General Discussion

General DiscussionInternet connection problem=GG + ABANDON

Internet connection problem=GG + ABANDON in General Discussion
Mid or tiny airlines?

    Due to poor internet connection most of the players can't no more reconnect and will be suffering LP games. I recommend Valve should fix the pause setting. They should automatically pause the game if someone gets dc and can only be resumed by teammates not by the opponents. It's good for the other side because they have more advantage of winning due to lack of players. I really recommend this, TBH. And for sure Valve won't give a shit, because the Pro's play on LAN.


      Quality post

      Mid or tiny airlines?

        My other accound has now 13 abandons and still needs to win 2 games for me to get rid of these lp games. I am sad. :( How can I cali rate in 3k if I am always like this? Sigh*


          Haha you're far for 3k broski, 4k maybe?

          Mos Likely

            While we are on the topic of ridiculous ideas, Valve should install a system which tracks/identifies and assess your internet connection. Upon seeing that your connection is dog shit they will bar you from finding a game and your screen will be blasted with relentless advertisements for a fruitful and satisfying career in bots matches.

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            Mid or tiny airlines?

              That's a good idea up there, but they just don't give a shit. Because, the big plays are being played on LAN.

              Mid or tiny airlines?

                Check out my other account Idk what is my hidden MMR.

                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                  You abandoned a game soo... Hope you don't get sent to low prio else your dreams of vhs is really fucked.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Can only be resumed by teammates? Uh, no. I have all day to wait, seeing as I don't work or go to school right now, but at the same time, I don't have all day to wait for a Peruvian or Pinoy with a shitty connection (who probably shouldn't even be trying to play with us "high" class Americans Kappa in the first place, it's annoying.

                    nice win streak though, your dota buff page is looking green OP, saving the planet. (I started that, remember! O_O)

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    Mid or tiny airlines?

                      If I get an abandon does that effect my skill bracket?

                      Mid or tiny airlines?

                        If I'm in LP and win through it does that effect my hidden mmr even if it's Lp?


                          yeah sure then i will abuse this shit till all everyone on enemy team leaves the game

                          thanks for that +25


                            your internet connection problems are definetely your problems, and you ruin the game for 9 other players. you totally deserve the lp u get.

                            Mid or tiny airlines?

                              That's actually being unfair, not when we did it in purpose we got dc'd due to poor net connection and that is not our problem but the server. The server gets full we get dc because of the crowded server. But mostly it's because of the poor connection. Valve should put extreme find match striction. They should not let 300+ pings play or they will ruin games and that also helps player to avoid getting abandon. Got my point?

                              Mid or tiny airlines?

                                Those who have 300+ pings should just play bots and not with other players unless their ping gets below 300.

                                Mid or tiny airlines?

                                  Lately, I was playing with my other accound and I was using geomancer suddenly in mid game I got dc'd and I saw the internet connection got dc'd to its server, so I waited and waited until I got reconnected and I was happy because my team mates paused the game and suddenly again I got dc'd "again", I again waited until I got reconnected, but I already got abandoned, because our opponents resumed it. So, I got my lp (2 games) I won the first match, while I was playing my 2nd match I got dc'd even we were on the throne already. So, I really thought I wont get any abandon because Iwas thinking the game has already ended. But not fuck my team they made the game long and wanted to do mega. So, I got my abandon again even tho we won. Now I got 4 lp games left. It just sucks that my opponents really wanted to win as fuck.

                                  SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                    ^ That's funny