General Discussion

General DiscussionLMAO WTF?

LMAO WTF? in General Discussion

    opa dendi



      the realm's delight

        when u thought uve seen it all

        bum farto


          bum farto

            LMAO this is one of those games where we queued in a 2k bracket kappa back when i was spamming slark

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              Kurt messaged me on steam said he send that guy this game and he uploaded it rofl nice slark gameplay kappa.

              bum farto

                PFF, I should get my Axe noticed, got hella games played with loads of fucking good dunks. Need to stop queuing with trash and get top 100 though....

                Paid actor

                  A casual stomp I suppose. Don't wanna kill the fun but I have a hard time seein any flashy play, most of ur kills come from blink dismember or rottin ppl to death. U missed those high range and blind hooks which are the ones that make the difference between a great pudge and just another stomp. Btw that rank 21thing killed me, u r on the same mmr bracket that I am and I'm ranked inside top 100 on a hero but that's far from a proof that I'm good at it especially considering that the mmt is nothing special. Gl tho cheers.


                    ^ I have no clue why you are judging me on 1 game, look at my win rate, look at my KDR look at the amount of games.

                    Why am I even arguing with a 4k retard lol I rest my case, not gonna go bother.

                    Paid actor

                      ^i didnt judge u, i judged that one game, i hardly know u at all to have a refined opinion on all ur dota skills. Why do u get so worked up about an opinion i expressed and end up turining a discusion into hallow bravodo and empty trashtalks. Where did i even insulted u? i even compared u to myself to keep it clean from any wrong idea that it might seem like insulting.

                      bum farto

                        @Dav he's actually a good pudge and it's like saying "you do nothing flashy with juggernaut" its more about the clever decisions he makes when playing pudge that make him good on the hero, stacking kills is something that happens when you're playing lower mmr.


                          buddy u have a hard time even keeping up 50% winrate in ranked ur opinion is irrelevant.

                          waku waku

                            i should have made a video of that time you played pudge vs slark solo offlane and missed a lot of hooks and fed
                            well not all of it was your fault but pubbies will bite it, one time i was accused of letting enemy carry in a trilane farm when i was solo and they literally camped the lane all the time


                              Slark vs Pudge = auto win, I missed like 5 hooks and fed 2 kills and after that I stomped all of them so it's not really a big deal is it? I stomped the game anyways even after I fed the Slark.

                              Paid actor


                                As i said i dont know him, he might be the new w33 for all i know, so i cant tell if he is a great pudge player. What i can tell is that he is a douchebag considering that he takes everything personal and starts pointing guns at a clean non insultin comment some1 can have about him (typical sympthom). About "you do nothing flashy with juggernaut" maybe im wrong but i belive we all know that pudge is a hero that can actually make plays and those magic blind hooks or predictions need far more skill than a jugger or wk or a viper does, i belive we can agree that a pudge needs a higher skill cap than a viper right? its not all black and i white i belive.

                                Anyway i might be wrong its just my opinion, i thought ppl were free to express them in a forum which ironically is build exactly for that. Some1 said that opinions r like dicks, every1 has 1 but that doesnt mean u have to shove it up other ppls throat.


                                I might be 10% winrating in ranked and 1k mmr but i still have the right to express my opinion. U barely know me tho, u r fallin in ur own digged hole judgin some1 without knowin anything about him. Im pretty sure i might be 80% winrate and u would endup tryin to find smth else to point at, thats quite a defensive attitude u keep expressing. Lol jesus christ if u dont want negative opinions (and that wasnt even negative i belive) just say it man its pretty simple for me to sugarcoat it.

                                Chill u r doin great...

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                                  A lot of ppl on Dotabuff are flaming douches that want to live in their own world of DotA supremacy, so don't bother replying to such threads where the last insult "wins" ;-)


                                    What i can tell is that he is a douchebag

                                    buddy u are absolutely irrelevant, it's even interesting how trashes like you can be in very high skill.

                                    Paid actor




                                        Haha, Hanter getting flamed for his great Pudge, where is this world going...

                                        @Dav - if this guy picks pudge mid, you know sth is gonna happen over map and people will get killed so even on his bad game he does his job, for the difference of many many players.


                                          So many c*cks*ckers and fanboys, this guy is just above average Pudge and that's it. Try harder mate.


                                            ^ XD a smurf isn't that just hilarious, let me guess u are Trashnatoli?

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                                              Haha, Kumbo mad again and flaming people on brand new profile, what a surprise XD I guess 5k is too hard to get, so lets make new one after this one right xD


                                                Oh wait it's Kumbo, you're the reason we lost that other game before, keep making ur smurfs trash can and u wonder why you can't climb.

