so stop playing support and only pick alchemist or antimage
                                    good luck

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                                    Miku Plays


                                        ... .. .


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                                            Your dotabuff hero ranking matters the most


                                              Send her a pic of your
                                              . .
                                              . . .
                                              solo mmr

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                                                make a joke about eternalenvy and add "ayy lmao" in the end


                                                  Buy helm of the dominator

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                                                  Milei Presidente

                                                    @W h y D o W e F a l l ? i used to be a 3k pleb maybe thats why girls dont look at me
                                                    @我叫肖恩,哈哈 I'm from argentina but here are good butts too
                                                    @犬神 Girls here are so hard so i need almost 7k to impress them
                                                    @Bad Intentions I heard that before but what would make me look badder?
                                                    @ceesa Ill try this asap
                                                    @W h y D o W e F a l l ? "make them chase you" god damn thats next level pro, but i have to train that, very good advice
                                                    @Hero 4 kda 60% winrate not bad at all :d
                                                    @Hatsune Miku That definetly make me look stronger, ill learn some of your tricks, thanks
                                                    @Toilet Carl IIII I'll manage to be the main carry now

                                                    I have no problem with confidence but at the moment to talk with a girl there's no way to no look as a retard.
                                                    Whatever such a good advices, i'm reading u carefuly bros :d


                                                      i recommend roofies


                                                        Someone said you need gpm - that's true for majority of them in their 20's. If you are lucky enough and you find a girl that genuinly likes you and oposite ofc, you hit the jackpot. Nothing is more important than the feeling that someone loves you for what you are.

                                                        But first you got to love and respect YOURSELF and enjoy in your company. If you dont, no one will.

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                                                            How to date using dota2 quotes v0.1

                                                            1) be manly like Axe and grow a beard
                                                            2) ask yourself 'Who's that Handsome Devil?' to improve your selfesteem
                                                            3) approach a nice gal and compliment her: 'Nice choppers! Axe approves!'
                                                            4) don't be afraid to show some passion and 'Chain her (heart) in searing heat'
                                                            5) when it's 'In the bag' use some Tidehunter quotes to spice up the foreplay 'I'm so hungry I'd eat your x'
                                                            6) depends on your skill FOR A NOOB: 'Was it really that bad?' FOR A PRO: 'I'm always at my best.'

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                                                              u dont need these complicated steps if u use roofies. its so op actually


                                                                god damn i didnt realize i missed my bus cos rakugo episodes last 50 fucking minutes the fuck man


                                                                  Why do you think that you need a woman in your life?

                                                                  play for fan

                                                                    ^ you should ask that to his penis :XD

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                                                                      ^ well it already looks like his penis is talking instead of him so yea


                                                                        You kidnap her fool, wtf is wrong with you?