                                                Paid actor


                                                  Holyshit u ppl r fckin blind!!! Where did i say that his pudge sucks or that he is a bad player????? fckin quote that shit!!! All i said was that when u see a youtube vid on a pudge (from soem1 who has posted games of Miracle w33 fear etc) u expect some flashy plays. HOly shit get over it already


                                                    Hanter is Love, Hanter is Life bro! xD


                                                      cen i hev autograf


                                                        ^ ofcourse brathiska.


                                                          this channel is run by a brazilian

                                                          tl;dr u got highlighted in a br channel congrats kek


                                                            ^ Don't we all love those well mannered brazillians.


                                                              That fucking Tusk looks like a second Pudge.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Tl;dr is longer than the actual text. Also sano, do you know Sepultra?


                                                                  Your mileage may vary, but I'd say don't bother with anything after "Arise", but I'm picky with what I listen too, so judge yourself with a few songs. Their style changes dramatically each 2 albums or so.


                                                                    I know them. Pretty good band for coming out of SA :)


                                                                      you mean sepultura? yeah i dont really listen to them but its probably the most famous brazilian band worldwide


                                                                        4k pudge in 2k pubstomp game.

                                                                        "top 21 pudge"


                                                                        .. ok.

                                                                        i could play just as good of a pudge and i have like 6 games with him.

                                                                        edit: 24 but w/e

                                                                        and before your vagina splurges, im not saying your pudge is bad, but it isnt amazing, and absolutely not top 21.

                                                                        PS: the ranking system is literally garbage. "Apparently" I'm a better ursa or meepo(im actually garbage at him now) than I am at antimage or ember simply because I have more games on it back when I spammed it in 3k (or 4k for meepo) when I first calibrated 4 years ago. And apparently my antimage is garbage because I had a 25% win rate with him 3k bracket when I had no fucking idea what I was doing, and now that I have a 70% win rate with him I'm still trash because the all time average is only 55% or so.

                                                                        The system is designed by monkeys, its only there to bait out dotabuff plus purchases. It's too bad it's not better because then instead of me being curious once a year, I'd actually try to grind out my best heroes and subscribe permanently to dotabuff plus.

                                                                        o well

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                                                                        Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                          pls dont waste forum goers time thanks


                                                                            Thank you Marlan for your blog, I enjoyed it.


                                                                              Just let him live in his fantasy world that he is a good Pudge, maybe that will help him reach 5k one day.


                                                                                Glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time I won't use a forum to speak my mind because that's crazy.

                                                                                Maybe if you realize your pudge sucks you'll find a hero you're actually good at. I thought I was a good Meepo, I'm not. My true calling is ember.


                                                                                  You guys are trying way too hard to get me mad XD


                                                                                    As funny as you are when mad, just trying to help you see the truth and not be in your dunning kruger bubble.


                                                                                      ur analysis is super flawed, his pudge is pretty good, what stops him from being better isn't how skilled he is at the hero but how skilled he is at the game


                                                                                        As funny as you are when mad,

                                                                                        You're implying you've seen me mad before? When?

                                                                                        I don't recall myself being mad when I'm on the internet.



                                                                                            Lol, only thing holding back Hanter not getting his 5k is tilting and ocassional flaming, not focusing enough on his own play, but that's a rarity lately, thats why he's 4.8k now. Other than that he's a good player, i played few games with him and was super easy to win. Especially on Pudge he makes a lot of space and is active on map and wants to play with his team. If you cant win when he's playing Pudge there's something wrong with you, i only wish my mids would make this kind of space for me :)

                                                                                            Paid actor

                                                                                              ^he aint at least 5k? is this some kind of im a 7k guy but gaben keeps me down, or i dont rly try coz i already know im good? I mean i can understand some1 sayin to me that im 4k trash even tho im constantly on the border of 5k, still thats understandable despite being rude as hell and alogical at its best, but aint it a bit over the board of flamin and denegrating some1s argument with pointless insults to the point that those pointless insults actually in the most sarcastic way apply to u? i mean if this is the case, thats some next lvl shit xD


                                                                                                It's DB forums dude, it can get a lot worse than that xD

                                                                                                Paid actor

                                                                                                  ^ i dont wanna know about it then (JESUS CHRIST LORD ALLMIGHTY)

                                                                                                  eee...well it was fun talkin, have a nice day and ignore my comments pls

                                                                                                  Cheers :)



                                                                                                      pointless insults to the point that those pointless insults

                                                                                                      good shit